Nicole Kasinskas Teen Killer

Nicole Kasinskas Teen Killer Murders Mother

Nicole Kasinskas Teen Killer

Nicole Kasinskas was sixteen when she plotted and murdered her mother in New Hampshire. According to court documents Nicole Kasinskas and her boyfriend William Sullivan conspired to kill her mother as the sixteen year old was worried her mother would not let her leave the State with her new boyfriend. On the day of the murder William Sullivan hit the woman over the head with a bat and fatally stabbed her. Nicole Kasinskas was not in the home as the murder occurred but would help clean up the evidence after it was over. This teen killer would testify against William Sullivan for a lesser sentence and in the end she would be sentenced to thirty five years to life in prison.

Nicole Kasinskas 2023 Information

Nicole Kasinskas

Inmate Number: 77869

Max Date: 7/13.2105

Location: NH Correctional Facility For Women

Nicole Kasinskas Other News

the teen who plotted her mother’s murder with her Willimantic boyfriend and stepped over her mother’s body to fetch a cloth so he could wipe off the blood, was sentenced to 40 years in prison in New Hampshire Thursday.

The sentencing — described as “heart-wrenching” by one prosecutor — was held before Judge William Groff in Hillsborough County Superior Court in Nashua, N.H.

Kasinskas, 18, declined to make a statement, but wept as her mother’s fiance tearfully recalled Jeanne Dominico’s love for her daughter and how that love was repaid.

Kasinskas will likely serve 35 years or less. Two-and-a-half years were removed from the sentence because Kasinskas obtained a GED, said her lawyer, Adam Bernstein. Another 2 1/2 years will be shaved off if she completes college, he said.

Kasinskas can ask for a further reduction after serving two-thirds of the sentence, said Senior Assistant Attorney General Will Delker.

Kasinskas pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and conspiracy to commit first-degree murder on March 28 in exchange for testifying against her boyfriend, William Sullivan, 20.

Sullivan’s lawyers argued that he was insane at the time of Dominico’s death and have appealed his July 15 conviction. He was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

In handing down the sentence, Groff told Nicole Kasinskas that she is just as guilty as Sullivan, even though she didn’t carry out the murder.

“The judge said that Nicole was every bit as culpable as Billy Sullivan. [Her] sentence is not a light sentence,” Delker said. “It’s one of the longest we ever got in a case like that.”

Unhappy that Dominico wouldn’t let Kasinskas move to Connecticut with Sullivan — whom she had met through the Internet — they tried to kill her with poison, burning her in her bed and by attempting to blow up her house.

On Aug. 6, 2003, Sullivan struck up a conversation with Dominico, 43, in her Nashua living room. Then he hit her in the head with a baseball bat and stabbed her more than 40 times, using three different knives, according to testimony from his trial. All the while, Kasinskas, then 16, waited at a nearby 7-Eleven. Kasinskas testified during Sullivan’s trial that she reluctantly went into her house after Sullivan killed her mother to retrieve a cloth for him to wipe off her mother’s blood. She had to push her mother’s body with the door to get inside, she said.

Victim Advocate Jennifer Hunt, who was in the courtroom, summarized statements made by Dominico’s fiance, Christopher McGowan, and others, including Amybeth Kasinskas, Nicole’s half-sister.

In his statement, McGowan said it was hard for him to think about Kasinskas sitting in Sullivan’s car in the store’s parking lot, reading a magazine while the slaying was taking place. He said that during a cellphone conversation with Sullivan before he carried out the crime, she had heard her mother cry out: ‘Nicole, come home!”‘ McGowan said.

“If only you had,” he said.

He noted that the victim was so well-liked that a school put up a bench and planted a tree in her memory, and the city named a ball field after her

In her statement, Amybeth Kasinskas talked about how hurtful Nicole’s poor choices were, and how she loved Dominico as she would her own mother.

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Nicole Kasinskas Now

Nicole Kasinskas is currently incarcerated at the New Hampshire Correctional Facility For Women

Nicole Kasinskas Release Date

Nicole Kasinskas current release date is 2050

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