Anthony Fiebiger

Anthony Fiebiger Pennsylvania Death Row

Anthony Fiebiger

Anthony Fiebiger was sentenced to death by the State of Pennsylvania for the murders of two women. According to court documents Anthony Fiebiger was under investigation of the murder of Norma Parker when police realized he was also responsible for the murder of Marcia Jones. Anthony Fiebiger was always a suspect in the Norma Parker murder however he could not be tied to the disappearance. Eventually police would have enough evidence and Anthony Fiebiger would be charged with body murder and would be convicted an sentenced to death.

Anthony Fiebiger 2022 Information

Parole Number: 7480V
Age: 58
Date of Birth: 07/14/1963
Race/Ethnicity: WHITE
Height: 5′ 10″
Gender: MALE
Citizenship: USA
Complexion: LIGHT
Current Location: PHOENIX

Anthony Fiebiger More News

Anthony Fiebiger was born on July 14, 1963. In 1998, when he was about 35 years old, he was arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct. After his arrest, he was stated to be mumbling about a murder that had been bothering him and, upon questioning, confessed to two brutal murders. The first one was regarding the mysterious disappearance of Norma Parker in 1989.

Norma was Anthony’s girlfriend at the time, and they had been living together in Carnegie, Pennsylvania. She was last seen on February 27, 1989, and was reported missing by her sister about a week later. Anthony was long considered a suspect in that case, but he wasn’t charged. He confessed to the police that Norma had woken him up, which made him angry, and he choked her with his hands, a towel, and even a nunchuck. He then put her body in a 55-gallon industrial drum and buried her in a park before coming back to pour battery acid over the grave. In 1998, he led the authorities to her remains.

The other murder that he confessed to was the long-unsolved case of Marcia Jones. He told the police that in 1982, Anthony and his friend, Joseph Morton, were looking for a woman to rape. They came across the 16-year-old Marcia and coaxed her into a park by offering her marijuana. The two of them then proceeded to rape, beat, sodomize and strangle her. They also stabbed her multiple times in the neck and consequently buried her in a shallow grave.

Her body was found on May 22, 1982. In his confession, Anthony had also stated that he had always fantasized about killing people, especially children. He was convicted of murdering Marcia and later pleaded guilty to Norma’s murder. Joseph Morton, the accomplice in the 1982 killing, was also found guilty of rape and murder.

Anthony Fiebiger was found guilty for the murder of Marcia Jones and pleaded guilty for the murder of Norma Parker. He was sentenced to death in both cases. In 2001, he waived his right to appeal and right to legal representation and asked to be executed. But he is still on death row. As per prison records, he is incarcerated at the State Correctional Institution – Phoenix in Collegeville, Pennsylvania

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