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Dallas Holiday Georgia Death Row

dallas holiday

Dallas Holiday was sentenced to death by the State of Georgia for a robbery murder. According to court documents Dallas Holiday attacked the sixty six year old man as he went for a morning walk. The victim would be struck several times before being shot. Dallas Holiday had stolen the gun the night before during a robbery.

Georgia Death Row Inmate List

Dallas Holiday 2021 Information

YOB: 1962
HEIGHT: 5’06”


Dallas Holiday More News

On March 11, 1986, the victim, Leon Williams, went for his usual early-morning walk. His wife often accompanied him, but this time she remained home. Half an hour after he left, a nearby neighbor, Barbara Buckner, ran to the Williams’ house and asked to use the telephone — someone was breaking into her house. The Williams’ telephone was not working, so Mrs. Williams drove Mrs. Buckner to the police station.

The defendant was still in the Buckner home when the police arrived, but he ran out the back door and eluded capture for nearly an hour. A pistol he dropped during the chase turned out to have been one of two taken in another burglary the previous evening.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Williams returned home. By lunchtime, her husband still had not returned from his walk. She began checking around, trying to find him, and could not. His disappearance was reported to the police that afternoon.

Shortly after 5:00 p.m., the sheriff discovered signs of a struggle at an old pond site. He tracked blood drippings to the edge of a nearby woods, where he found Williams’ body.

Williams had been hit on the head at least seven times with a blunt object. The autopsist testified the wounds were consistent with having been inflicted by the butt of a gun, or by a brick similar to one found near the body. Williams had a number of defensive wounds on his hands, including a laceration of one finger that almost completely severed the finger. The cause of death was a gunshot wound to the head.

A ballistics comparison showed that a bullet recovered from under the victim’s scalp had been fired from the .32 caliber pistol dropped by Holiday as he attempted to elude the police. Pieces of another gun left at the scene of the struggle a broken piece of the stock, a magazine spring and a follower were compared to and fit the .380 automatic obtained from Holiday’s female companion. Blood on the .380 pistol and on the brick found near the body was consistent with that of the victim.

Holiday was interrogated after his arrest, and he admitted stealing the two guns in a burglary the previous evening. He stated that he was riding his bicycle when he saw the victim walking, and decided to hit him on the head from the rear with one of the guns, knock him out, and take his money. The blow failed to render the victim unconscious, however, so Holiday ordered him toward the woods. While Williams begged him not to kill him, Holiday took his wallet and his watch and ordered him to lie down. Then he got a brick and hit him two or three times on the head. Williams was still alive, so Holiday took out his other gun — the one he had not hit him with and shot him. Then, Holiday stated, he decided to burglarize another house. He rang the doorbell, and when no one answered (Mrs. Buckner was in the shower) he went to the rear, broke out the glass in a sliding-glass door, and entered the house. While he was looking for something to steal, the police arrived.

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