Scott Panetti

Scott Panetti Texas Death Row

Scott Panetti texas death row

Scott Panetti was sentenced to death by the State of Texas for the murders of his wife’s parents. According to court documents Scott Panetti would murder his wife’s parents after the two had separated. Scott Panetti would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death. Scott Panetti execution has been delayed due to his mental state as he has been diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Scott Panetti 2022 Information

SID Number:    02817040

TDCJ Number:    00999164


Race:    W

Gender:    M

Age:    63

Maximum Sentence Date:    DEATH ROW       

Current Facility:    POLUNSKY

Projected Release Date:    DEATH ROW

Parole Eligibility Date:    DEATH ROW

Inmate Visitation Eligible:    YES

Scott Panetti More News

The U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals sent the case of a Texas death row inmate with schizophrenia back to district court in a sharp opinion Tuesday. The lower court will have to take another look at whether Scott Panetti’s mental illness makes him ineligible for execution.

Panetti’s case is well known in Texas. He is often the poster child for advocates who argue against the death penalty for the mentally ill. Previously diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, he waived his right to counsel during his original trial more than 20 years ago and attempted to call the pope, John F. Kennedy and Jesus Christ as witnesses.

At issue in the latest development in a long and winding legal saga is whether a federal court would grant Panetti a lawyer, experts and time to present evidence that he is incompetent for execution. His mental competency was last examined in 2007 — the year when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in his case that a death-sentenced person must understand that they’re about to executed and why.

The U.S. District Court for Texas’ Western District denied Panetti’s latest requests, stating that he “failed to show that his mental health had substantially changed” since the 2007 evaluation, according to the Tuesday opinion. But the appellate court rejected the argument and ordered the lower court to grant Panetti’s request and further review his competency.

“The reality is that a decade has now passed since the last determination of whether this concededly mentally ill petitioner is competent to be executed,” Judge Patrick Higginbotham wrote in the three-judge circuit panel’s opinion. “We need not and do not treat the merits of Panetti’s claim that he is incompetent to be executed — that is for the district court after Panetti has been afforded the opportunity to develop his position.”

Panetti was convicted and sentenced to death in the 1992 murders of his wife’s parents in Fredericksburg. His mental illness has always been a key element in all of his legal proceedings since. His appeals have focused on his early diagnosis of schizophrenia in 1978 and stories of delusions that have persisted throughout his life.

According to the appellate court’s opinion, since his last mental evaluation, prison guards have noticed Panetti acting delusional and he has claimed to be the father of singer Selena Gomez and said CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer showed his stolen prison ID card on the news.

Panetti’s defense team said Tuesday they are confident the district court will find Panetti ineligible for execution after further review. The state of Texas has argued that Panetti’s case should be held in state courts based on procedural rules.

“We are grateful that the court found that Mr. Panetti’s nearly four decades of documented schizophrenia and severe mental illness provided a sufficient showing to obtain experts and resources to pursue the claim that he is currently incompetent for execution,” lawyers Greg Wiercioch and Kathryn Kase said in a statement.

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  1. The Huntsville Prison where my Ex Brother-in-law has been as of 1995 After he carefully premeditated the most heinous double murders of both my loving Parents Joe and Amanda Alvarado on September 8, 1992 in our hometown of Fredericksburg, Texas due to a Restraining Order Panetti was served with after my sister and child moved in with my caring parents because of the fact in which Panetti had been going on abusive binges of Daily Marijuana use, Illegal Substances, Straight Whiskey, Beer which then lead Panetti to Mentally, Emotionally and Physically abuse my sister on regular basis including the destruction of my sister’s vehicle while she was at work in order to disable her vehicle from allowing my sister to drive back where She/Child had been residing at our parent’s house for a few months, My parents were very protective and were against violence especially a male Beating/Abusing an innocent female, After my brother in law Panetti was served The Restraining Order Panetti was enraged and began threatening to kill my sister and parents even broke the Restraining Order by confronting my father then roughly pushing around my father at home and continued to tell my father that he was going to kill my family on a Tuesday, Also a day in which Panetti knew my family would be home sleeping that early morning Panetti committed the heinous premeditated murders, My sister and mother kept calling our County Attorney Gerald Schmidt, Sheriff Milton Jung and The Gillespie County Police Department due to Panetti’s continuous death threats and out of fear and their repeated responses were ” Well there is nothing we can do because Panetti hasn’t done anything yet ” Even though The Whole Gillespie County Sheriff’s Department knew of Panett’s Death Threats against my immediate family members Most of our family and friends knew Panetti was driving around town saying he was going to make my family pay and that he was on a mission so before Panetti committed the murders he left his blue heeler dog at a friend’s house while still enraged with anger even after that friend insisted that Panetti leave Fredericksburg for a while and stay away from the Alvarado Family because they are good people, Even after Panetti had stolen rifles from his father after visiting in Wisconsin, Panetti’s own family had disowned him so we were his only family Panetti had left and us Alvarado’s always welcomed Panetti with open arms and Panetti was like the brother I never had and the most intelligent man I had ever known and still is to this very day, Panetti and I spent most of the time together with our children, Taking them to playground Parks, Panetti even babysat my 2 young children when I didn’t have a babysitter while I went to work, Panetti took his toddler daughter to Church on most Sunday mornings while my sister was managing a restaurant, Panetti went deer hunting alot and taught me some deer meat recipes and would care for my husband’s older brother’s horse named Tax and showed me how he made horseshoes over the hot flames as my brother in law Panetti melted the iron to form the horseshoes, Panetti enjoyed writing poems and drawings for fun, Panetti never took psychiatric medications whatsoever and there was no reason for him to because Panetti is as normal as can be in my books plus I personally spent ample happy times with Scott and our children together until panetti began hanging around and spending time with a bad crowd which my sister Sonja then made me aware of his bad decisions, Scott began doing very bad Illegal drugs and hard liquor, That’s what changed in his personality.. As well as I knew my brother in law Scott Louis Panetti, Scott was and continues to be THE MOST INTELLIGENT MAN I HAVE EVER KNOWN OR MET !!! SCOTT LOUIS PANETTI HAS CONTINUED TO FOOL OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM TO THIS VERY DAY AND IS MORE COMPETENT THEN THOSE WHOM HAVE BEEN TRYING TO DEFEND HIS INTENTIONAL PREMEDITATED HEINOUS DOUBLE COLD BLOODED MURDERS WITH THEIR OWN INTENTIONAL FALSE FABRICATED POSTER-CHILD FICTIONAL STORIES, WHILE MY FAMILY MEMBERS CONTINUE TO ASK ME ABOUT AN EXECUTION DATE/TIME/PLACE FOR SOME KIND OF LITTLE CLOSURE TO THIS HORRIBLE CHAPTER OF OUR ENTIRE LIFE, MANY HAVE PASSED ON WITHOUT RECEIVING THE CLOSURE THEY LONGED FOR. THE REAL TRUTH AND FACTS HAVE NEVER EVEN BEEN HEARD OR PUBLISHED ANYWHERE AND IT’S BEEN OVER 30+ YEARS, IN OTHER WORDS ” OUR TRUE STORY/DETAILS OF THAT HORRIFYING DAY OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1992 HAS YET TO BE WRITTEN AND PUBLISHED IN EVERY NEWSPAPER AVAILABLE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD FOR ALL TO KNOW EVERY HORRIFYING DETAIL I CONTINUE TO LIVE WITH AND NOT BEING ABLE TO SEE MY PARENTS EVERY SINGLE DAY ANYMORE YET I CONTINUE TO MISS MY PARENTS DEEPLY, DEARLY EVERY SINGLE DAY, IN MY NIGHTMARES PANETTI CONTINUES TO HAUNT ME AND AS LONG AS SCOTT LOUIS PANETTI #999164 IS STILL BREATHING I WILL NEVER FEEL SAFE. Sincerely, Ms. Alvarado For more info. Contact #7373440788

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