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Sierra Halseth Charged With Fathers Murder

Sierra Halseth teen killer photos

Sierra Halseth is a sixteen year old girl from Las Vegas Nevada who along with her boyfriend eighteen year old Aaron Guerrero would brutally stab her father to death. According to court documents Sierra Halseth and Aaron Guerrero would plan out the murder which included a shopping trip to Home Depot to buy a circular saw, a hand saw and gloves. Sierra father Daniel Halseth would be brutally stabbed to death before the teens attempted to dismembered him. In the end the two teens would set his body on fire in the garage which would spread to other areas of the residence. Both Sierra Halseth and Aaron Guerrero were charged with murder, conspiracy, arson, robbery and fraudulent use of a credit card

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A Las Vegas teenage couple charged in the slaying of the 16-year-old girl’s father recorded video of themselves laughing together after the fatal stabbing, prosecutors said Friday.

Sierra Halseth and her 18-year-old boyfriend, Aaron Guerrero, are accused of killing 45-year-old Daniel Halseth in early April before fleeing to Salt Lake City, where they were later apprehended.

On the girl’s phone, investigators found a video of the teens lying together, Chief Deputy District Attorney Pamela Weckerly said Friday as the two were indicted on charges of murder, conspiracy, arson, robbery and fraudulent use of a credit card.

On video, the two “announce that this is their YouTube channel, and it’s been three days since the murder,” Weckerly told Chief Judge Linda Bell, who ordered the two held without bail. “And they kind of laugh about the fact that Aaron Guerrero committed the murder in exchange for … having sex with Sierra Halseth.”

Daniel Halseth’s body was found badly burned April 9 in the garage of his northwest Las Vegas home, near Durango and Alta drives. It appeared that the killers tried to dismember his body, according to Weckerly

The living room and backyard of the home had also been burned, the prosecutor said. Throughout the home, investigators found Home Depot and ATM receipts. Surveillance video from Home Depot showed Guerrero buying saws and gloves that were later found inside the Halseth home, Weckerly said, while ATM surveillance video showed Sierra Halseth using her father’s debit cards.

Sierra Halseth and Guerrero dated from June to December but were kept from seeing each other after their parents learned they planned to run away to Los Angeles, according to court documents.

Sierra Halseth and her two older siblings also were at the center of a bitter custody battle between Daniel Halseth and his first ex-wife, former state Sen. Elizabeth Halseth, who remarried and now goes by the name Elizabeth Helgelien.

In August, Daniel Halseth was ordered to return Sierra to her mother’s custody after a judge found that he was in violation of their agreement, records show.

The day before Daniel Halseth’s body was found, Guerrero ran away from home and the teenagers purchased a circular saw, saw blades, bleach, lighter fluid, disposable gloves and drop cloth from stores near the victim’s home, according to police reports.

Guerrero’s attorney, Gabriel Grasso, said he had not read the indictment and declined to comment Friday. Sierra Halseth’s attorney could not immediately be reached for comment.

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Sierra Halseth Videos

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A teenage girl and her boyfriend charged with killing her father in Las Vegas laughed about “murdering somebody” and then having lots of sex in a deranged cellphone video they recorded while still on the lam.

The shocking footage, obtained by KLAS, is being used by prosecutors as evidence against Aaron Guerrero, 18, and his 16-year-old girlfriend, Sierra Halseth, the daughter of a former Nevada state senator. 

“Welcome back to our YouTube channel … Day 3 after murdering somebody …,” Guerrero, with a smirk on his face, says into the camera.

“Whoa! Don’t put that on camera,” Halseth replies while giggling.

“It was worth it,” Guerrero adds before pecking his girlfriend on the forehead.

The teen girl then brags how they “had sex a lot today,” which her boyfriend mumbles was “payment for doing it.”

He then softly slapped her face and put his hand around her throat, with Halseth pretending to choke before finally looking at the camera with her eyes wide, saying casually, “So, yeah.”

The apparent admission was filmed in April, six days after they allegedly killed Halseth’s father, Daniel Halseth, 45, attempting to dismember him and setting fire to his house, the report said.

They then fled in the father’s blue Nissan Altima, but were caught less than a week later in Salt Lake City while allegedly planning to flee to California.

The father was murdered after the teens were told by their parents they could no longer be together, KLAS reported, citing police.

They stabbed him and then attempted to set fire to and dismember his body — using his bank cards to buy items used in the gruesome crime, police told the local station.

Prosecutors presented to the grand jury photos that included the daughter buying bleach, and her boyfriend buying a saw, lighter fluid and gloves, the report said. 

They were also shown images of the blood-soaked crime scene, with knives, saws, the lighter fluid and burned material, the station said.

A blood-soaked rug was found in the trunk of his vehicle, which they used as a getaway car, KLAS said.

The smoke-filled crime scene was discovered after Daniel Halseth’s mother, Christine Halseth, couldn’t get hold of him — and grew increasingly suspicious of her granddaughter’s explanations, according to text messages obtained by KLAS.

“His phone has been acting up, but he’s okie,” the teen texted her concerned grandmother at some point, according to the texts. “It should be all fixed by tomorrow night, no worries :)” she reportedly wrote.

The next day, Christine Halseth asked her granddaughter, “Why are you doing this? … Now the police are involved,” according to KLAS.

Despite being just 16, the daughter has been charged as an adult, but cannot face the death penalty, KLAS said of Nevada state law.

Along with the murder charges, the two have been indicted on charges of conspiracy, arson, robbery and fraudulent use of a credit card.

As he is 18, Guerrero can potentially face the death penalty. His attorney, Gabriel Grasso, told the station that the case will be reviewed by the district attorney’s office next week.

Sierra’s mother, Elizabeth Halseth, was once a GOP state senator who was elected at 27 as the youngest person to the Nevada Senate in 2010, the Las Vegas Review-Journal has reported. She has since remarried and has not yet spoken publicly about the allegations against her daughter.

The dead man’s family told KLAS in a statement that he was “first and foremost a loving father, brother, and son, who was the heart of the Halseth family.”

“To have him taken from us in such a horrific, savage, senseless, and violent act of murder leaves us heartbroken, and our grief is unyielding,” the family said.

“The total lack of remorse on display in the video is both reprehensible and unforgivable.”

The family said it is “waiting for justice to be served with the maximum accountability allowed.”

“We loved Dan very much and we miss him every moment of the day,” the statement said.

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