texas seven prison escape

Texas Seven Prison Escape – The Murder Of Aubrey Hawkins

The Texas Seven was a prison escape which would became a sensation as the seven men from the Texas Department Of Corrections would basically disappeared. However with the murder of police officer Aubrey Hawkins and the help of America’s Most Wanted this prison escape would come to a sudden end in Colorado. In this article…

Sean Lannon

Sean Lannon Arrested In Connection Of 5 Murders

Sean Lannon who was wanted for his alleged involvement in five murders has been arrested in St. Louis Missouri. According to police in Missouri he was arrested without incident. Reports have indicated that Sean Lannon is wanted for questioning for a murder in New Jersey and for four more in New Mexico. The murder victim…

Taylor Rene Parker

Taylor Rene Parker Murders Mother And Unborn Child

Taylor Rene Parker a woman from Texas has been charged with two counts of Capital Murder for the death of a woman and her unborn child. According to police in Bowie County Texas Taylor Rene Parker would murder the woman and then use a small scalpel to cut the unborn child from the woman. Taylor Rene Parker would…

Jody Arias mugshot

Jodi Arias And The Murder Of Travis Alexander

Jodi Arias was a woman from California who would be convicted of the murder of her on and off again boyfriend Travis Alexander in Utah. According to court documents Jodi Arias would stage a burglary at her Grandparents home in California where a gun was among the items missing. On June 4, 2008 Travis Alexander…

Cheyanne Jessie

Cheyanne Jessie Murders Daughter And Father

Cheyanne Jessie was a twenty five year old woman from Lakeland Florida who would call 911 to say that her daughter and father were missing. When police came to investigate they would soon learn that it more than a missing person case. Soon investigators would discover that Cheyanne Jessie had murdered the child and her…