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Pete Rogovich Arizona Death Row

pete rogovich

Pete Rogovich was sentenced to death by the State of Arkansas for a series of murders. According to court documents Pete Rogovich would commit a series of murders starting with a robbery in which he shot and killed the clerk. Rogovich would break into two separate homes where he would murder a woman in each. Pete Rogovich would murder the last woman who was standing in her driveway. Pete Rogovich was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death.

Arizona Death Row Inmate List

Pete Rogovich 2021 Information

ASPC Florence, Central Unit
PO Box 8200
Florence, AZ 85132
United States

Pete Rogovich More News

On March 15, 1992, Rogovich robbed a Super Stop Food Mart and shot and killed the clerk. He later went to the Palo Verde Trailer Park where he encountered Phyllis Mancuso and shot and killed her. He entered the home of Marie Pendergast, where he shot and killed her. After leaving the Pendergast residence, he shot and killed Rebecca Carreon in the driveway of her home. He fled on foot to a local restaurant, where he took a vehicle from an employee at gunpoint. He then robbed a Circle K store. He was later apprehended after a pursuit by local law enforcement agencies.

Pete Rogovich Other News

On Sunday, March 15, 1992, at 8:30 a.m., a maintenance man saw Rogovich park his car in the lot of his central Phoenix apartment complex.   On the way to his apartment, Rogovich spoke to the maintenance man, telling him he was upset with his girlfriend and was going to get even with her.   Rogovich then went to his second-floor apartment.

At about 8:45 a.m., a customer entered a Super Stop Market located near Rogovich’s apartment and found the body of the clerk, Tekleberhan Manna, a 24-year-old Ethiopian immigrant.   Manna sustained a fatal gunshot wound to his right eye, fired from within two feet, causing instantaneous death.   No money or merchandise had been taken from the store.

Around 1:00 p.m. the same day, Rogovich left his apartment with a gun in his hand and began randomly firing.   At that time, Tony Madrid and Pamela Rodgers were leaving the apartment complex by car.   One of Rogovich’s shots hit a rear tire.   Madrid thought the car was backfiring, and when he and Rodgers momentarily got out of the car to inspect, Rogovich fired at them but missed.   Rogovich then ran to the south side of the complex and jumped the fence separating the apartment complex from the neighboring trailer park.

In the trailer park, Rogovich went on what can only be described as a homicidal rampage, leaving three victims in his wake.   In the laundry room, 62-year-old Phyllis Mancuso was shot once through her right cheek and neck and died within minutes.   In her driveway, 48-year-old Rebecca Carreon was shot once in the back and died from loss of blood within a few minutes.   Finally, in her trailer 83-year-old Marie Pendergast was shot twice in the abdomen and also died from blood loss.

Rogovich was last seen running into an open field adjacent to the trailer park.   Some time later, he appeared at a restaurant parking lot where disc jockey Kelly Urich was doing promotional work for Y-95, a Phoenix radio station.   Rogovich took the distinctive Y-95 van from Urich at gunpoint and drove off.

Rogovich was next seen at a convenience store in Goodyear.   Inside the store, he grabbed a couple of 12-packs of beer from the cooler and approached the counter.   At the counter, he put down his gun and demanded in a quiet voice, “Give me some money.”   The cashier handed him about $45.   Rogovich took the money, casually walked out to the Y-95 van, and drove off.

At about 5:00 p.m. Goodyear police, responding to a call concerning the convenience store robbery, spotted the Y-95 van and pursued.   Although Rogovich led them on a lengthy chase at speeds ranging from 50 to over 100 miles per hour, police were finally able to stop him at a roadblock.

In interviews with the police, Rogovich admitted to committing all of the various offenses, including the murder of Tekleberhan Manna.   He stated, “I did it.   I know it was wrong.   I know I’ll burn in hell.”   When asked if he was sorry, Rogovich replied, “Of course, I’m sorry.   It was wrong.   I know it, but I just snapped.   I was so angry.   I just couldn’t stop.   I was full of anger.”   Rogovich told a detective that the death of his stepfather in 1986 and the recent breakup with his girlfriend really bothered him.

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