rachel shoaf 2023

Rachel Shoaf Parole Denied 2023

rachel shoaf 2023

Rachel Shoaf parole has been denied at her first attempt to leave prison since being convicted of the murder of Skylar Neese

According to court documents Rachel Shoaf and Shelia Eddy would murder their friend Skylar Neese back in 2012

Rachel Shoaf and Shelia Eddy would pick up Skylar Neese from her home late at night. The three girls would go to a forested area where Shoaf and Eddy would attack and murder Skylar

The two would deny any involvement until Rachel Shoaf would breakdown leading authorities to the body of Skylar Neese

Rachel Shoaf would plead guilty and be sentenced to thirty years in prison with parole eligibility after ten years

Shelia Eddy would go to trial and be sentenced to life in prison with parole eligibility after fifteen years

Rachel Shoaf Parole Denied

Rachel Shoaf, one of the women convicted of killing Skylar Neese as a teenager, was denied parole on Tuesday.

Shoaf was sentenced to 30 years in prison, with the possibility of parole after 10 years, while Skylar’s other killer, Shelia Eddy, was sentenced to life in prison. In July 2012, the two drove Skylar across the Mason-Dixon line into Greene County, Pennsylvania, to kill her and bury her body. Skylar was 16 years old.

12 News Reporter and Anchor Riley Holsinger was invited to the hearing by Skylar’s father, Dave Neese. The hearing also marked an opportunity for Shoaf and the family of her victim to speak almost 11 years after the July 6, 2012 incident.

During the testimony portion of the hearing, Shoaf said that she and Eddy were in a relationship, and felt that if they were exposed, they would face consequences.

“After things became known with the relationship, there was tension between us,” Shoaf said. “It was hostile and violent, in our teenage minds we didn’t know how to handle the conflict and we just wanted it to stop.”

She also told the Parole Board that she was under the influence of marijuana at the time, which she did on the way there.

Shoaf was asked what she would say to Skylar’s family.

“I know, I can’t express how sorry I am for what I have done and for the pain I have caused,” Shoaf said. “I loved her. I know what we did was terrible and there’s no words to describe the pain that we caused and I know there is nothing I can say or do. I just pray for them all the time and pray for peace in their heart. I would trade places with Skylar so she could be with her loved ones. I just want them to know how deeply sorry I am.”

Dave provided 12 News with a written copy of his prepared statement:

Ladies and gentlemen of the West Virginia parole board, thank you for the opportunity to tell you why I believe this inmate should not be granted parole.

Because of that malicious monster, my child never got a limo for her prom. Instead, she got a ride in a coroner’s vehicle. Also, there was no sparkling gown for Skylar, just a body bag. She will never have a certificate of graduation, only a death certificate.

This narcissistic, first degree, cold-blooded killer is not sorry for the brutal murder of my only child. It’s my belief that she is proud she murdered my daughter in cold blood. The day after she plunged kitchen knives into my child, this devil was seen on a friend’s boat, smiling and posing for photographs. The date of July 6, 2012 was chosen for a specific reason, you see—this beast wanted the killing out of the way before she left for church camp. Just another task to mark off of her list, like standing over my child saying “Die, b****!” as my baby girl took her last breath, because the evil butcher didn’t want to be her friend.

I wasn’t there to defend my baby girl from this diabolical killer on July 6, 2012, but I’m here today to do everything within my power to make sure she stays behind bars.

This inmate has proven that she is both evil and mentally unstable. No one can fix that kind of madness. I believe if she is paroled, she will kill again. Murder is a game to this inmate. Ladies and gentlemen, that is insanity. This person has proved to be a narcissist and is a dangerous person who has no remorse in the least. This inmate has destroyed so many lives when she murdered Skylar.

This inmate is just the rat that narced and got a deal. Yes, she showed us where she murdered Skylar, yet she is also the narcissist liar that put my daughter in that place. This monster is a danger to society. If released, no parent can close their eyes at night without fear that their own child could possibly be the next victim.

This vicious murderer sits here today asking for a second chance. I ask you, where is Skylar’s second chance? Where was her second chance when this monster counted to three and began to slash and stab at my only child?

I don’t want to live in a world without Skylar, but I have to. I want to make sure it’s as safe as possible from predators like this one.

I ask that you deny parole for this diabolical butcher and allow Skylar’s mother and I the knowledge that her killer will not be granted the reality of adulthood that out daughter was never allowed to experience.

Shoaf remains in the Lakin Correctional Center where her projected release date is April 2028, according to the West Virginia Department of Corrections.

Eddy is also serving her sentence in the same facility. Her first parole hearing is currently scheduled for May 2028.


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