james hutto

James Hutto Mississippi Death Row

James Hutto was sentenced to death by the State of Mississippi for the murder of an elderly woman. According to court documents James Hutto would befriend the victim,  eighty-one-year-old Ethel W. Simpson, and after going to a casino together the woman was murdered. James Hutto was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death Mississippi Death Row…

marlon howell

Marlon Howell Mississippi Death Row

Marlon Howell was sentenced to death by the State of Mississippi for a murder committed during a robbery. According to court documents Marlon Howell approached the victim, Hugh David Pernell, who was in his car delivering newspapers. Marlon Howell would demand money then shoot and kill the victim. Marlon Howell would be arrested, convicted and…

Leslie Galloway

Leslie Galloway Mississippi Death Row

Leslie Galloway was sentenced to death by the State of Mississippi for the murder of a teenager. According to court documents Leslie Galloway would sexually assault Shakeylia Anderson before slitting the teens throat, setting her on fire and running her over. Leslie Galloway would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death. Mississippi Death Row Inmate…

David Dickerson

David Dickerson Mississippi Death Row

David Dickerson was sentenced to death by the State of Mississippi for a brutal murder. According to court documents David Dickerson would go to his ex girlfriends home where the woman was shot than set on fire. David Dickerson was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death. Mississippi Death Row Inmate List David Dickerson 2021 Information…

charles crawford

Charles Crawford Mississippi Death Row

Charles Crawford was sentenced to death by the State of Mississippi for the sexual assault and murder of a college student. According to court documents Charles Crawford kidnapped Kristy Ray from her home, the woman was sexually assaulted, handcuffed to a tree and stabbed to death. Mississippi Death Row Inmate List Charles Crawford 2021 Information…