florida death row

Florida Death Row Inmate List

florida death row

Florida Death Row for men is located at the t Florida State Prison in Raiford, FL, and Union Correctional Institution in Raiford, FL. The Florida Death Row for women is located at the Lowell Annex in Lowell FL. Florida primary execution method is lethal injection. It needs to be noted that a ton of death row cases are going through resentencing due to a Florida Supreme Court ruling so I am going to leave them off of this list until their death sentences are finalized.

Florida Death Row Inmate List – Women

Margaret Allen

Tina Lasonya Brown

Tiffany Cole

Florida Death Row Inmate List – A

Johnathan Alcegaire

Scottie Allen

Andrew Allred

Pressley Alston

Fred Anderson

Richard Anderson

Robin Archer

Jeffrey Atwater

Howard Ault

Peter Avsenew

Florida Death Row Inmate List – B

Michael Bargo

James Barnes

Darryl Barwick

Kayle Bates

Curtis Beasley

Michael Bell

Omar Blanco

Leo Boatman

Brett Bogle

Lucious Boyd

Charles Brant

Raymond Bright

Paul Alfred Brown

Paul Anthony Brown

Daniel Burns

Sean Bush

Milford Byrd

Florida Death Row Inmate List – C

Johnny Calhoun

Marvin Cannon

Pinkney Carter

Alphonso Cave

Ronald Clark

Loran Cole

James Colley

Daniel Conaha

Robert Consalvo

Rory Conte

Edward Covington

Allen Cox

Steven Cozzie

Robert Craft

Willie Crain

Daniel Craven

Christian Cruz

Florida Death Row Inmate List – D

James Dailey

Mesac Damas

Floyd Damren

Donald Davidson

Adam Davis

Leon Davis

Mark Davis

Toney Davis

William Davis

William Deparvine

Samuel Derrick

Kenneth Dessaure

Randall Deviney

Adrian Doorbal

Wayne Doty

Luther Douglas

Daniel Doyle

James Duckett

Paul Durousseau

Florida Death Row Inmate List – E

Dwight Eaglin

Richard England

Steven Evans

Paul Everett

Florida Death Row Inmate List – F

Charles Finney

Thomas Fletcher

Timothy Fletcher

Franklin Floyd

James Ford

Jermaine Foster

Kevin Foster

Konstantinos Fotopoulos

Carlton Francis

Quawn Franklin

Leonardo Franqui

John Freeman

Florida Death Row Inmate List – G

Guy Gamble

Louis Gaskin

Mark Geralds

Ricardo Gonzalez

Michael Gordon

Robert Gordon

Ricardo Gill

Norman Grim

Jesse Guardado

Thomas Gudinas

Florida Death Row Inmate List – H

Enoch Hall

Richard Hamilton

Harold Harvey

Ronald Heath

James Herard

Guerry Hertz

Gary Hilton

George Hodges

Gerhard Hojan

Albert Holland

Johnny Hoskins

John Huggins

James Hunter

Jerone Hunter

Jeffrey Hutchinson

Florida Death Row Inmate List – I

Florida Death Row Inmate List – J

Edward James

Sonny Jeffries

Brandy Jennings

Ronnie Johnson

Ray Johnston

Tyrone Johnson

Harry Jones

Michael Jones Jr

Randall Jones

Victor Jones

Marlin Joseph

Florida Death Row Inmate List – K

Leo Kaczmar

Billy Kearse

William Kelley

Michael King

Richard Knight

Ronald Knight

Gregory Kokal

Anton Krawczuk

Florida Death Row Inmate List – L

Anthony Lamarca

Gary Lawrence

Jonathan Lawrence

Jason Looney

Steven Lorenzo

Daniel Lugo

Andrew Lukehart

Richard Lynch

Florida Death Row Inmate List – M

Scott Mansfield

John Marquard

Bill Marquardt

Matthew Marshall

David Martin

Thomas McCoy

Gary McCray

Meryl McDonald

Norman McKenzie

Antonio Melton

Marbel Mendoza

Troy Merck

Dale Middleton

David Miller

Everett Miller

Thomas Moore

Dontae Morris

Robert Morris

Alvin Morton

Jeffrey Muehleman

Khadafy Mullens

Anthony Mungin

Florida Death Row Inmate List – N

Joshua Nelson

Micah Nelson

Ronald Newberry

Joe Nixon

Barry Noetzel

Florida Death Row Inmate List – O

Dominick Occhicone

Thomas Overton

Duane Owen

Florida Death Row Inmate List – P

Bruce Pace

Alex Pagan

JB Parker

Robert Peede

Daniel Peterka

Harry Phillips

Lenard Philmore

Norberto Pietri

Anthony Ponticelli

Mark Poole

Thomas Pope

Carl Puiatti

Florida Death Row Inmate List – Q

Florida Death Row Inmate List – R

Bobby Raleigh

Richard Randolph

William Reaves

Grover Reed

John Reese

Michael Reynolds

Richard Rhodes

Thomas Rigterink

Robert Rimmer

Granville Ritchie

Michael Rivera

Michael Robinson

Jeremiah Rodgers

Juan Rodriguez

Manolo Rodriguez

Glen Rogers

Shawn Rogers

James Rose

Milo Rose

David Russ

Florida Death Row Inmate List – S

Hector Sanchez-Torrez

Pablo San Martin

Angel Santiago-Gonzalez

Billy Sheppard

Richard Shere

Mark Sievers

William Silvia

Jason Simpson

Jack Sliney

Benjamin Smiley

Delmar Smith

Derrick Smith

Donald Smith

Joseph Smith

Stephen Smith

Terry Smith

Samuel Smithers

Dennis Sochor

Anthony Spann

David Sparre

Dusty Spencer

Steven Stein

Jason Stephens

Kenneth Stewart

Ernest Suggs

William Sweet

Florida Death Row Inmate List – T

Michael Tanzi

John Taylor

Perry Taylor

Steven Taylor

William Taylor

William Thomas

Robert Trease

George Trepal

Melvin Trotter

Quentin Truehill

Randy Tundidor

Florida Death Row Inmate List – U

Florida Death Row Inmate List – V

Terance Valentine

Troy Victorino

Florida Death Row Inmate List -W

Alan Wade

Anthony Wainwright

Craig Wall

Frank Walls

Jason Walton

William Wells

Jason Wheeler

Ernest Whitfield

Gary Whitton

Darius Wilcox

Chadwick Willacy

Dana Williamson

Curtis Windom

Steven Wolf

Thomas Woodel

Michael Woodbury

Joel Wright

Tavares Wright

Florida Death Row Inmate List – X

Florida Death Row Inmate List – Y

Florida Death Row Inmate List – Z

Michael Zack

Edward Zakrzewski

William Zeigler

Joseph Zieler

Todd Zommer


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