Shannon Agofsky Federal Death Row

Shannon Agofsky Federal Death Row

Shannon Agofsky Federal Death Row

Shannon Agofsky was sentenced to death for the murder of a fellow inmate at a Federal prison in Texas. According to reports Shannon Agofsky and his brother Joe Agofsky would take a bank manager hostage and would bound him to a chair then tossed him into the lake while he was still alive. Shannon and Joe Agofsky would be sentenced to life in Federal Prison. While in prison Shannon Agofsky would beat to death another prison which would end up with him sentenced to death. As of 2021 he remains on Federal Death Row

Federal Death Row Inmate List

Shannon Agofsky 2021 Information

Register Number: 06267-045
Age: 50
Race: White
Sex: Male
Located at: Terre Haute USP
Release Date: DEATH SENT

Shannon Agofsky More News

A federal prisoner serving a life sentence for the murder of an Arkansas banker was sentenced to death Friday for the 2001 slaying of another inmate.

Shannon Wayne Agofsky, 33, was convicted July 8 of stomping fellow inmate Luther Plant to death at the federal prison in Beaumont.

Video recorded by a prison guard showed Agofsky, who is adept at martial arts, stomping on Plant’s head and neck inside of a prison exercise cage

A federal jury in Beaumont took 75 minutes to convict Agofsky.

Experts testified that Plant died two hours after the January 2001 attack because he had a crushed throat and drowned in his own blood.

Plant, 37, was a heroin addict who suffered from hepatitis C. He was serving a prison sentence for convictions on charges of arson and being a felon in possession of a firearm.

Agofsky is serving a life sentence in the 1989 murder of Dan Short of Sulphur Springs, Ark. Agofsky and his older brother, Joseph, were convicted of robbing the State Bank of Noel in Noel, Mo., where Short was president. The older Agofsky is also serving a life sentence.

Investigators said the brothers kidnapped Short from his home and forced him to open a bank vault at the bank, then strapped Short to a chair and threw him off a bridge into an Oklahoma lake while he was still alive. Shannon Wayne Agofsky was 18 at the time of the murder.

During the recent trial, prison guard Christopher Matt said he put Agofsky and Plant in the exercise cage and detected no hostility between the two.

But jurors heard of Agofsky’s violent desires from a November 2000 letter he wrote.

“All I do is work out, wait to leave and hope the cops mess up and let me around some other (person) so I can test out my hand,” Agofsky said in the letter.

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  1. Waste of taxpayers money to feed, cloth and give medical care to him. He’s killed twice AND given death penalty for second murder. Drop the hammer on him.

    1. I agree. It is a waste of money, but death is the the easy way out. Let them wake up every day for the rest of their life knowing that they will never leave. That they will just sit there praying everyday for the sweet relief of death

      I don’t know about you, but I would much rather die than be stuck in a prison for the rest of klmy life. That has got to suck

  2. Maybe the victim or family of the victim should be allowed to decide these proven killers fate. Leave it up to them. The minute the judge says guilty, all should look to the victims corner looking for what they want of a life that brought about so much pain. prison for life? Excute?

  3. I knew Shannon, and his brother at the time they killed Dan. Can’t say I was completely shocked. Shannon always seemed to be a loose cannon. His brother however was always quiet. I knew when they got sentenced that Shannon would act out in prison. I’m surprised he hasn’t hurt more people. He was always violent. And very good with the martial arts. Death Row is a joke. I don’t understand why it takes so long to light a fire. here. Didn’t take this long for Shannon and Joe to end lives.

  4. i cant understand why they cant use anesthesia then an overdose of morphine. thats how the hospital killed my ex husband who was dying of cancer. this bs about hurting murders they should suffer just as those they killed and their families have suffered.

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