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Anthony Sanchez Oklahoma Death Row

anthony sanchez

Anthony Sanchez was sentenced to death by the State of Oklahoma for the kidnapping and murder of a woman. According to court documents Anthony Sanchez would abduct, sexually assault and murder Jewell Jean “Juli” Busken a student at the University of Oklahoma. Anthony Sanchez was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Anthony Sanchez was executed on September 21 2023

Oklahoma Death Row Inmate List

Anthony Sanchez 2021 Information

Gender: Male

Race: White

Height: 6 ft 1 in

Weight: 198 lbs

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Alias: Sanchez Sanchez

OK DOC#: 275098Birth Date: 11/1/1978


Reception Date: 5/11/2000

Anthony Sanchez More News

ewell Jean “Juli” Busken lived in the Dublin West Apartments on East Lindsey Street in Norman, near the University of Oklahoma, where she studied ballet. In the winter of 1996, she had completed her course requirements for graduation. Ms. Busken planned to return to her parent’s home in Arkansas and enroll in graduate school. She had packed most of her belongings earlier in the week. Her parents were to arrive in Norman on December 20, 1996, to collect her things in a U-Haul trailer and accompany her back to Arkansas.

¶ 3 Ms. Busken spent the evening of December 19, 1996, visiting with her college friends, exchanging Christmas gifts and goodbyes. She had planned to give her friend, Megan Schreck, a ride to Will Rogers Airport early on the morning of December 20, so the two decided to stay up all night long. Ms. Busken and Ms. Schreck left Schreck’s apartment on West Lindsey Street and ate at the Kettle around 2:00 a.m., returning to the apartment around 3:00 a.m. Ms. Busken fell asleep for a short while, and they headed toward the airport around 4:30 a.m. Around 5:00 a.m. on December 20, 1996, Ms. Busken dropped off her friend. She left Will Rogers Airport driving her red Eagle Summit, which bore an Arkansas license plate.

¶ 4 Around 5:30 a.m., back at the Dublin West apartments where Ms. Busken lived, at least three people heard a woman scream in terror. William Alves, a Norman Police officer, lived at the apartments and worked off-duty security. When Alves heard the screaming, he went outside and looked, but saw nothing. Jackie Evans lived across the parking lot from Ms. Busken. She also heard a woman’s scream, and a man saying “just shut up and get in the car.” Ms. Evans described a car door opening, then closing, the sound of footsteps, and another car door opening and closing. She then heard the car start and quickly drive away. Norman Police officer Kyle Harris arrived at the apartments around 5:51 a.m. in response to a 911 call reporting the screams. He could find nothing suspicious at the apartment.

¶ 5 Ryan James worked with Juli Busken at the OU Golf Course. They were close friends. Mr. James had plans to meet Ms. Busken for lunch on December 20, 1996. When he arrived at Ms. Busken’s apartment around 11:00 a.m., he noticed her car was gone. Mr. James returned to work at the golf course. He checked Ms. Busken’s apartment again when he got off work around 4 p.m., hoping they would have dinner together, but she still had not returned home. Mr. James was worried about Ms. Busken and checked with his grandparents to see if she had called or visited their home, as she often did. She had not been there, either. Mr. James and his grandfather searched for Ms. Busken, even driving to Will Rogers Airport trying to find her. Mr. James’ grandfather knew OU Police Chief Joe Lester. They contacted Chief Lester early in the evening of December 20, 1996, to report that Ms. Busken was missing. Juli Busken never returned.

¶ 6 Randy Lankford saw something unusual lying along the shoreline of Lake Stanley Draper around noon on December 20, 1996. He may have persuaded himself it wasn’t a human body he had seen, but whatever it was still troubled his mind after he returned home. Lankford returned to the lake with his wife after dark that evening. Shining their lights down onto the shore, the Lankfords believed they saw a body lying at the water’s edge. They reported the matter to a nearby police station, and police soon descended on the scene to investigate the body and preserve evidence. From the physical description in a Missing Persons report originating from Norman concerning a female student, Oklahoma City police quickly deduced they had found the body of Juli Busken. Chief Joe Lester gave the awful news to Bud and Mary Busken, who had arrived in Norman just a short time before, that the search for their missing daughter was over. A long search for Juli Busken’s killer had only begun.

¶ 7 Ms. Busken’s body was clothed when she was found, but her jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped, and her underwear was partially rolled down her thighs. She was found lying face down, her head and shoulders in the shallow freezing water, her hands bound behind her with black shoe laces. Her prized opal and diamond ring, a gift from her parents, was missing from her finger and has never been found. Crime scene technicians recovered a possible pubic hair from her stomach when she was turned over. Investigators could see Ms. Busken had been shot in the head.

¶ 8 At the autopsy, the Medical Examiner observed that Ms. Busken’s nose and forehead were scratched and bruised, and blood was in her left nostril. Several oval shaped bruises were seen on her inner thigh. She was also bruised in a small area near the labia, and a small scrape was found in the perianal region. Fecal matter was smeared in an area on her buttocks. The Medical Examiner preserved swabs of her oral, vaginal, and anal cavities for DNA analysis. The death wound was a contact gunshot to the rear of the skull, traversing the brain from back to front, left to right, and slightly upward before coming to rest in the frontal area of the skull, causing multiple fractures and catastrophic brain injury. The Medical Examiner recovered the fatal bullet, later identified by caliber as .22 Long Rifle. Subsequent ballistics analysis showed the barrel of the weapon that fired the fatal bullet marked it with sixteen lands and grooves and a right-hand twist.

¶ 9 Police recovered several items of evidence from the crime scene at Lake Stanley Draper, including a discarded pink leotard bearing the initials “JB,” wiped with apparent fecal matter. A tissue smeared with apparent fecal matter was also recovered. Investigators could see two sets of footprints leading to the water’s edge, and one set leading away, which they marked and photographed. From multiple cuttings of Ms. Busken’s garments, the anal swab obtained from the body, and a pair of pajama bottoms recovered from Ms. Busken’s vehicle, criminalists later identified the presence of human spermatozoa. Criminalists eventually used the genetic material recovered from Ms. Busken’s panties and the pink “JB” leotard to develop the DNA profile of an unknown suspect.

¶ 10 Sightings of Juli Busken and her abductor reported by other witnesses narrowed the timeframe within which Ms. Busken was kidnapped and killed. Janice Keller saw a small red car like Juli Busken’s near Lake Stanley Draper between 6:45 and 7:00 a.m. on the morning of December 20, 1996. Keller saw a young man, she approximated between age twenty-five and thirty, driving the car. In the passenger seat, she could see a woman who seemed somewhat younger, with her hair pulled back and prominent bangs in front. In the young woman’s remarkably large eyes and facial expression, Ms. Keller sensed the presence of fear. She also noticed how the male driver looked angry. Ms. Keller contacted police about her sighting after hearing of the Juli Busken murder, but was not interviewed until two years later. She provided police with her own profile drawing of the man she saw, and helped develop a composite drawing admitted at trial.

¶ 11 David Kill was on his way home from a night shift at Tinker Air Force Base, driving back toward Norman that morning around 7:10 to 7:15 a.m. He encountered a red compact car bearing an Arkansas license plate driving away from Lake Stanley Draper. A male driver, alone in the car, cut off Mr. Kill in traffic and seemed not to notice he was there. Mr. Kill was incensed by the man’s driving and chased the car back to Norman at high speed. He testified that despite his aggressive pursuit of the car, the driver still seemed oblivious to him. He parted with the red car when he turned on Alameda Street, but watched it continue south toward Lindsey Street. After seeing a news report about Ms. Busken’s disappearance, Mr. Kill realized he had seen her car and called Oklahoma City Police. Kill also gave a physical description of the driver he had seen and helped develop a composite drawing, also admitted as evidence.

¶ 12 Late in the evening of December 20, 1996, OU Police found Juli Busken’s red Eagle Summit parked just across the street from the Dublin West Apartments, where the screams were heard early that morning. A pair of pajama bottoms recovered from the car were stained with semen, from which criminalists later isolated a sperm fraction and developed a partial DNA profile. Police also photographed an impression of a person’s buttocks imprinted on the exterior panel of the car. A cell phone, a CD player, and a radar detector were missing from the car. Records of activity from Ms. Busken’s missing cell phone showed that a call was placed on December 21, 1996, to a number investigators later associated with Appellant’s former girlfriend. Calls were also placed from Ms. Busken’s phone after her murder to two numbers (both in the form 447-68xx) similar to phone numbers later associated with friends of Appellant.

¶ 13 In 2000, the State of Oklahoma charged an unknown suspect with the kidnapping, sexual assault, and murder of Juli Busken, identifying the defendant only by the DNA profile developed from crime scene evidence. In the months and years after her murder, investigators contacted and interviewed virtually every person they could find who had ever known, or might have had reason or opportunity to harm, Juli Busken. Detectives asked for DNA samples from almost 200 people to compare against the suspect DNA profile and other serology evidence. Throughout the entire investigation, prior to July, 2004, Anthony Castillo Sanchez was never interviewed, contacted, or considered a suspect in Ms. Busken’s murder. Indeed, Ms. Busken’s closest friends testified at trial they had never seen or heard of Anthony Sanchez as a friend or acquaintance of Juli Busken.

¶ 14 Appellant went to prison in 2002 for a second degree burglary committed the previous year. While serving his sentence, the Oklahoma Department of Corrections obtained his tissue sample for DNA analysis, as required by statute. The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) then developed a DNA profile from the sample and placed it into the OSBI’s Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). In July, 2004, OSBI Criminalist Ken Neeland notified a cold case detective in the Oklahoma City Police Department that Anthony Sanchez’s DNA profile had generated a hit on the unknown DNA profile associated with the Juli Busken murder.

¶ 15 Police obtained a search warrant and a new sample of Appellant’s DNA for further comparisons. The State presented evidence at trial that Appellant’s DNA matched the DNA profile generated from the sperm cell fraction isolated on Ms. Busken’s panties; and also matched the sperm cell fraction isolated from the stained pink leotard discarded at the crime scene. The matches corresponded to Appellant’s known DNA at all sixteen genetic loci tested. The State’s DNA expert characterized the probability of a random DNA match on the Busken evidence with an unrelated individual other than Appellant as 1 in 200.7 trillion Caucasians, 1 in 20.45 quadrillion African Americans, and 1 in 94.07 trillion Southwest Hispanics. Appellant also could not be excluded as the donor of a DNA mixture isolated from epithelial cell fractions on the panties and leotard. DNA comparisons on the spermatozoa recovered from the anal swab and the pajama bottoms from the car were inconclusive.

¶ 16 Appellant’s former girlfriend, Christin Setzer, testified that between 1994 and 1996 she lived with Appellant in a residence on Drake Drive in southeast Norman, about one mile from Juli Busken’s apartment. Ms. Setzer and Appellant had a child in May, 1997, but later separated. When police interviewed Ms. Setzer years after the Busken murder, she described an incident when shots were fired within the Drake Drive residence. Only Appellant and his step-father were in the room where shots were fired. Ms. Setzer told police she later saw bullet holes in the east wall of the room. Police obtained a search warrant for the residence in 2004, and dismantled the walls looking for evidence of these shots and any potential projectiles. They located a linear defect in the lumber of a wall stud consistent with a bullet strike, but were unable to find a projectile. Police also found a piece of foam which bore marks consistent with a bullet strike. After police collected these items and left the scene, the owner of the residence vacuumed the area of the wall which police had dismantled. Searching the contents of the vacuum bag later in his garage, he located an item later identified as a .22 Long Rifle projectile. The Drake Drive bullet was marked ballistically with sixteen lands and grooves and a right-hand twist, and thus shared the same caliber and general barrel markings as the .22 bullet that killed Juli Busken. Testimony from one of Appellant’s friends established that Appellant was in possession of a small .25 caliber pistol in 1994 and 1995. The State impeached this witness with his prior statement that the pistol could have been a .22 or .25 caliber. Attempts to positively identify the Drake Drive bullet and the bullet recovered from Juli Busken as being fired from the same weapon proved inconclusive.

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