odraye jones

Odraye Jones Ohio Death Row

odraye jones

Odraye Jones was sentenced to death by the State of Ohio for the murder of a police officer. According to court documents Odraye Jones was being chased by Ashtabula police officer William Glover, when he puled out a gun and fired at the officer striking him. Odraye Jones would go over to the officer and kick him in the chest. Odraye Jones would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death.

Ohio Death Row Inmate List

Odraye Jones 2021 Information

Number A358112

DOB 09/21/1976

Gender Male Race Black

Admission Date 06/10/1998

Institution Chillicothe Correctional Institution


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Officer William D. Glover, Jr., responded to the dispatcher’s call.   Officer Glover found appellant with a friend, Anthony Gene Barksdale, and Jimmie Lee Ruth walking together on West 43rd Street.   Officer Glover followed the three men to the home of one of their friends, Flo Chapman.   Barksdale knocked on the door of the Chapman home while Ruth and appellant stood behind him on the porch.   Officer Glover approached the Chapman home, got out of his car, and beckoned to appellant.   Ruth testified that Officer Glover told appellant, “[C]ome on, you know why I’m here.   I don’t want no problem.   I’m just doing my job.”   Appellant jumped off the side of the porch and began running down the side of the Chapman home.   Officer Glover pursued him.   Not long after the pursuit commenced, appellant turned around, pulled a .38 caliber revolver from his pocket, and began firing shots at Officer Glover.

 After firing the first shot, appellant began to approach Officer Glover, firing several more shots.   Officer Glover fell to the ground.   Appellant turned and fled.   He ran to a nearby fence and began to climb through a hole in it.   Appellant then stopped, turned around, and ran back to where Officer Glover lay.   Appellant kicked Officer Glover in the chest.   The kick was done with such force that it left a large bruise on Officer Glover’s chest that was visible to the paramedics who later treated Officer Glover at the scene.   After kicking Officer Glover, appellant fled the scene.

As Officer Glover was pursuing appellant, another Ashtabula City Police Officer, Robert Stell, was en route in his patrol car.   Officer Stell located appellant several blocks away from the scene of the shooting, still running.   Officer Stell got out of his car and ordered appellant to stop.   Appellant ignored the command and continued running.   Officer Stell pursued appellant on foot.   Appellant led Officer Stell into a nearby apartment complex.   He stopped at the door of an apartment and began attempting to force his way inside.   While appellant managed to squeeze part of his body through the door, the occupant of the apartment prevented appellant from fully entering.   As appellant was struggling to enter the apartment, Officer Stell began to approach appellant.   Officer Stell drew his weapon and ordered appellant to the ground.   Appellant did not immediately respond.   Appellant threw his revolver behind him.   The gun landed in some nearby shrubbery.   Officer Stell again ordered appellant to the ground and, this time, appellant complied.   Officer Stell held appellant at gunpoint until assistance arrived.   Officers recovered the weapon and appellant was placed under arrest.   This gun was later matched to fired cartridge casings recovered at the scene of the shooting, live cartridges found on appellant at the time of his arrest, and bullets taken from Officer Glover’s body.   All of the ammunition was hollow point.   This type of ammunition is designed to open up on impact, causing larger wounds.

Officer Glover had sustained gunshot wounds to the top of his head and to the area just below his right eye.   He also sustained a bullet wound to his right shoulder.   The gunshot wound to the top of Officer Glover’s head and the wound to his face were both fired from a distance of less than one foot.   The suddenness of appellant’s attack had apparently caught Officer Glover by surprise.   Officer Glover’s duty weapon was found in Officer Glover’s holster.   The holster’s strap was snapped securely shut.

Paramedics transported Officer Glover to Ashtabula County Medical Center for emergency treatment.   After Officer Glover’s condition had been stabilized, he was life-flighted to Cleveland’s Metro-Health Hospital.   X-rays and CT scans revealed substantial damage to Officer Glover’s brain.   Officer Glover had severe cerebral swelling and profuse bleeding from his nose and mouth.   Neurological  assessments revealed minimal brain stem function.   Officer Glover died from his gunshot wounds the following morning, November 18, 1997.

The state charged appellant with the aggravated murder of Officer Glover with prior calculation and design.   This charge carried with it four specifications.   Under the first specification, appellant was charged with killing Officer Glover for the purpose of escaping apprehension for his earlier aggravated robbery offense (R.C. 2929.04[A][3] ).   The second and third specifications charged appellant with knowingly and purposefully causing the death of a law enforcement officer (R.C. 2929.04[A][6] ).   The fourth specification charged appellant with using a firearm in the killing of Officer Glover (R.C. 2941.145).

Appellant was found guilty as charged in a jury trial, and the case proceeded to the penalty phase.   The trial court merged the second and third death penalty specifications and instructed the jury to consider only the first and second.1  Following a hearing, the jury recommended that appellant be sentenced to death.   The trial court concurred.   In addition to imposing the sentence of death, the trial court sentenced the defendant to a three-year mandatory term of imprisonment on the firearm specification.


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