When you screw up in prison they send you to solitary confinement but when you continue to cause problems they will send you to a supermax or if your crimes are so atrocious or if you are considered to be so dangerous then the supermax could be your home for the rest of your life. When it comes to supermax facilities the worst of the worst is in Colorado known as ADX Florence. In this article on My Crime Library we are going to take a look at the top ten most notorious prisoners at ADX Florence.
1. Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán Supermax Inmate

Everyone has heard of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán is a notorious drug lord from Mexico who was responsible for shipping in tons of illegal drugs to the United States. After a number of successful escapes he was finally captured and shipped to the United States where he would be convicted of a number of crimes and would be sentenced to life in prison plus thirty years and had to forfeit more than 12 billion dollars. Needless to say with his ties to cartels, history of escapes and notoriety he will spend the rest of his life at ADX Florence supermax
2. Larry Hoover Supermax Inmate

Larry Hoover was the founder of the Ganster Disciples a gang that would spread across the United States. Larry Hoover would be arrested and convicted of a murder that took place in 1973 and would be sentenced to over a hundred years in prison. However it would be his actions behind bars that would eventually to end up at supermax ADX Florence for Larry Hoover was still directing the Gangster Disciples behind bars and would later be convicted and sentenced to six more life sentences to be served at ADX Florence.
3.Tyler Bingham Supermax Inmate

Tyler Bingham is a leader of the Aryan Brotherhood a powerful prison gang that started in California and spread across the country. Tyler Bingham (photo left side) would eventually be charged by the Federal Government for a series of murders, racketeering and other charges. Eventually Tyler Bingham and the other leaders (Barry Mills photo right side who would dies as a resident of ADX Florence) would ultimately receive multiple life sentences to be served at the infamous supermax
4. Kaboni Savage Supermax Inmate

Kaboni Savage was a high level drug dealer in Pennsylvania who would ultimately be sentenced to death for ordering the firebombing of a home that would kill six people including four children. Kaboni Savage has been accused of ordering a number of other murders as well. Kaboni Savage is considered to be so dangerous that he is being kept at ADX Florence until its time for his execution.
5. Ted Kaczynski Supermax Inmate

Ted Kaczynski of course is better known as the Unabomber who was responsible for a series of bombing around the United States that left three people dead and dozens injured. Ted Kaczynski would ultimately plead guilty and would be sentenced to eight consecutive life terms to be served at the supermax
6. Luis Felipe Supermax Inmate

Luis Felipe is a former leader of the Latin Kings commonly referred to a King Blood. Luis Felipe who would ultimately be convicted and sentenced to life in prison for multiple murders had an interesting requirement to his life sentence. The judge considered Luis Felipe to be so dangerous that his sentence also stated that he have no contact with anyone other than his lawyers throughout his prison sentence.
7. Richard McNair Supermax Inmate

Richard McNair was sentenced to spend his life in prison for the murder of a man during a robbery however that was not the reason McNair would end up in ADX Florence. Turns out Richard McNair nickname could me Houdini as he has escaped from a jail and two prisons including a BOP facility. McNair has been a resident of the supermax since 2007 and has not been able to make a prison break.
8. Terry Nichols Supermax Inmate

Terry Nichols has been a resident of the supermax ADX Florence for a long time since he and Timothy McVeigh were convicted of the Oklahoma City Bombing which took place in 1995 that claimed the lives of 168 people. Timothy McVeigh would be sentenced to death and would be executed in 2001. Terry Nichols would be sentenced to spend the rest of his life at ADX Florence
9. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Supermax Inmate

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev were responsible for the Boston City Bombing and the murder of a MIT Officer. Tamerlan Tsarnaev would be shot dead by police and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev would be sentenced to death. Tsarnaev death sentence is currently up in the air due to potential jury bias.
10. Michael Swango Supermax Inmate

Michael Swango was a former physician who would admit to killing four people however police and authorities believe he is responsible for the deaths of at least sixty patients and colleagues. Michael Swango weapon of choice was poison. Swango would be sentenced to three consecutive life terms