Paris Mayo Teen Killer Murders Newborn

Paris Mayo teen killer

Paris Mayo was just fifteen years old when this teen killer would give birth at her family home. Instead of calling for help Paris would murder the newborn by inflicting a ton of damage and crushing his skull and stuffing cotton down the newborn throat so he would suffocate.

It would take nearly four years for Paris Mayo to go to trial and when she did she would be convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison with no shot at parole for twelve years

Paris Mayo News

A 19-year-old who murdered her newborn son hours after giving birth has been jailed for at least 12 years.

A trial heard Paris Mayo, then 15, suffocated the boy, Stanley, by stuffing cotton wool into his mouth and throat.

Paris Mayo delivered him alone at her family home in Ross-on-Wye, in March 2019, while her parents were upstairs.

“Killing your baby son was a truly dreadful thing to do,” said the judge, Mr Justice Garnham, passing sentence.

The trial heard she had assaulted Stanley, leaving him with injuries comparable to those seen in a car crash.

“How you did this is not clear, but I suspect you crushed his head, probably beneath your foot,” the judge told Paris Mayo.

Her initial assault caused him “serious damage”, but did not kill him, the judge added.

“He remained alive and continued to breathe for at least an hour. You decided you had to finish Stanley off by stuffing cotton wool balls into his throat.”

The newborn was found by Mayo’s mother the day after his birth, dumped in a bin bag left on the doorstep.

It was she who alerted emergency services in an emotional 999 call played to the jury.

Paris Mayo had claimed she did not know she was pregnant, also telling the court of her difficult family life and her father who had made her feel “worthless”.

In her testimony, she described how she started having sex at 13 and used it as a way to get people to like her, because she was “insecure” due to her family situation.

The court heard her father Patrick Mayo – who died 10 days after Stanley – had been upstairs on dialysis treatment with Mayo’s mother at the time of the birth.

“You went through the process of giving birth without the assistance of a midwife, a doctor, a friend or a relative. I find as a fact that you were frightened and traumatised by those events.,” Mr Justice Garnham said during sentencing.

“Astonishingly, despite the pain you must have endured, it seems you did not cry out, so anxious were you not to disturb your parents sleeping upstairs.”

Defence barrister Bernard Richmond KC described Paris Mayo as a “pathetic and vulnerable individual” who had not been supported by people around her.

“When faced with a decision she had to make, she did not face up to it. By the time she had to, the decision she made was woefully, woefully wrong,” he said.

“This will, in every sense of the word, be a life sentence. It will be a lonely, isolating and frightening time for her.”

The jury were given the option to consider an alternative verdict of infanticide if they believed she killed Stanley while the balance of her mind was disturbed.

However, Paris Mayo, of Ruardean in Gloucestershire, cried in the dock on Friday as jurors delivered a majority guilty verdict on the charge of murder.

During summing up Mr Justice Garnham rejected the suggestion the murder was committed “with significant pre-planning”.

He added that Mayo had not spent her time covering up her pregnancy, but in March 2019 had found herself “facing a reality you had spent nine months telling yourself could not be true”.

However, he said the combination of a two-stone weight gain and the lack of periods for eight months meant she “must have known” she was pregnant and “rapidly approaching your time for giving birth”.

Despite that, the judge said Mayo “told no one, and sought no help”.

“You did not even tell your mother who you accepted in court would, at least after the initial shock, have been supportive,” he said.

“I find as a fact that almost as soon as Stanley was born, you had decided you could not allow him to live.”

The judge also used his sentencing remarks to criticise a prosecution expert witness, describing forensic psychiatrist Dr Duncan Harding’s “inflexibility of thinking” while giving evidence as “unhelpful”.

“He had told the police that you ought to be prosecuted, a surprising opinion for an expert called to give evidence on a defendant’s mental state to express,” Mr justice Garnham said.

It was apparent he had a “clear and unshakeable view on your culpability from the time of his very first meeting with you.”

A spokesperson for the Crown Prosecution Service said the case had been both “tragic and complex”.

Stanley’s “short life was filled with pain and suffering when he should have been nurtured and loved”.

“[Mayo] chose to hide her pregnancy, give birth alone and kill her baby, then hide his body, despite accepting that she had a family who would have supported her.”

Ethan Orton Gets Life In Parents Murders

ethan orton

Ethan Orton who plead guilty to the murders of his parents just found out he is going to spend a very long time behind bars

According to court documents Ethan Orton would murder his parents Misty Scott-Slade and Casey Orton in order to take charge of his life. The two victims would be stabbed repeatedly and his mother was also hit with an ax

Ethan Orton would plead guilty to two counts of first degree murder and now he was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for fifty years

Ethan Orton Case

The Cedar Rapids teen who admitted to killing his parents in 2021 will stay in prison at least until he’s in his sixties.

Ethan Orton was sentenced to life in prison Monday afternoon. He is eligible for parole after 50 years.

Orton pleaded guilty in March to stabbing his parents, Misty Scott-Slade and Casey Orton, to death in their home.

Under Iowa law, first-degree murder means life in prison without the possibility for parole. The exception is for juvenile defendants. Orton was five months away from being 18 at the time of his crime. How long until he would be eligible for parole was the question at the center of Monday’s sentencing.

Both the defense and prosecution called an expert witness to testify to the impact of Orton’s history and his mental capacity at the time of the killings.

Dr. Tracy Thomas, a forensic psychologist, helped the defense paint a picture of Orton as a vulnerable person in an emotionally abusive home. Dr. Thomas detailed what she called a suicide attempt when Orton was 10 or 11 in which he drank bleach. She also outlined what she thought was the impetus for the “breakdown” that led to Orton killing his parents.

“His mother had sent an email while he was at school, and the email essentially said ‘When you turn 18, you’re out of the house. We’re done with you. Plan on being gone,” said Thomas. She went on to say Orton wasn’t able to “rationalize” th e email.

“This offense was the result of, essentially, a complete breakdown,” said Thomas.

However, prosecutors pointed out Orton has not been diagnosed with any major mental illness. They presented a story in which, rather than a breakdown, there was a plan.

“The first conclusion and the entire conclusion was that he was normal,” said Dr. Daniel Tranel, witness for the prosecution. He added Orton “did not meet the criteria for diminished responsibility.”

About Orton’s home life, the state’s witness said it wasn’t “optimal” but added there are those who have it worse.

“I did not see anything profoundly abnormal or severely wrong with his developmental environment,” said Tranel.

Assistant Linn County Attorney Michael Harris added, “He reports that he was not treated well by his parents, but I would ask the court, what teenager truly thinks that they are?”

The defense asked for life with the possibility for parole after ten years, but the judge believed Orton’s age, maturity, and home life weren’t strong mitigating factors.

Both sides’ expert witnesses agreed Ethan Orton is a good candidate for rehabilitation and treatment while in prison.

Rachel Shoaf Parole Denied 2023

rachel shoaf 2023

Rachel Shoaf parole has been denied at her first attempt to leave prison since being convicted of the murder of Skylar Neese

According to court documents Rachel Shoaf and Shelia Eddy would murder their friend Skylar Neese back in 2012

Rachel Shoaf and Shelia Eddy would pick up Skylar Neese from her home late at night. The three girls would go to a forested area where Shoaf and Eddy would attack and murder Skylar

The two would deny any involvement until Rachel Shoaf would breakdown leading authorities to the body of Skylar Neese

Rachel Shoaf would plead guilty and be sentenced to thirty years in prison with parole eligibility after ten years

Shelia Eddy would go to trial and be sentenced to life in prison with parole eligibility after fifteen years

Rachel Shoaf Parole Denied

Rachel Shoaf, one of the women convicted of killing Skylar Neese as a teenager, was denied parole on Tuesday.

Shoaf was sentenced to 30 years in prison, with the possibility of parole after 10 years, while Skylar’s other killer, Shelia Eddy, was sentenced to life in prison. In July 2012, the two drove Skylar across the Mason-Dixon line into Greene County, Pennsylvania, to kill her and bury her body. Skylar was 16 years old.

12 News Reporter and Anchor Riley Holsinger was invited to the hearing by Skylar’s father, Dave Neese. The hearing also marked an opportunity for Shoaf and the family of her victim to speak almost 11 years after the July 6, 2012 incident.

During the testimony portion of the hearing, Shoaf said that she and Eddy were in a relationship, and felt that if they were exposed, they would face consequences.

“After things became known with the relationship, there was tension between us,” Shoaf said. “It was hostile and violent, in our teenage minds we didn’t know how to handle the conflict and we just wanted it to stop.”

She also told the Parole Board that she was under the influence of marijuana at the time, which she did on the way there.

Shoaf was asked what she would say to Skylar’s family.

“I know, I can’t express how sorry I am for what I have done and for the pain I have caused,” Shoaf said. “I loved her. I know what we did was terrible and there’s no words to describe the pain that we caused and I know there is nothing I can say or do. I just pray for them all the time and pray for peace in their heart. I would trade places with Skylar so she could be with her loved ones. I just want them to know how deeply sorry I am.”

Dave provided 12 News with a written copy of his prepared statement:

Ladies and gentlemen of the West Virginia parole board, thank you for the opportunity to tell you why I believe this inmate should not be granted parole.

Because of that malicious monster, my child never got a limo for her prom. Instead, she got a ride in a coroner’s vehicle. Also, there was no sparkling gown for Skylar, just a body bag. She will never have a certificate of graduation, only a death certificate.

This narcissistic, first degree, cold-blooded killer is not sorry for the brutal murder of my only child. It’s my belief that she is proud she murdered my daughter in cold blood. The day after she plunged kitchen knives into my child, this devil was seen on a friend’s boat, smiling and posing for photographs. The date of July 6, 2012 was chosen for a specific reason, you see—this beast wanted the killing out of the way before she left for church camp. Just another task to mark off of her list, like standing over my child saying “Die, b****!” as my baby girl took her last breath, because the evil butcher didn’t want to be her friend.

I wasn’t there to defend my baby girl from this diabolical killer on July 6, 2012, but I’m here today to do everything within my power to make sure she stays behind bars.

This inmate has proven that she is both evil and mentally unstable. No one can fix that kind of madness. I believe if she is paroled, she will kill again. Murder is a game to this inmate. Ladies and gentlemen, that is insanity. This person has proved to be a narcissist and is a dangerous person who has no remorse in the least. This inmate has destroyed so many lives when she murdered Skylar.

This inmate is just the rat that narced and got a deal. Yes, she showed us where she murdered Skylar, yet she is also the narcissist liar that put my daughter in that place. This monster is a danger to society. If released, no parent can close their eyes at night without fear that their own child could possibly be the next victim.

This vicious murderer sits here today asking for a second chance. I ask you, where is Skylar’s second chance? Where was her second chance when this monster counted to three and began to slash and stab at my only child?

I don’t want to live in a world without Skylar, but I have to. I want to make sure it’s as safe as possible from predators like this one.

I ask that you deny parole for this diabolical butcher and allow Skylar’s mother and I the knowledge that her killer will not be granted the reality of adulthood that out daughter was never allowed to experience.

Shoaf remains in the Lakin Correctional Center where her projected release date is April 2028, according to the West Virginia Department of Corrections.

Eddy is also serving her sentence in the same facility. Her first parole hearing is currently scheduled for May 2028.

Shelia Eddy 2023 Photos

Shelia Eddy 2023

13 Yr Old Nolan Grove Charged With Murder

nolan grove pennsylvania

Thirteen year old Nolan Grove has been charged with the murder of twelve year old Kain Heiland before a planned sleepover

According to police reports Kain Heiland was fatally shot in the back by Nolan Grove near his home in Pennsylvania

The reason behind the shooting is not clear however it has been decided that Nolan Grove will be charged as an adult meaning he faces up to life in prison

Nolan Grove would surrender to authorities shortly after the murder. The alleged teen killer has been charged with murder in the third degree, involuntary manslaughter, carrying a firearm without a license, possession of a firearm by a minor, and recklessly endangering another person amongst other charges

Nolan Grove News

A 13-year-old is charged with murder in the death of a 12-year-old boy in Red Lion, York County.

York County District Attorney Dave Sunday made the announcement at a Friday morning news conference.

“Decisions to charge anyone, let alone a 13-year-old with third-degree murder are taken with the utmost seriousness and care,” Sunday said.

Nolan Grove, 13, is charged with murder in the third degree, which carries a maximum sentence of 40 years. He is also charged with:

Involuntary manslaughter.
Firearms not to be carried without a license.
Possession of a firearm by a minor.
Recklessly endangering another person.

Grove is charged as an adult. He surrendered Friday morning and was arraigned.

A judge ordered Grove to be detained at a juvenile facility.

A preliminary hearing is scheduled for June.

Kain Heiland, 12, was shot and killed on Saturday, April 1, in Red Lion. Sunday said Grove shot him in the back.

According to the affidavit of probable cause, a witness told investigators that Grove made a joke about Heiland’s mother. Heiland told Grove to shut up, and then Grove allegedly shot Heiland once.

The district attorney said witnesses and video were key evidence for the grand jury.

Charging documents indicate surveillance cameras inside the home of a boy who was with Grove and Heiland captured Grove pointing the red laser light of the gun at Heiland and Heiland saying, “Take your finger off the trigger.”

Police also said a two-hour FaceTime call placed by the third boy showed Grove pointing the gun at Heiland while Heiland was on the ground and shielding his face.

The boy said he heard Grove say after the shooting, “I am so sorry, K.” K is apparently short for Kain.

Witnesses also told police Grove threatened other children.

At one point, he approached two girls who he thought had his friend’s scooter. One of the girls said Grove told them he wasn’t afraid to shoot someone and would if he could.

Another witness said Grove pointed the gun at the girls as he walked away.

Heiland’s mother believes the charges against Grove should be stronger.

“I think it should have been first- or second-degree murder because I feel like it was premeditated. I feel like he planned out to kill my son,” Devin Rexroth said.

She also has a question for Grove.

“I would ask him why he killed my son because I’m just not understanding why he would do that,” Rexroth said.

Christopher Gribble And Steven Spader Murder Kimberly Cates

Christopher Gribble And Steven Spader

Christopher Gribble and Steven Spader would break into the home of Kimberly Cates and murder her and severely injure her young daughter

According to court documents Christopher Gribble and Steven Spader along with two other accomplices would break into the home of Kimberly Cates who was home alone with her eleven year old daughter. Christopher Gribble and Steven Spader would attack the pair with a machete with Kimberly being struck over thirty times. The eleven year old daughter would also be attacked but thankfully survived her injuries

Christopher Gribble and Steven Spader were arrested and convicted

Christopher Gribble would be sentenced to life in prison

Steven Spader would be sentenced to life in prison plus seventy six years as he was the one to strike the two victims

Steven Spader Now

steven spader 2023
SBI Number:OS01705691
Sentenced as:Spader, Steven 
Hair Color:Brown
Eye Color:Hazel
Weight:220 lbs.
Birth Date:November 9, 1991
Admission Date:January 21, 2014
Current Facility:NJSP

Christopher Gribble And Steven Spader Video

Christopher Gribble And Steven Spader News

Steven Spader is many things.

He is his parents’ only child, who they adopted when he was just days old.

He was a personable kid who loved to play with other children in his neighborhood when he was young.

He was a mediocre athlete thanks to flat feet and asthma, but dove into drama and played Daddy Warbucks in a school production of “Annie,” even shaving his head for the role.

He was a deeply troubled teenager who found pleasure in hip-hop music that celebrates horror. He bragged about made-up killings and claimed to be in a violent street gang.

He is a murderer.

Now 21 years old, he is also a father.

Spader, the man who orchestrated the murder of 42-year-old Kimberly Cates and attack on her then-11-year-old daughter, Jaimie, fathered a child before he was arrested in October 2009. The girl was born in January 2010, according to a letter written by his mother.

“(The mother) brought her to us when she was 5 days old. We all cried,” Christine Spader wrote in documents unsealed this week at Hillsborough County Superior Court. “Steve wrote us a letter begging us to see if he could see the baby and he would be the best father in the world. We sent him photos. (The mother) came to the trial one day. I think to say good-bye.”

Christine Spader’s letter is only a few pages of the ream of documents Judge Gillian Abramson unsealed this week at the request of The Telegraph and New Hampshire Union Leader.

Now, Spader is described as almost happy in prison. After numerous infractions at Valley Street jail in Manchester, Spader has behaved at the New Hampshire State Prison for Men’s Special Housing Unit. He works out and tries to limit his carbs. He talks to his parents daily and sees them weekly. He has struck up a friendship with a 50-year-old woman who raised her own troubled son. He told his parents he has made his peace with God, Christine Spader wrote.

“This is more discipline than he has ever shown with anything before,” Christine Spader wrote. “He said that prison was good for him and that he probably would have ended up there for something no matter what we did.”

But the documents unsealed this week show that in his teens, Spader was in crisis. His parents tried everything. They brought him to psychologists and psychiatrists. They hired an advocate to make sure his school wrote him an Individualized Educational Plan. They borrowed money against their home and spent tens of thousands of dollars on programs in leadership and residential treatment programs in New York and Utah.

Nothing worked.

Spader was adopted when he was 5 days old by Steven and Christine Spader. His birth mother was a drug user, and he tested positive for cocaine and marijuana when he was born. Two years later, his biological mother contacted the Spaders when she became pregnant again, but the biological father ended up taking custody of the boy before the Spaders adopted him, according to court documents.

Spader had an otherwise normal childhood in Brookline. He was anxious at times and struggled but did well in school, played with neighborhood kids, took family vacations. His parents hugged and kissed him and told him they loved him.

Struggles in school increased in middle school and even more in high school. Spader talked about and even researched going to a boarding school because it was too stressful at school and at home, according to court documents.

Spader’s father produced a spreadsheet of significant events in his son’s life for lawyers. In it, October 2006 is marked as the first date Spader visited a psychiatrist, Dr. Peter Kelley at The Counseling Center of Nashua. Spader saw a variety of other doctors, experts and psychologists at a number of facilities and had any number of diagnoses, including bipolar disorder and major depression.

The spreadsheet also details Spader’s troubles with police and his parents. In November 2007, he went to a friend’s birthday party at the Tewksbury (Mass.) Roller Rink and met a girl. The ensuing relationship, described as “intense and turbulent” by a psychiatrist, produced Spader’s daughter and also appears to mark an important fork in Spader’s life. He went from being a boy surrounded by loving parents, Boy Scouts and school to someone who cared more about hanging out with new friends.

For these friends at Souhegan High School – where he wasn’t known, having previously attended Hollis Brookline High School – he posed as a man of action, a gangster, bragging about being a member of a street gang and committing murders. He began smoking more marijuana and doing other prescription and street drugs, according to an evaluation written by Dr. Robert Kinscherff, a psychiatrist and lawyer hired by Spader’s defense attorneys.

Spader had brief stints at psychiatric hospitals, including twice in 2008. The same year, he ran away with the mother of his child. Police in New York picked them up and returned them to New Hampshire.

There were also two violent interactions with his parents that year, once when he pointed a knife at his father. In another, police had to intervene after Spader grabbed kitchen knives and began stabbing the counters and throwing food, according to court documents.

In May 2008, Spader was enrolled in Adirondack Leadership Expeditions, which costs $500 a day, in Saranac Lake, N.Y. He left less than two weeks later when officials there said he needed a higher level of treatment than they could provide. His counselor there described him as a “house of cards,” according to court documents.

He was escorted from there to the Aspen Education Residential Treatment Center in Syracuse, Utah. That program cost $9,000 a month and was not covered by insurance. He left there within a month, according to court documents.

Kinscherff doesn’t appear to come to any firm diagnosis in his report. He said he did not observe a major mental illness when he met with Spader in June 2010.

“I do find evidence of narcissistic personality traits, borderline personality disorder trails and antisocial/asocial traits that have previously prompted a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder,” Kinscherff wrote.

Spader hasn’t shown any manic or hypomanic episodes in prison, even though he hasn’t been treated for any mental illnesses since he was arrested, according to Kinscherff’s report.

“It would be very unusual for an individual diagnosed in mid-adolescence with recurrent major depression or bipolar disorder to subsequently show no clear manifestation of mood disorder while untreated over a period of many months to years,” Kinscherff wrote.

Spader’s parents, having spent thousands to try to find help for their son, finally ran out of answers. During a deposition after Spader was convicted, Senior Assistant Attorney General Jeff Strelzin asked Spader’s father what he wished the judge would consider about his son. His response, similar to his wife’s, was about the state’s mental health system.

“You know, certainly the crime is just beyond the scope of my imagination. I mean, I feel for the families. But obviously we’ve tried to do a lot of stuff in the mental health area here in New Hampshire, and it’s been a serious letdown,” he said. “It’s just appalling how poor it is here in this state, just absolutely appalling.

“And you know, we’ve tried to do what we can. Could we have done more? I don’t know. That’s a question I keep asking myself.”