alabama death row

Alabama Death Row Inmate List

alabama death row

Alabama Death Row for men is located at the Holman Correctional Facility. Alabama Death Row for women is located at the Julia Tutwiler Prison for Women. Alabama primary method of execution is lethal injection.

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – Women

Patricia Blackmon

Tierra Capri Gobble

Lisa Carpenter Graham

Heather Leavell Keaton

Christie Michelle Scott

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – A

Donnie Abernathy

Nicholas Acklin

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – B

Bobby Baker

James Barber

Christopher Barbour

Rex Beckworth

Michael Belcher

Rick Belise

Brandyn Benjamin

Rick Belisle

Kenneth Billups

Jerry Bohannon

Anthony Boyd

Timothy Boyle

Jimmy Brooks

Donald Broadnox

Anthony Brown

LaJeromeny Brown

Michael Brown

Wakilli Brown

James Brownfield

Jerry Bryant

Alonzo Burgess

Willie Burgess

Charles Burton

William Bush

Roderick Byrd

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – C

John Calhoun

Dontae Callen

Taurus Carroll

Michael Carruth

Peter Capote

Charles Clark

Eugene Clemons

Sherman Collins

Jordan Creque

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – D

Donald Dallas

Jimmy Davis

Melvin Davis

Donald Deardorff

Derrick Dearman

John DeBlase

Oscar Doster

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – E

Dionne Eatmon

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – F

Thomas Ferguson

Cedric Floyd

Christopher Floyd

Demetrius Frazier

David Freeman

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – G

Jovon Gaston

Keith Gavin

Larry George

Carey Grayson

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – H

Artez Hammond

Westley Harris

Christopher Henderson

Gregory Henderson

Dennis Hicks

Melvin Hodges

Gregory Hunt

Christopher Hyde

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – I

Michael Iervolino

Shawn Ingram

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – J

Shonelle Jackson

Joe James

Mark Jenkins

Bart Johnson

James Johnson

Toforest Johnson

Antonio Jones

Jeremy Jones

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – K

Michael Kelley

Ronnie Kirksey

Justice Knight

William Kuenzel

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – L

Thomas Lane

James Largin

Jeffrey Lee

Michael Lewis

Randy Lewis

Stephon Lindsay

Courtney Lockhart

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – M

Albert Mack

Corey Maples

Aundra Marshall

William Marshall

Brent Martin

Ellis Mashburn

Michael Maxwell

Heath McCray

Earl McGahee

James McGowan

Calvin McMillan

Casey McWhorter

Alan Miller

Jamie Mills

Brandon Mitchell

Alfonzo Morris

Robin Myers

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – N

Craig Newton

Harry Nicks

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – O

Jason Osborn

James Osgood

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – P

Cuhuatemoc Peraita

Roy Perkins

Ryan Petersen

Steven Petric

Bobby Phillips

Jessie Phillips

Michael Powell

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – Q

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – R

Matthew Reeves

Michael Reynolds

Jeffery Rieber

David Riley

David Roberts

Wilson Robitaille

Joshua Russell

Ryan Russell

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – S

Michael Sale

Timothy Saunders

Jesse Scheuing

Willie Scott

Clayton Shanklin

Mohammad Sharifi

Aubrey Shaw

Jason Sharp

Corey Smith

Jerry Smith

Joseph Smith

Kenneth Smith

Nicholas Smith

Ulysses Charles Sneed

Michael Sockwell

Jimmy O’Neal Spencer

Kerry Spencer

Calvin Stallworth

Anthony Stanley

Charles Stewart

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – T

Jarrod Taylor

Michael Taylor

Devin Thompson

Kevin Towles

Tawuan Townes

Wayne Travis

Darryl Turner

Anthony Tyson

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – U

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – V

Kim Vanpelt

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – W

Bobby Waldrop

James Walker

John Ward

Charlie Washington

Geoffrey West

Donald Whatley

Justin White

Larry Whitehead

David Wiggins

Marcus Williams

David Wilson

Joseph Wilson

Corey Wimbley

Harvey Windsor

Mario Woodward

Michael Woolf

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – X

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – Y

Vernon Yancey

Brett Yeiter

James Yeomans

Benjamin Young

Alabama Death Row Inmate List – Z

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