Jacob Brown Teen Killer Murders Elderly Couple

Jacob Brown

Jacob Brown was sixteen years old when he murdered an elderly couple in Tennessee. According to court documents Jacob Brown, who is known as Paco to friends. broke into the elderly couple home and proceeded to beat them to death with a baseball bat. Jacob Brown who would confess to the brutal murders would tell police that demons told him to kill. Regardless this teen killer would be convicted at trial and sentenced to life without parole.

Jacob Brown 2023 Information

jacob brown 2022
Birth Date:05/30/1994
TDOC ID:00500196
State ID Number (SID):03224461
Combined Sentence(s) Length:LIFE WITHOUT PAROLESupervision/Custody Level:MEDIUM
Sentence Begin Date:01/20/2011Sentence End Date: 
Release Eligibility Date: Parole Hearing Date: 

Jacob Brown Other News

A Tipton County teenager testified in court today that demons tell him to kill. The disturbing story was heard hours before Jacob “Paco” Brown was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

Brown is just 17, a year older than when he was charged with killing an elderly couple. Their family offered emotional testimony during the sentencing as well.

Brown will spend the rest of his life in prison for murdering an elderly couple in their Munford home. He claims he cries for his victims every night.

Ed and his wife Bea Walker were beaten to death with a baseball bat almost exactly one year ago.

A day after he was found guilty of first degree murder, Brown offered bizarre yet compelling testimony that demons speak to him.

“Demons – they tell me to kill people or kill myself,” he said in court. Brown also described an imaginary little girl named Bella who tells him not to kill people.

“She’s just a little girl,” he said. “She comes around sometimes.”

A diagnosed schizophrenic, a doctor claimed Brown may have heard voices that told him to commit the murders. He was also high on bath salts at the time.

One of the Walker’s daughters testified that Brown caused her family to forever live in fear.

We lock doors, sleep with the lights on,” said Christy Billings, the victims’ daughter. “Sometimes we don’t even sleep at night.”

Brown’s mother said he was a great kid until junior high when he started refusing to take his medication.

It only took the jury about an hour to sentence Brown.


Jacob Brown Videos

Jacob Brown More News

A Tipton County teen accused of killing an elderly Munford couple has apologized for his actions.

As he was led out of the Tipton County Jail late last week in handcuffs, 16-year-old Jacob Brown – known as Paco to his friends – only had one thing to say: I’m sorry.

Brown is charged with two counts of premeditated first degree murder, two counts of felony first degree murder, and aggravated burglary.  He’s accused of killing Munford residents Ed and Bertha Walker with a baseball bat inside their home last month.

During a preliminary hearing last week, TBI agent Mark Reynolds testified Brown confessed to him about the killings.

“He dropped his head and his whole body language,” Reynolds said. “I told him, ‘It’s going to be okay,’ and he said, ‘It’s not going to be okay. I did this.’”

During disturbing testimony, Scott Locke, a neighbor of the Walkers, said he and Brown had conversations about their nosy neighbors. Locke said Brown suggested killing them, but he thought it was a joke.

On the stand, Locke described the day last month whet 80-year-old Ed Walker and his wife Bea were found beaten to death.

According to Lock, at approximately 2:20 p.m., Brown sent a text message that reportedly said, “You wanted your nosy neighbors dead, right?”

Later that afternoon, Locke said Brown told him, “It’s done.”

A clinical psychologist took the stand and said Jacob Brown was mentally competent to stand trial. He’s expected to be indicted by a Tipton county grand jury this week.

Jacob Brown FAQ

Jacob Brown Now

Jacob Brown is currently incarcerated at the Turner Center Industrial Complex

Jacob Brown Release Date

Jacob Brown is serving life without parole

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