michael brown

Michael Brown Alabama Death Row

Michael Brown was sentenced to death and remains on Alabama Death Row for the murder of  Betty Kirkpatrick. According to court documents Michael Brown would murder Betty Kirkpatrick during a robbery. Michael Brown would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death Michael Brown 2021 Information Inmate:  BROWN, MICHAEL AIS:  0000Z707     Institution:  HOLMAN PRISON…

brandyn benjamin

Brandyn Benjamin Alabama Death Row

Brandyn Benjamin was sentenced to death and remains on Alabama Death Row for the murder of Jimmie Lewis. According to court documents Brandyn Benjamin attempted to rob Jimmie Lewis and during the struggle would shoot and kill him. Brandyn Benjamin would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death Brandyn Benjamin 2021 Information Inmate:  BENJAMIN, BRANDYN…

Mohammad Sharifi

Mohammad Sharifi Alabama Death Row

Mohammad Sharifi was sentenced to death and remains on Alabama Death Row for a double murder. According to court documents Mohammad Sharifi would murder his wife Sarah Sharifi and Derrick Brown. Mohammad Sharifi would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death Mohammad Sharifi 2021 Information Inmate:  SHARIFI, MOHAMMAD AIS:  0000Z709     Institution:  HOLMAN PRISON…

christopher hyde

Christopher Hyde Alabama Death Row

Christopher Hyde was sentenced to death and remains on Alabama Death Row for a triple murder. According to court documents Christopher Hyde would shoot and kill Randle Lane, the Rev. Rick Peterson and June Williams at a funeral home. Christopher Hyde would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death Christopher Hyde 2021 Information Inmate:  HYDE,…

westley harris

Westley Harris Alabama Death Row

Westley Harris was sentenced to death and remains on Alabama Death Row for the murders of his girlfriends grandmother, parents and three teenage brothers. According to court documents Westley Harris would terrorize and murder his girlfriends family before murdering her grandmother, parents and three teenage brothers. Westley Harris would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to…