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Jewayne Price Arrested For South Carolina Mall Shooting

Jewayne Price

Jewayne Price has been arrested in Columbia South Carolina for a shooting at a mall that left over a dozen people injured. According to police reports Jewayne Price and two other suspects, who have not been named, displayed weapons and opened fire injuring fourteen people. So far Jewayne Price has been charged with unlawfully carrying of a pistol however Columbia South Carolina police have stated that more charges are imminent. For whatever the reason Jewayne Price was allowed to post bond and is currently under house arrest.

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More than a dozen people are dealing with injuries from a shooting at a mall in Columbia, South Carolina Sunday, and police have arrested a 22-year-old suspect in connection with the shooting.

Columbia Police Department Chief W.H. ‘Skip’ Holbrook said Jewayne M. Price has been charged with unlawful carrying of a pistol, and additional charges may be forthcoming.

At a hearing on Sunday, Price was given a $25,000 surety bond. He was also placed on house arrest and ordered to wear an ankle monitor.

The judge allowed Price to travel from home to work, at certain times of the day.

Price is also prohibited from contacting the victims of the shooting, or anybody else who might be involved.

Chief Holbrook said 14 victims were injured in the shooting Saturday at Columbiana Centre mall. The oldest is 73-years-old, and the youngest is 15-years-old.

Nine of the victims have gunshot wounds, while the other five have broken bones, cuts, and a head injury from trying to flee the mall.

“At last check, the only victim who continues to receive medical treatment at a local hospital is the 73-year-old female. All of the other victims have been treated and released or will be released shortly,” Holbrook said in a news release.

Police officers detained two additional males with Price Saturday, and those two were released from custody after Holbrook said “it was determined that they were not involved in the shooting.”

He wrote that ballistic evidence indicates that at least two different firearms were used by two suspects, and investigators are working to identify at least two additional suspects “who were observed with firearms.”

Investigators have seized one firearm related to the incident.

He said investigators believe the shooting was an isolated incident between the suspects, and “likely stemmed from an on-going conflict.”

The police department is investigating, and expressed appreciation for those who shared tips so far. Anyone who witnessed, or captured the incident on video is asked to call the department’s Criminal Investigations Bureau at 803-545-3525.

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One Comment

  1. This whole thing smells of corruption and equity. Maybe this kid is a monarch and they aren’t done with the horrors the handlers have in store for the rest of us to suffer. Regardless thus kid could have killed a hundred people or killed a mother, killed a miracle baby or destroyed any number of lives, granted I’m certain that someone today is shell-shocked and unable to go out in public and fight themselves and struggle keeping a job after this event. They will require hundreds of thousands in therapy and medication to even begin to heal and this kid is let back out to disrespect the absolute gift of life and the promise each person has in their mother and fathers eyes. Robbing someone’s existence and having such little regard for the absolute gift life is shows enough in the character of this asshole that it would be a miscarriage of justice and blatant corruption and questionable legal practices and judgment if he doesn’t get a maximum penalty. There is such reckless and profound evil in someone willing to nearly kill this many people and potentially destroy the lives and hope of hundreds. There is nothing redeemable in this adult child and he knew better. He deserves nothing less than the months and years of healing each injured victim has ahead of them put into the years he gets to serve on each individual. He will do something like this again if it goes unchecked. I pray for the impacted.

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