Christopher Robertson Kristlynne Robertson

Christopher Robertson Murders Wife In Texas

Christopher Robertson Kristlynne Robertson
Christopher Robertson Kristlynne Robertson

Christopher Robertson is an accused killer from Texas who has been charged with the murder of his wife Kristlynne Robertson

According to police reports Christopher Robertson brother would come to the Texas home and find his brother intoxicated. The brother would also notice a foul odor in the home. When the brother looked inside of a room he would see the body of Kristlynne Robertson who had been shot twice in the face and wrapped up in a tarp

The brother would convince Christopher Robertson to call police and when he did so he would also confess to the murder of Kristlynne Robertson

Christopher Robertson would be taken into custody and charged with the murder of Kristlynne Robertson

Christopher Robertson News

A Fort Worth man is charged with murder after his wife’s body was found wrapped in a tarp inside his home, according to an arrest affidavit acquired by FOX 4.

Chris Robertson, 33, is charged with the murder of his wife, Kristlynne

Fort Worth police were called to the home on Whitman Avenue on Friday and found the 34-year-old woman wrapped in a blue tarp.

Robertson’s brother told police he had been gone for several days and returned to a strong foul smell in the home, according to an affidavit.

He told police he found his brother in his room “extremely intoxicated” with Kristlynne wrapped in the tarp.

The Tarrant County Medical Examiner determined Kristlynne had been shot in the head.

Police attempted to speak with Robertson at the scene, but said he was “too intoxicated to understand what I was saying or provide a meaningful response,” according to the arrest affidavit.

The next day, Robertson called 911 and admitted to the call taker that he was responsible for the murder.

“My father-in-law is going to kill me,” Robertson told the call taker, according to the affidavit. “I actually killed his daughter.”

Police met with Robertson on Sunday, and he again admitted to police that he shot his wife and told them he wanted to go to jail, according to police.

Family members tell FOX 4 Kristlynne was the mother of 5 children.

Robertson is in the Tarrant County Jail where he is held on $100,000 bond.

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