kemond jones

Kemond Jones Teen Killer 40 Years In Prison

Kemond Jones

Kemond Jones was fifteen years old when this convicted teen killer would shoot and kill another teenager. According to court documents Kemond Jones and the victim Ethan Powell were involved in an argument when Kemond Jones would shoot Powell multiple times. Kemond Jones would claim he felt that his life was endanger and the murder was in self defense however the medical investigator would testify four of the gunshots were in the victims back. Kemond Jones would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to forty years in prison in which thirty will be spent in prison. There is a petition saying that Kemond Jones had been bullied by the victim for sometime before the murder took place, you can see it here

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Monday, Judge James Chaney heard impact statements from those affected by the direct design murder of Ethan Powell in the early hours of Labor Day, Sep. 7, 2020. After hearing the statements, Judge Chaney sentenced Kemond Jones to 40 years. 30 to serve and 10 suspended.

The initial call arrived just three minutes after midnight on Sep. 7, 2020, reporting shots fired on Abraham Drive. Within minutes, Warren County deputies were on scene to find 18-year-old Powell laying on the street suffering from multiple gunshot wounds.

Powell was transported to Merit Health River Region by Vicksburg Fire Department paramedics for treatment, but eventually died as a result of those injuries. Warren County Coroner Doug Huskey pronounced Powell deceased about an hour after he was transported.

Later that day, Jones turned himself in to Warren County authorities, accompanied by family members. Though the investigation was ongoing,  Warren County Sheriff Martin Pace told the Vicksburg Daily News that authorities were confident that Jones was responsible for Powell’s death and under Mississippi statute, Jones would be tried as an adult.

Jones was found guilty by a Warren County jury on Feb. 25 of direct design murder. The Vicksburg Daily News recorded the reading of the verdict.

According to testimony, about a week before the shooting Jones and Powell had a disagreement that included Jones slapping the larger Powell.

The early morning shooting of Powell had Jones stating that he feared for his life after Powell came towards him. However, medical examiner Dr. Mark Levaughn testified that Powell was shot 8 times with 4 of those shots going into his back. Dr. Levaughn also spoke about the “devastating shot” to Powell’s back that caused the most damage

The prosecution attempted to have the medical examiner state that the “devastating shot” was taken after Powell had fallen to the ground, but the examiner could not state with certainty that was the case.

Jones testified he was scared and just kept firing

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