dustin higgs execution

Dustin Higgs Federal Execution

Dustin Higgs was executed by the Federal Government for a series of murders. According to court documents Dustin Higgs was convicted of the kidnapping and murders of three women in 1996. Since his arrest Dustin Higgs has maintained his innocence. Dustin Higgs would be executed by lethal injection on January 16, 2001 Dustin Higgs More…

corey johson execution

Corey Johnson Federal Execution

Corey Johnson was executed by the Federal Government for a series of murders in Virginia. According to court documents Corey Johnson would commit a total of seven murders in Richmond Virginia in order to further his hold on drug trafficking in the city. Corey Johnson whose intelligence was considered to be borderline and was fighting…

Joseph Wielzen

Joseph Wielzen Teen Killer Murders Kelsey Burnette

Joseph Wielzen was seventeen years old when he brutally murdered Kelsey Burnette in Tennessee. According to court documents Joseph Wielzen would attack Kelsey Burnette with a baseball bat before sexually assaulting and murdering the eighteen year old woman. This teen killer would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to life in prison without parole. Joseph Wielzen…

Damian Hauschultz

Damian Hauschultz Teen Killer Murders 7 Year Old

Damian Hauschultz was fourteen years old when he fatally beat to death seven year old Ethan Hauschultz. According to court documents Ethan was a foster child who was sent to the Hauschultz household after being removed from his parental home due to abuse. Ethan Hauschultz would be severely beaten as he was forced to drag…

Nicholas Hulme photos

Nicholas Hulme Teen Killer Murders Mother

Nicholas Hulme was a seventeen year old from Connecticut that would murder his mother. According to court documents Nicholas Hulme and his mother were driving to a drug rehabilitation center when the two began arguing as Nicholas did not want to go. Nicholas Hulme would strangle his mother causing her death. Nicholas Hulme would flee…

colton harvey

Colton Harvey Teen Killer Murders Sleeping Sister

Colton Harvey was fifteen years old from Arkansas when he would shoot and kill his sleeping sister. According to court documents Colton Harvey and sixteen year old Candace Harvey did not get along and it ended violently when Colton would shoot and kill Candace as she slept. Colton Harvey was sentenced to 45 years in…