kentucky death row

Kentucky Death Row Inmate List

kentucky death row

Kentucky Death Row Men Inmates are kept at the Kentucky State Penitentiary. The Kentucky Death Row Women Inmates are kept at the Kentucky Correctional Institute for Women. Kentucky primary method of execution is lethal injection

Kentucky Death Row Inmate List – Women

Virginia Caudill

Kentucky Death Row Inmate List – Men

Ralph Baze

Ronnie Lee Bowling

Kevin Wayne Dunlap

Samuel Steven Fields

Robert Foley

Fred Furnish

Johnathan Wayne Goforth

Randy Haight

Benny Lee Hodge

James Hunt

Donald Johnson

David Eugene Matthews

William Harry Meece

Brian Moore

David Lee Sanders

Vincent Stopher

Victor Taylor

William Eugene Thompson

Roger Wheeler

Karu Gene White

Larry Lamont White

Mitchell Willoughby

Shawn Windsor

Robert Keith Woodall

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