julius moore

Julius Moore Arizona Death Row

julius moore

Julius Moore was sentenced to death by the State of Arizona for a triple murder. According to court documents Julius Moore went to a crack den where he shot and killed three people, Sergio Mata, Guadalupe Ramos and Delia Ramos. Julius Moore would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death.

Arizona Death Row Inmate List

Julius Moore 2021 Information

ASPC Florence, Central Unit
PO Box 8200
Florence, AZ 85132
United States

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Debra Ford went to the Phoenix apartment of Sergio Mata, Delia Ramos, and Guadalupe Ramos to purchase and smoke crack in the late evening hours of November 15, 1999. In the early hours of the 16th, Moore came to the apartment looking for Debra. When Debra came out to see Moore, they talked for a bit and smoked some crack. Shortly after, Sergio came out of the apartment; Moore got in his face and asked him “do you have a problem with me?” Sergio did not respond, and Moore shot him in the head, killing him, and then turned to Debra and shot her in the neck. Debra remained alive and conscious while praying for her life. She heard several additional shots fired

Julius Moore Other News

 In November 1999, Delia Ramos and Sergio Mata were selling crack cocaine from a small rental house in which they lived on East Yale Street in Phoenix.1  Delia’s brother Guadalupe Ramos lived with the couple.

¶ 3 On November 15, Debra Ford came to the house around 5:30 p.m., bought $30 to $40 of crack cocaine, and began smoking it.   After Ford ran out of money and drugs, she remained at the house hoping Delia would give her more crack.   Later that evening, Ford sat outside the house smoking crack with Moore and Sarry Ortiz.   At some point, Moore left and Ford went with Ortiz to drive around and smoke more crack.   Ford again smoked crack when she later returned to the Yale Street house.

¶ 4 While Ford was away with Ortiz, Moore went to his mother’s house, where he lived with his girlfriend, Jessica Borghetti.   Moore told Borghetti that he had seen a person who had tried to run him over and he was not going to stand for it.   He took a 9 mm pistol and drew a map for Borghetti of where he was going in case something happened to him.   The map showed a destination other than the Yale Street house.

¶ 5 Tony Brown, an acquaintance of Ford, stopped by the Yale Street house at about 4:00 a.m. on November 16, looking for his girlfriend.   Brown saw Mata outside and offered him cash if he would tell Brown’s girlfriend to come out.   When Mata tried to take the cash, Brown hit Mata and threatened him.   Mata ran inside and Brown decided to leave.

¶ 6 As he was leaving, Brown saw a man, whom he later identified as Moore, hiding in oleander bushes near the house.   Brown had seen Moore earlier that evening at a different crack house.   Brown testified that Moore called him over to the bushes, flashed a gun, and asked if Brown wanted to help Moore “get” Mata.   Brown declined and left on his bicycle.

¶ 7 After Brown left, Julius Moore sat outside the Yale Street house smoking cigarettes with Ford and Guadalupe.   Moore went inside, obtained a small amount of crack, and then came back outside to smoke it.   Guadalupe and Ford went back inside the house.   While inside, Ford could hear Moore repeatedly knocking on the door and calling for her.   Delia gave Ford some crack and asked her to leave.

¶ 8 When Ford went outside, Moore asked if she got more crack and offered to let her use his pipe.   Mata then came outside.   Julius Moore asked whether Mata had a problem with him.   Ford heard no response;  instead, she saw Moore shoot Mata and then turn and shoot her.   Ford fell to the ground and heard several more gunshots in quick succession.

¶ 9 Shortly afterward, Ortiz picked up Moore near the Yale Street house and drove him to his mother’s house.   When he went inside, his mother began yelling at him.   Julius Moore told Borghetti he did not “need that right now” because he had just shot four people.   Upon learning that Moore had been out all night, his mother kicked him and Borghetti out of the house.   Moore and Borghetti left with Ortiz.   Julius Moore gave Ortiz some crack while they drove around.

¶ 10 While driving, Ortiz saw Ford lying in the front yard of the Yale Street house.   Ortiz got out of her car and flagged down a taxi driver who called 911.   Ortiz noticed Moore trying to “take off in [her] car.”   She got back in her car and they drove around the neighborhood, picked up Ortiz’s friend, stopped at another crack house to smoke crack, and then drove past the crime scene again.   After seeing the police had arrived, Ortiz took Moore and Borghetti back to his mother’s house.   As he got out of the car, Moore gave Ortiz and her friend some crack.

¶ 11 Julius Moore and Borghetti packed some belongings, including Moore’s gun and the clothes he had worn the previous night, and went to some friends’ apartment.   After his photo appeared in the newspaper, Moore cut off his braids in an effort to alter his appearance.   On November 23, 1999, Phoenix police officers arrested Moore and Borghetti at the apartment.   A firearms examiner later concluded that bullets found at the crime scene had been fired from Moore’s gun.

¶ 12 Julius Moore was indicted for and convicted of two counts of premeditated and felony murder for the murders of Delia and Guadalupe, one count of premeditated murder for the murder of Mata, one count of attempted first-degree murder for the injuries to Ford, and one count of first-degree burglary.   The trial court was to sentence Moore in August 2002, but the hearing was vacated after the Supreme Court held that Arizona’s capital sentencing scheme was unconstitutional.   See Arizona v. Ring (Ring II ), 536 U.S. 584, 609, 122 S.Ct. 2428, 153 L.Ed.2d 556 (2002).

¶ 13 In November 2004, the trial court empanelled a jury to determine Moore’s sentence.   The State alleged two aggravators:  that Moore murdered Delia in an especially cruel manner, see A.R.S. § 13-703(F)(6) (Supp.1999), and that Moore murdered multiple persons on the same occasion, see id. § 13-703(F)(8).   The jury did not reach a verdict on the (F)(6) aggravator, but did find the (F)(8) aggravator.   Before the penalty phase concluded, the court declared a mistrial because Moore’s medical expert suffered a heart attack.

¶ 14 In May 2007, the trial court empanelled a second jury to determine Moore’s sentence.   The court allowed the State to retry the (F)(6) aggravator, and the second jury also failed to reach a verdict on this aggravator.   The court instructed the jury that the (F)(8) aggravator had been established.   The jury determined that Moore should be sentenced to death for the murders of Delia and Guadalupe, but should serve life imprisonment for the murder of Mata.


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