samuel lopez arizona

Samuel Lopez Arizona Execution

Samuel Lopez was executed by the State of Arizona for the sexual assault and murder of a woman. According to court documents Samuel Lopez would sexually assault and murder 59 year old Estafana Holmes. Samuel Lopez would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death. Samuel Lopez would be executed by lethal injection on June 27…

gary simmons

Gary Simmons Mississippi Execution

Gary Simmons was executed by the State of Mississippi for the murder of a man. According to court documents Gary Simmons and the victim Jeffrey Wolfe were involved in an argument when Simmons fatally shot Wolfe then proceeded to carve his body up into pieces. Gary Simmons would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death….

jan brawner mississippi

Jan Brawner Mississippi Execution

Jan Brawner was executed by the State of Mississippi for the murders of four people. According to court documents Jan Brawner would go to his ex wives home and murdered her, their daughter and her parents. Jan Brawner would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death. Jan Brawner would be executed by lethal injection on…

richard leavitt

Richard Leavitt Idaho Execution

Richard Leavitt was executed by the State of Idaho for the sexual assault and murder of a woman. According to court documents Richard Leavitt would attack, sexually assault and stab to death Danette Elg. Richard Leavitt would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death. Richard Leavitt would be executed by lethal injection on June 12…

Michael Bascum Selsor

Michael Bascum Selsor Oklahoma Execution

Michael Bascum Selsor was executed by the State of Oklahoma for the murder of a store clerk during a robbery. According to court documents Michael Bascum Selsor and his accomplice would rob a series of stores and in the process Selsor would shoot and kill Clayton Chandler. Michael Bascum Selsor would be sentenced to death…

thomas kemp

Thomas Kemp Arizona Execution

Thomas Kemp was executed by the State of Arizona for the kidnapping and murder of a college student. According to court documents Thomas Kemp and his accomplice would kidnap college student Hector Juarez who would later be robbed and murdered. Thomas Kemp accomplice Jeffrey Logan would later go to the police. Jeffrey Logan would be sentenced…

shannon johnson

Shannon Johnson Delaware Execution

Shannon Johnson was executed by the State of Delaware for the murder of a man. According to court documents Shannon Johnson would shoot to death the victim Cameron Hamlin who was sitting in a car with his girlfriend. Shannon Johnson would also shoot his girlfriend however she survived. Shannon Johnson would be arrested, convicted and…