kenneth rouse photos

Kenneth Rouse North Carolina Death Row

Kenneth Rouse was sentenced to death by the State of North Carolina for the murder and attempted sexual assault of a woman. According to court documents Kenneth Rouse would rob a convenience store where he sexually assaulted and then murdered the store clerk. Kenneth Rouse would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death Kenneth Rouse…

Christopher Henderson

Christopher Henderson Alabama Death Row

Christopher Henderson was sentenced to death in Alabama after being convicted of the murders of five people. According to court documents Christopher Henderson would murder  Kristen Smallwood Henderson, her unborn child, her mother and two children on Aug. 4, 2015. Christopher Henderson who had multiple wives would be convicted of the murders back in July…

Ali Abulaban aka Jinnkid

Ali Abulaban aka Jinnkid Charged With Double Murder

Ali Abulaban aka Jinnkid has been charged with a double murder in California and would plead not guilty today to the charges. According to police reports Ali Abulaban aka Jinnkid would plant a listening device on his daughters IPad and when he heard his wife talking to a male he would go over to the…

nikolas cruz 2021 photos

Nikolas Cruz Parkland School Shooter To Plead Guilty

Nikolas Cruz is set to plead guilty to seventeen counts of murder that took place during the Parkland School shooting in Florida in 2018. According to his lawyers Nikolas Cruz who was nineteen years old at the time of the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School which left fourteen students and three adults…