Kruse Wellwood And Cameron Moffat Teen Killers

Kruse Wellwood And Cameron Moffat Teen Killers

Kruse Wellwood And Cameron Moffat

Kruse Wellwood and Cameron Moffat murdered an eighteen year old woman. According to court documents the two teen killers would kidnap the young woman before dragging her into a home where she was repeatedly sexually assaulted, tortured and finally murdered. The two teen killers would be arrested and convicted of the brutal crime. However due to Canadian law they received life sentences but due to their ages at the time of the murder are eligible for parole after ten years.

Kruse Wellwood and Cameron Moffat Other News

The father of a Langford teen who was brutally sexually assaulted and murdered by two classmates in 2010 says the family feels betrayed by the criminal justice system.

Cameron Moffatt and Kruse Wellwood, then 17 and 16 years old, were sentenced in 2011 to life in prison with no possibility of parole for 10 years for the horrific torture, murder and mutilation of 18-year-old Kimberly Proctor.

Proctor’s body was discovered in March 2010 along the Galloping Goose Trail in Colwood.

Her father, Fred Proctor, told CTV News on Tuesday that he was “tormented” to learn last week that a parole hearing for one of his daughter’s killers, which was initially scheduled for June, has been postponed until August.

“This torment was already going to be almost six months long,” Proctor said of the delay of Wellwood’s day parole hearing. “Now it’ll be eight months with this monkey on our backs before we can put this parole hearing behind us.”

Proctor said he feels “powerless” and “betrayed by the system” for subjecting families of victims to annual parole hearings.

“Our situation is made worse because of the fact there were two killers and thus far only one of them has applied for parole,” he said. “We could be spending many years attending parole hearings.”

Proctor said that if Canadians knew the grisly details of his daughter’s murder, he believes they would demand tougher sentencing in cases like hers.

“The coroner found that Kim had been raped, her genitals were mutilated, foreign objects were found in her vagina, underwear was stuffed in her mouth and taped shut,” he said. “She was bound and thrown in a deep freezer still alive and eventually succumbed to asphyxiation.”

Kimberly’s badly burned body was discovered March 19, 2010, but it took three days to identify her remains. An autopsy showed the girl died of asphyxiation from duct tape that was placed over her mouth.

“However horrific the details,” Proctor added, they “should be broadcast loudly so that perhaps the bleeding hearts of this country can be silenced and actual victims of crime can be heard.

Kruse Wellwood And Cameron Moffat Videos

Kruse Wellwood And Cameron Moffat More News

One of the two men involved in the murder of Langford teen Kimberly Proctor was denied parole earlier this month, and the decision from the Parole Board of Canada says he would still be a risk to the public’s safety if released on full parole.

In March 2010, then 16-year-old Kruse Wellwood and 17-year-old Cameron Moffat bound, sexually assaulted, choked, gagged and placed Proctor, 18, in a freezer. The next day, they put her body in a duffel bag and took it to an area near the Galloping Goose to burn it. They were handed adult sentences of life in prison with no chance of parole for 10 years for premeditated rape and murder.

A report from the parole board says both Wellwood and Moffat were interested in dating Proctor but she denied them both. Wellwood contacted Proctor the night before she was reported missing indicating his intention to apologize.

Wellwood, who is now 26, faced a hearing on May 15 to determine his eligibility for full parole. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Proctor’s family members phoned in to listen to the hearing and deliver victim impact statements.

READ ALSO: Kimberly Proctor’s killer denied full parole

In August, Wellwood was denied day parole. The parole board’s decision says a clinician did a psychological assessment of him in July and “was unable to envision a scenario where [Wellwood] would be in the community without supervision.” The clinician noted the severity of Wellwood’s psychopathology and lack of progress despite his completion of the high intensity sex offender program.

Wellwood began displaying problematic behaviour in school in Grade 3, the report says, and he met Moffat in Grade 5. Wellwood was a defiant, argumentative, verbally abusive and sometimes violent teen and was verbally and physically abusive towards his mother, the report says. He and Moffat shared information and fantasies related to sexuality and violence.

About two weeks after Wellwood’s August hearing for day parole, the parole board report says he met with members of his case management team to discuss it but the meeting had to be rescheduled due to its length.

“You reacted by slouching down off the chair and laying face down on the floor,” the report says. “While being escorted to your cell, you began crying aggressively punching yourself in the face multiple times.”

Wellwood has had “temper tantrums” according to the report and has reacted with self-harming behaviours like hitting himself in the head and pulling his hair. He refused to attend an emotions management group, saying he did not want to listen to other people’s problems.

He has, however, gained support from the prison’s chaplain and a sponsor as well as individuals in the religious community.

The parole board’s report says Wellwood’s plan is to reside with the chaplain or at a community residential facility on the lower mainland if on full parole, however, his case management team says living with the chaplain is not possible and that he is not supported for any form of conditional release. The report also says the July psychological assessment shows concerns with Wellwood’s “deflection and minimization, sexual sadism, level of psychopathology and high risk to re-offend.”

His case management team also says his level of accountability remains low.

READ ALSO: Proctor’s killers troubled, angry from the start

If full parole were to be granted, it is recommended that he not be allowed on or near Vancouver Island without prior written approval of his parole supervisor, that he has no direct or indirect contact with the victims of any family members of the victims, that he report all intimate sexual and non-sexual relationships and friendships with females and he follow a treatment plan or program in the area of sexual deviancy.

“The [case management team] views your episodes with mismanaged emotions as demonstrating deterioration in terms of overall stability and readiness for any form of conditional release,” the report says.

The report says Wellwood was open and understanding that full parole would not be supported but said he is confident in his ability to seek assistance and be successful under community supervision. He also “acknowledged the extreme violence and sexual deviancy” in his actions and said he wants to learn more about the diagnoses and labels attributed to him in assessments.

Full parole for Wellwood was denied due to his “insufficient gains in risk reduction.”

“Your case calls for a very gradual, closely monitored and structured release,” the report says. “Your release on full parole at this time would present undue risk to the public’s safety.”

Kruse Wellwood Father

Kruse Wellwood father

A convicted murderer who escaped from the minimum security unit at Mission Institution on Friday is back in custody.

Robert Raymond Dezwaan’s disappearance was discovered Friday during a 3:45 p.m. head count. He was captured by Agassiz RCMP at 11:15 a.m. Saturday.

Agassiz is about 50 kilometres from the Mission prison and is home to Kent Institution, where Dezwaan’s son, Kruse Wellwood is incarcerated.

Wellwood, along with an accomplice, Cameron Moffat, raped and murdered Langford teen Kimberly Proctor in 2010. Wellwood said at his trial that he had not had contact with his father since 2001.

Dezwaan was convicted of second-degree murder in 2003 and is serving a life sentence for the death by strangulation of 16-year-old Cherish Billy Oppenheim near Merritt in 2001. He was out on bail at the time for attacking another girl in Kelowna.

Dezwaan left Oppenheim’s badly damaged body covered with rocks and debris off a deserted road. He took RCMP there after he pleaded guilty to second-degree murder.

Those crimes followed a 1993 incident in which he was convicted of unlawful confinement and break-and-enter after he broke into a woman’s home at night, climbed on top of her and tried to stuff a rag into her mouth.

Dezwaan’s crimes bear a striking similarity to the rape and murder of Proctor by Wellwood and Moffat. They lured Proctor to Wellwood’s home, bound her hands and ankles with duct tape and then gagged her with a sock before repeatedly sexually assaulting her. The teens tried to strangle her; they eventually suffocated her with a bag over her head.

Wellwood’s defence lawyer, Bob Jones, read a letter to the court at Wellwood’s sentencing hearing. In the letter, Wellwood mentioned his troubled relationship with his dad: “As a child, I hated my father for what he had done. I felt I was less than him and now I find I have become a worse man.”

The Correctional Service of Canada is reviewing the circumstances of Dezwaan’s escape and are focused on assisting the RCMP with the ongoing investigation.

A spokesman for the service refused to comment further, saying it would be inappropriate while the investigation is underway.

On a typical day, inmates are counted at 6:45 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 4:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., according to the correctional service. Informal inmate counts also take place several times a day, without interrupting activities.

During the night, correctional officers make regular rounds to ensure inmates are safe and in their cells or rooms between lock-up and the morning count.

Kruse Wellwood 2022 Update

Teen killer Kruse Hendrick Wellwood has again been denied day parole by the Parole Board of Canada.

Wellwood, now 28, is serving a life sentence for the murder of 18-year-old Kimberly Proctor in March 2010.

Wellwood, then 16, and Cameron Moffat, 17, lured the Grade 12 student to Wellwood’s home in Langford, tied her up, gagged her, sexually assaulted her, beat her, suffocated her and mutilated her body with a knife over several hours.

They put her body in a freezer, and the next day travelled to the Galloping Goose trail and set it on fire. Her badly burned body was found under a bridge on the trail on March 19, 2010.

The teens, who were sentenced as adults, pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and were given life sentences in 2011 with no possibility of parole for 10 years. They were both eligible for day parole in 2018.

At the time, a psychological assessment prepared for court assessed Wellwood as a high risk for violence toward an intimate partner. The psychologist concluded Wellwood had many of the diagnostic criteria for psychopathy, sexual sadism and necrophilia.

“At sentencing the judge said the murder was so horrific that words could not adequately describe the inhuman cruelty you and your co-accused showed,” the parole board says in a decision released today. “The judge noted you and your co-accused planned to sexually assault and kill the victim whom you brutalized for several hours before killing her. The judge noted you minimized your own participation and pointed your finger at your coaccused.”

Wellwood applied for day parole and escorted temporary absences from Mission Institution in August 2019 but was denied.

At his hearing on Aug. 4, 2022, the Correctional Service of Canada advised against day parole.

The parole board decision says the most recent psychological assessment, completed in April, concluded Wellwood’s risk for violent and sexual reoffending remains high.

The psychologist found Wellwood continues to use sex as a way to cope with negative emotions. She noted that during the assessment, Wellwood sat slumped, failed to make eye contact, called the murder the “event” and did not use Kimberly’s name. The psychologist concluded that not only is Wellwood’s risk unmanageable on day parole, his risk is too high for a transfer to a minimum security institution.

“Your psychological risk assessments are very concerning … those specific to psychopathology point to a high risk. You appear to have an entrenched sexual deviance that began at a very young age, and which you acted out in a most violent manner on an innocent woman,” says the decision.

The board is also concerned that Wellwood had been writing to Moffat, his co-accused, before Moffat’s case management team decided it was inappropriate.

Wellwood continues to have emotional outbursts and attempts to hurt himself. He continues to have an interest in risky sexual thoughts and sex that is controlling, says the decision.

Kruse Wellwood And Cameron Moffat Videos

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