Lezmond Mitchell photos

Lezmond Mitchell Federal Execution

Lezmond Mitchel was executed by the Federal Government for a double murder. According to court documents Lezmond Mitchel would murder a woman and her young daughter in order to steal their vehicle. Lezmond Mitchell who was the only Native American on Federal Death Row would be executed by lethal injection on August 26, 2020 Lezmond…

dustin honken photos

Dustin Honken Federal Death Row

Dustin Honken was executed by the Federal Government for five murders related to a drug empire. According to court documents Dustin Honken was a meth kingpin in Iowa who was responsible for the murders of five people including two children and two informants. Authorities believe he was trying to avoid a drug investigation. Dustin Honken…

Walter Barton

Walter Barton Missouri Execution

Walter Barton was executed by the State of Missouri for the sexual assault and murder of an elderly woman. According to court documents Walter Barton would fatally stab eighty one year old Gladys Kuehler over fifty times causing her death. Walter Barton maintained his innocence since his arrest, through multiple murder trials and his execution….

Nathaniel Woods execution

Nathaniel Woods Alabama Execution

Nathaniel Woods was executed by the State of Alabama for the murders of three police officers in Birmingham. According to court documents Nathaniel Woods would shoot and kill the police officers however his codefendant would state that he was not guilty nor the trigger man for the brutal murders. However after decades of appeal Nathaniel…