Luke Resecker is a teen from Texas who has been charged with six counts of manslaughter relating to a crash that would kill a family of six
According to police reports seventeen year old Luke Resecker was high on marijuana when he would drive the wrong way down into oncoming traffic and striking a van filled with seven people killing everyone inside except one who suffered critical injuries: Rushil Barri, 28; Nageswararao Ponnada, 64; Sitamahalakshmi Ponnada, 60; Naveena Potabathula, 36; Krithik Potabathula, 10; and Nishidha Potabathula, 9 would die in the crash
The accident which took place in December 2023 finally made its way through a Grand Jury and now Luke Resecker has been officially charged with the following: six counts of intoxication manslaughter with a deadly weapon and six counts of manslaughter with a deadly weapon, two counts of intoxication assault with a deadly weapon and two of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
Luke Resecker who suffered injuries during the December crash was released on bond
Luke Resecker News
18th District Court Judge Sydney Hewlett on Tuesday arraigned a Glen Rose resident on 16 counts connected to a Dec. 26 crash that left six dead and several seriously injured.
The driver, Luke Garrett Resecker, 17, has been indicted on six counts of intoxication manslaughter with a deadly weapon and six counts of manslaughter with a deadly weapon. Grand jurors also indicted Resecker on two counts of intoxication assault with a deadly weapon and two of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
Resecker, according to his indictment, operated a motor vehicle in a public place while intoxicated on Dec. 26 and, by reason of such intoxication, caused the deaths and injuries of others. The indictment does not list the controlled substance or substances Resecker is alleged to have consumed.
According to the manslaughter counts of his indictment, Resecker on Dec. 26, by recklessly driving his vehicle into the oncoming lane of traffic while in a no-passing zone causing his vehicle to strike an oncoming vehicle.
The accident occurred about 4 p.m. that day near the intersection of U.S. 67 and Farm-to-Market Road 1119 about 4 miles northeast of Nemo. Law enforcement officers and firefighters from Cleburne and Bono responded to the scene.
Investigation at the time revealed that Resecker was traveling south on U.S. 67 approaching a Honda Odyssey traveling north on the same road when he crossed into oncoming traffic.
Resecker’s Silverado struck the Odyssey head on resulting in major damage to both vehicles, according to Texas Department of Public Safety reports.
The crash killed six passengers in the Odyssey and caused critical injuries to a seventh.
The driver of the Odyssey, Rushil Barri, 28, was among those killed. A boy, 10, and girl, 9, in the Odyssey were also killed. Also killed were a female, 36; a male, 64; and a female 60.
Only two of the six were wearing seatbelts at the time of the crash, according to DPS reports.
A passenger in Resecker’s Silverado also suffered serious injuries in the crash.
Resecker suffered serious injuries as well.
The conditions of Resecker’s bond prohibit him from driving at all among other requirements and conditions.
Resecker continues to recuperate from injuries suffered in the accident, according to court records.
No trial date has been set.