nolan grove

Nolan Grove Murders Kain Heiland

nolan grove
Nolan Grove

Nolan Grove is an alleged teen killer from Pennsylvania who has been charged as an adult in the murder of twelve year old Kain Heiland

According to police reports Nolan Grove, who was thirteen years old at the time, would fatally shoot twelve year old Kain Heiland.

Apparently Kain Heiland made a joke about Nolan Grove mother and that is when Nolan would pull out a gun and shoot the twelve year old in the back

Nolan Grove would be arrested and has been charged with third degree murder. If convicted Nolan could spend the next forty years in prison

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Nolan Grove News

A York County teenager accused of killing a 12-year-old boy will be in court today to find out if he will still be charged as an adult.

Nolan Grove is currently facing third-degree murder charges as an adult for the shooting death of Kain Heiland. Grove was only 13 when the shooting happened in April of 2023 in Red Lion.

The judge has ruled that there is enough evidence for Grove to stand trial.

Friday’s hearing is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. at the York County Courthouse.

Kain Heiland, 12, was shot and killed on Saturday, April 1, 2023 in Red Lion. At a news conference held days after the shooting, York County District Attorney Dave Sunday said that Grove shot Heiland in the back.

According to the affidavit of probable cause, a witness told investigators that Grove made a joke about Heiland’s mother. Heiland told Grove to shut up, and then Grove allegedly shot Heiland once.
Key evidence

At the same news conference, Sunday said witnesses and video were key evidence for the grand jury.

Charging documents indicate surveillance cameras inside the home of a boy who was with Grove and Heiland captured Grove pointing the red laser light of the gun at Heiland and Heiland saying, “Take your finger off the trigger.”

Police also said a two-hour FaceTime call placed by the third boy showed Grove pointing the gun at Heiland while Heiland was on the ground and shielding his face.

The boy said he heard Grove say after the shooting, “I am so sorry, K.” “K” is apparently short for “Kain.”

Witnesses also told police Grove threatened other children.

At one point, he approached two girls who he thought had his friend’s scooter. One of the girls said Grove told them he wasn’t afraid to shoot someone and would if he could.

Another witness said Grove pointed the gun at the girls as he walked away.

In 2023, Heiland’s mother said she thought the charges against Grove should be stronger.

“I think it should have been first- or second-degree murder because I feel like it was premeditated. I feel like he planned out to kill my son,” Devin Rexroth said.

She also has a question for Grove.

“I would ask him why he killed my son because I’m just not understanding why he would do that,” Rexroth said.

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