travis mullis

Travis Mullis Texas Death Row

travis mullis

Travis Mullis was sentenced to death by the State of Texas for the death of a three month old boy. According to court documents Travis Mullis would stomp on the head of his three month old son causing his death. Travis Mullis would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Travis Mullis was executed on September 24 2024

Texas Death Row Inmates List

Travis Mullis 2021 Information

NameMullis, Travis James
TDCJ Number999563
Date of Birth09/20/1986
Date Received05/23/2011
Age (when Received)24
Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 
Date of Offense01/29/2008
 Age (at the time of Offense)21
 Hair ColorBrown
 Height (in Feet and Inches)5′ 8″
 Weight (in Pounds)145 lbs.
 Eye ColorGreen
 Native CountyMecKlenburg
 Native StateNorth Carolina

Travis Mullis More News

“The crying after a while just got to be overwhelming,” said death row inmate Travis Mullis.

In 2008, a then 21-year-old Mullis became known as the dad who killed his infant son because he wouldn’t stop crying.

Just hours before that happened, Mullis says he took a friend’s 8-year-old daughter to her school’s playground.

“I attempted to take her clothes off, she wouldn’t do it. She started crying,” Mullis said.

Mullis says his intention was to molest her. After taking the little girl home, Mullis says he left with his 3-month-old son.

“He started crying. I tried to console him. I thought it would work, but it didn’t work. I sexually assaulted him and killed him,” said Mullis. “I put him on the side of the road and stomped on his skull until it collapsed.”

Mullis is not your typical death row inmate. He’s never claimed to be innocent, and he has no complaints about life on death row. He says he’s just ready for justice to be served.

“I’m guilty of what I did and the death penalty is the legally justified and I believe morally sentence for what I’ve done,” he said.

Mullis knows he could spend many years here while the appeal process slowly grinds.

He’s filed a motion to stop his federal appeal and get rid of his attorney.

“I’m ready to accept my punishment,” said the death row inmate.

We asked Mullis, who says he’s a Christian, where he would be spending the afterlife.

“If I go to hell, I go to hell,”  Mullis said, then mentioned that he asked God to forgive him a long time ago.

Travis Mullis Execution

A Texas man who had waived his right to appeal his death sentence received a lethal injection Tuesday evening for killing his 3-month-old son more than 16 years ago, one of five executions scheduled within a week’s time in the U.S.

Travis Mullis, 38, was pronounced dead at 7:01 p.m. CDT following the injection at the state penitentiary in Huntsville. He was condemned for stomping to death his son Alijah in January 2008.

“I’d like to thank everyone … that accepted me for the man I became during my best and worst moments,” Mullis, while strapped to the death chamber gurney, said after his spiritual adviser offered a brief prayer over him.

He also thanked prison officials and staff for “changes made across the system” that allowed “even the men on death row to show it is possible to be rehabilitated and not deemed a threat and not the men we were when we came into this system.”

He added that while he “took the legal steps to expedite to include assisted suicide, I don’t regret this decision, to legally expedite this process. … I do regret the decision to take the life of my son.” He apologized to his son’s mother, to her family and said he had no ill will toward anyone involved in the punishment

“It was my decision that put me here,” he said.

The execution was delayed about 20 minutes while technicians worked to find a suitable vein. One needle carrying the lethal dose of the sedative pentobarbital was inserted in his right arm, the usual procedure. A second needle, rather than entering his left arm, was inserted in his left foot.

He closed his eyes as the drug began taking effect and took seven barely audible breaths before his breathing abruptly stopped. He was pronounced dead 20 minutes late

Mullis was the fourth inmate put to death this year in Texas, the nation’s busiest capital punishment state. Another execution was carried out Tuesday evening in Missouri, and executions were also scheduled to take place Thursday in Oklahoma and Alabama. South Carolina conducted an execution Friday

Authorities said Mullis, then 21 and living in Brazoria County, drove to nearby Galveston with his son after fighting with his girlfriend. Mullis parked his car and sexually assaulted his son. After the infant began to cry uncontrollably, Mullis began strangling the child before taking him out of the car and stomping on his head, according to authorities.

The infant’s body was later found on the roadside. Mullis fled the state but was later arrested after surrendering to police in Philadelphia.

Mullis’ execution proceeded after one of his attorneys, Shawn Nolan, said Tuesday afternoon that he planned no late appeals in a bid to spare the inmate’s life. Nolan also said in a statement that Texas would be executing a “redeemed man” who has always accepted responsibility for committing “an awful crime.”

In a letter submitted in February to U.S. District Judge George Hanks in Houston, Mullis wrote that he had no desire to challenge his case any further. Mullis has previously taken responsibility for his son’s death and has said “his punishment fit the crime.”

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