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Floyd Damren Florida Death Row

floyd damren

Floyd Damren was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for a robbery murder. According to court documents Floyd Damren and an accomplice went into a store to rob it and were surprised by the victim Don Miller who would be beaten to death with a metal pipe. Floyd Damren would be charged, convicted and sentenced to death

Florida Death Row Inmate List

Floyd Damren 2021 Information

DC Number:061360
Birth Date:05/27/1951
Initial Receipt Date:06/07/1995
Current Facility:UNION C.I.
Current Custody:MAXIMUM
Current Release Date:DEATH SENTENCE

Floyd Damren More News

Floyd Damren was convicted of first-degree murder, armed burglary, and aggravated assault and sentenced to death based on the following facts:

Floyd W. Damren entered the grounds of R.G.C. Mineral Sands, stole equipment, and told a friend:  “There [is] ․ some more good stuff down there I’d like to get.”   Several weeks later, after drinking beer with friends, Damren returned at night, May 1, 1994, with an accomplice, Jeff Chittam, and the two burglarized the electrical shop in the maintenance barn.   As Chittam was taking a break, he was confronted by the duty electrician, Don Miller.   Damren then snuck up behind Miller and struck him with a steel pipe. As Miller fell to the ground, he pleaded for mercy, saying he was going on vacation the next day and was taking his grandson fishing.   Chittam too begged Damren not to hurt Miller any more.   Damren paced the floor for a while, then proceeded to bludgeon Miller.   As Damren was dragging Miller’s body across the floor, the shift supervisor, Michael Knight, entered the building and hollered at Damren.   Damren turned, looked Knight “dead in the eye,” and came at him with the pipe.   Knight ran from the building, yelling.   Damren fled.   Miller died later that night.

Knight immediately identified Damren to police (Damren had lived in Knight’s neighborhood since childhood) and Damren was arrested and charged with first-degree murder, armed burglary, and aggravated assault.   At trial, the medical examiner testified that the victim, Miller, had been struck a minimum of seven times on the head and four on the body.   Four of the head wounds would have caused unconsciousness and death, including one “chopping wound that basically goes from the base of the nose all the way across the head,” breaking open the skull and exposing the lacerated surface of the brain underneath.   Miller had numerous defensive wounds.

Evidence against Damren included the following:  Knight testified as to what he saw when he entered the maintenance building that night;  several witnesses testified that Damren had made incriminating statements to them following the murder;  and blood stains on Damren’s pants matched Miller’s blood.   Chittam was not charged, nor did he testify-he became the victim of a separate homicide, in which Damren was charged.

Damren relied principally on an intoxication defense, arguing that he had drunk several beers that day.   He was convicted as charged.   During the penalty phase, numerous relatives and friends testified on Damren’s behalf.   The jury voted unanimously for death and the judge imposed a sentence of death based on four aggravating circumstances, [Note 1] no statutory mitigating circumstances, and four nonstatutory mitigating circumstances.

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