Taylor Parker

Taylor Parker Sentenced To Death In Texas

Taylor Parker Texas Death Row

Taylor Parker has been sentenced to death by the State of Texas for a brutal murder of a woman and her unborn child. According to court documents Taylor Parker would murder  Reagan Hancock, 21, and cut the baby out of her uterus. The baby also died. Taylor Parker was convicted of the two murders and after a week sentencing hearing she was officially sentenced to death. Taylor Parker will now join six other women who are currently on death row in Texas

Taylor Parker 2022 Information

Taylor Parker More News

 A Bowie County jury Wednesday returned a sentence of death for convicted murderer Taylor Parker.

The jury in New Boston deliberated just over 90 minutes before returning her sentence.

In her closing statement, prosecutor Kelley Crisp brought tears to many eyes sitting in the gallery.

Parker, 29, was charged in the Oct. 9, 2020 death of Reagan Hancock, 21, and cutting her unborn baby from her uterus who also died.

Crisp, without warning, displayed a graphic picture of Hancock brutally murdered and cut open body lying in hers and her baby’s blood while gasps could be heard in the courtroom.

Defense Attorney Jeff Harrelson drove home the point to the jury that Parker was human, she was flawed, but still a human.

The trial and sentencing phase lasted 49 days, including 25 days of testimony, 142 witnesses, some twice, and over 100 pieces of evidence.

Judge John Tidwell order Parker be transferred to death row at the Mountain View Correctional Unit in the small Texas town of Gatesville.


Taylor Parker Other News

Taylor Parker has been given the death penalty by a Bowie County jury.

Jurors deliberated about an hour and 15 minutes Wednesday before returning with the verdict. Jurors could have given Parker a sentence of life in prison without parole.

On Oct. 3, a jury of six men and six women found Parker, 29, guilty in the October 2020 killing of Reagan Hancock, 21, who was about 35 weeks pregnant, and cutting her baby out of the womb. The baby also died. The punishment phase of the trial began Oct. 12.


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