emmanuel littlejohn

Emmanuel Littlejohn Oklahoma Death Row

emmanuel littlejohn

Emmanuel Littlejohn was sentenced to death by the State of Oklahoma for a robbery murder. According to court documents Emmanuel Littlejohn and Glenn Bethany would enter a convenience store where the manager Kenneth Meers was shot and killed.

Oklahoma Death Row Inmate List

Emmanuel Littlejohn 2021 Information

Gender: Male

Race: Black

Height: 6 ft 0 in

Weight: 190 lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Alias: Lorenzo Littlejohn

OK DOC#: 190341

Birth Date: 11/9/1971


Reception Date: 7/27/1990

Emmanuel Littlejohn More News

The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal from an Oklahoma man who was sentenced to death for the 1992 murder of a convenience store owner during a robbery.

The Oklahoman reports that Emmanuel Littlejohn had asked the court to consider if his sentence was unconstitutional because jurors didn’t hear of how brain damage could’ve explained his actions. Littlejohn has admitted to taking part in the robbery, but denies firing the shot that killed 31-year-old Kenneth Meers.

Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Crabb says Littlejohn’s attention deficit disorder, impulse control disorder and personality traits don’t account for his criminal behavior.

Littlejohn has now exhausted his appeals and is eligible for execution.

No execution dates in Oklahoma have been set as the state works on a new execution protocol using nitrogen gas


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