robert harris texas

Robert Harris Texas Execution

Robert Harris was executed by the State of Texas for five murders. According to court documents Robert Harris was fired from his job and would return later and opened fire killing five people. Robert Harris would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death. Robert Harris would be executed by lethal injection on September 20 2012…

Jesse Hernandez - Texas

Jesse Hernandez Texas Execution

Jesse Hernandez was executed by the State of Texas for the murder of a child. According to court documents Jesse Hernandez who was previously convicted of sexually molesting a child would hit the two children aged 10 months and four years old with a flashlight killing the infant. Jesse Hernandez would be arrested, convicted and…

keith thurmond

Keith Thurmond Texas Execution

Keith Thurmond was executed by the State of Texas for the murders of his estranged wife and her boyfriend. According to court documents Keith Thurmond would shoot and kill Sharon Anne Thurmond, and her boyfriend, Guy Sean Fernandes in front of their eight year old child. Keith Thurmond would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to…

jerry martin

Jerry Martin Texas Death Row

Jerry Martin was executed by the State of Texas for the murder of a correctional officer during a prison escape. According to court documents Jerry Martin was serving a fifty year sentence for attempted murder when he and John Falk would overpower a correctional guard and seize the officers weapon. During the escape correctional officer…