scottie allen

Scottie Allen Florida Death Row

scottie allen

Scottie Allen was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for a prison murder. According to court documents Scottie Allen would strangle his cellmate at the Wakulla Correctional Institute. Scottie Allen would be convicted and sentenced to death.

Florida Death Row Inmate List

Scottie Allen 2021 Information

DC Number:B01314
Birth Date:06/28/1977
Initial Receipt Date:08/05/2003
Current Facility:UNION C.I.
Current Custody:MAXIMUM
Current Release Date:DEATH SENTENCE

Scottie Allen More News

Ultimately, he got what he wanted.
At the time he strangled his cellmate to death at Wakulla Correctional Institute back in October 2017, Scottie Allen made it clear to investigators that he wanted the death penalty.
On Tuesday, July 23, Wakulla Circuit Judge Ron Flury pronounced sentence: death.
It was a brief hearing in which only Judge Flury spoke, reading aloud his judgment, weighing the numerous aggravators for the death penalty against the sparse mitigating factors for imposing a life sentence.
Allen had made the choice to represent himself in the case, and he demanded a speedy trial. That was held in February, and it took the jury less than 30 minutes to find him guilty of premeditated murder.
Then the jury heard the state’s case for imposing death – Allen put on no defense.
After less than 30 minutes deliberation, the jury unanimously recommended Allen face the death penalty.
In an abundance of caution, Judge Flury appointed attorney Alex Morris to mount some sort of case to  present possible mitigating evidence. That defense was somewhat hamstrung by Allen’s insistence that no one contact his family.
Allen told the judge that his mother is gravely ill and he didn’t want to cause her further emotional upheaval to find that her son is in prison for one murder and facing the death penalty for another.
Judge Flury noted the aggravators:
• That Allen was previously convicted of a felony and was in prison for a second degree murder in South Florida and was serving a 25-year sentence.
• That he had previously been convicted of violence on another person when he strangled a woman to death. The judge noted that, along with the murder of his cellmate, Ryan Mason, Allen has strangled to death two people.
• That the crime was heinous, atrocious and cruel – which was something that appeared to weigh heavily in the judge’s decision. Allen strangled Mason with a T-shirt knotted around the neck – in fact, it was so tight that it broke bones in Mason’s neck and the medical examiner had a difficult time cutting it off with a scalpel. The judge noted that the medical examiner estimated it took 3 to 5 minutes for irreversible brain damage on Mason before he ultimately died.
Allen had also told Mason that he was going to kill him, and made the comment, “Say hello to the devil for me.”
• The judge also noted the aggravator that it was a cold, premeditated killing. Allen had planned the murder for weeks before, and had raped his cellmate over two weeks to make him suffer. Allen’s reason for the killing was that he found out Mason was a child molester.
On Oct. 2, 2017, between head count at the prison, Allen put a sheet over the window to the room he shared with Mason and took a T-shirt and strangled him to death. After the killing, Allen made himself coffee and ate half a honeybun. He had intended to rape the dead body but Mason had defecated on himself post-mortem. Allen reportedly said to the dead man, “You win that one.”
He left the body in the room for several hours covered in sheets on the bed to make it look like Mason was asleep. He apparently counted on guards noticing Mason wasn’t moving but evenutally the smell became too much and Allen went to a female prison guard and told her in a calm tone: “Hate to ruin your day but I killed my bunkmate.”
Because of his tone, the guard almost didn’t believe him.
As far as mitigators, the defense team had put on evidence that Allen suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and a claim that this affected his ability to conform his conduct because of childhood trauma.
It was presented as a mitigator that Allen came from a dysfunctional family: His mother and father divorced at an early age and his father went to prison for a sex offense. Around the age of 9, Allen started smoking marijuana with his mother and began getting in trouble. He was sexually abused by some family members and began using drugs heavily.
It was noted that the happiest time in his childhood was when he was in a state juvenile institution.
The judge also noted that Allen was well-behaved and respectful in court and to the courtroom staff.
But, Judge Flury said, “The aggravating factors outweigh the mitigating and death is the appropriate sentence.”
There will be an automatic appeal to the Florida Supreme Court and a public defender will represent Allen.
After reading the sentence, Allen was fingerprinted in the courtroom and taken back to the Wakulla County Jail before being transported to Florida State Prison in Starke.

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