Grover Reed Florida Death Row

grover reed

Grover Reed was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the sexual assault and murder of Betty Oermann. According to court documents Grover Reed was mad at the victim’s husband so decided to take it out on her. Betty Oermann would be sexually assaulted and murdered. Grover Reed would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death.

Florida Death Row Inmate List

Grover Reed 2021 Information

DC Number:105661
Birth Date:10/15/1961
Initial Receipt Date:01/09/1987
Current Facility:UNION C.I.
Current Custody:MAXIMUM
Current Release Date:DEATH SENTENCE

Grover Reed More News

In December 1985 Reed, age 24, and his girlfriend and two children moved to Jacksonville, Florida.   They were homeless.   As a result, Lutheran minister Rev. Ervin Oermann and his wife Betty Oermann invited Reed and his family to stay in the Oermanns’ home.   See Reed v. State, 560 So.2d 203, 204 (Fla.1990) (“Reed I”).   After a little more than a week, though, the Oermanns discovered Reed had drug paraphernalia in their home, and the Oermanns asked Reed and his family to leave.  Id.  Rev. and Mrs. Oermann continued to help Reed by giving him money and transportation, but eventually stopped after they began to feel they were being used.  Id.  Reed “resented the discontinuance of aid and vowed to get even.”  Id.

On the evening of February 27, 1986, while Rev. Oermann was away from home at a night class, Reed raped and murdered Mrs. Oermann (age 57).   Rev. Oermann returned home to find her body.   An autopsy revealed Mrs. Oermann had been strangled, raped, and stabbed repeatedly in the throat.   After an investigation linked Reed to evidence found at the crime scene, he was arrested.

Darryl Barwick Florida Death Row

darryl barwick

Darryl Barwick was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the murder of Rebecca Wendt  According to court documents Darryl Barwick followed Rebecca Wendt into her apartment and proceeded to stab her to death before robbing her home. Darryl Barwick would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Florida Death Row Inmate List

Darryl Barwick 2021 Information

DC Number:092501
Birth Date:09/29/1966
Initial Receipt Date:01/30/1987
Current Facility:UNION C.I.
Current Custody:MAXIMUM
Current Release Date:DEATH SENTENCE

Darryl Barwick More News

On the morning of March 31, 1986, Rebecca Wendt was sunbathing at her Panama City apartment-complex pool until she returned to her apartment. Around that time, another apartment-complex resident, Suzanna Capers, who also was sunbathing by the pool, observed a man walking around the complex. Capers saw the man she subsequently identified as Darryl Barwick walk towards Wendt’s apartment and later from the apartment and into the woods.

That evening, Rebecca Wendt’s sister, who was also her roommate, returned home to find Rebecca’s body wrapped in a comforter. Investigators called to the scene found bloody footprints and fingerprints throughout the apartment. Rebecca’s bathing suit had been displaced, and an autopsy revealed thirty-seven stab wounds to her upper body and several defensive wounds on her hands. The medical examiner reported that death would have occurred within three to ten minutes of the first stab wound. No evidence of sexual contact with the victim was found, but criminal laboratory tests revealed a semen stain on the comforter wrapped around the victim. Further testing indicated that the stain could have been left by two percent of the population and that Barwick fell within that two percent.

When initially questioned, Barwick denied involvement in the murder. But after he was arrested on April 15, 1986, Barwick made a full confession. Barwick told investigators that after he had observed Rebecca sunbathing, he went home, parked his car, got a knife, walked back to Rebecca’s apartment complex, walked past her three times, and then followed her into her apartment. Barwick claimed that when he entered Wendt’s apartment, he had only intended to steal something, but when Rebecca resisted, he lost control and stabbed her, and continued to stab her repeatedly as they struggled and fell to the floor.

Barwick was then indicted on four counts: (1) first-degree murder; (2) armed burglary; (3) attempted sexual battery; and (4) armed robbery. He was tried by a jury and convicted on all counts. By a 9–3 vote, the jury recommended that Barwick be put to death, and the judge subsequently sentenced Barwick to death

Mark Davis Florida Death Row

mark davis

Mark Davis was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the murder of Orville Landis. According to court documents Mark Davis would rob and murder Orville Landis following a night of drinking. Mark Davis was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Florida Death Row Inmate List

Mark Davis 2021 Information

DC Number:106014
Birth Date:10/03/1963
Initial Receipt Date:02/03/1987
Current Facility:UNION C.I.
Current Custody:MAXIMUM
Current Release Date:DEATH SENTENCE

Mark Davis More News

[Davis] came to St. Petersburg, Florida, during late June 1985, and immediately prior to the murder of Orville Landis apparently had been living in the parking lot of Gandy Efficiency Apartments.   On July 1, 1985, Landis was moving into one of the apartments, and [Davis] offered to assist him.   Subsequent to moving, the two men began drinking beer together, and [Davis] borrowed money from Landis. Witnesses testified that Landis had approximately $500 in cash that day.  [Davis] told Kimberly Rieck, a resident of the apartment complex, that he planned to get Landis drunk and “see what he could get out of him.”   During approximately the same time, [Davis] told Beverly Castle, another resident, that he was going to “rip him [Landis] off and do him in.”   Shortly thereafter, Landis and [Davis] were seen arguing about money and they went to Landis’ apartment.

Landis was last seen alive on July 1, 1985, at approximately 8:30 p.m. Castle testified that [Davis] appeared at her door at about midnight and told her that he had to leave town right away, and would not be seen for two or three years.   Castle observed [Davis] driving away in Landis’ car.   During the afternoon of July 2, Castle became concerned and had Landis’ apartment window opened, through which she observed him lying on his bed in a pool of blood.

When the police arrived they found Landis’ wallet empty of all but a dollar bill.   A fingerprint found on a beer can in the apartment was later identified as [Davis’s].   The medical examiner testified that the victim sustained multiple stab wounds to the back, chest, and neck;  multiple blows to the face;  was choked or hit with sufficient force to break his hyoid bone;  was intoxicated to a degree that impaired his ability to defend himself;  and was alive and conscious when each injury was inflicted.   The evidence showed that the slashes to the victim’s throat were made with a small-bladed knife, which was broken during the attack, and the wounds to the chest and back were made with a large butcher knife, found at the crime scene.

[Davis] confessed to the police to the killing, as well as to the taking of Landis’ money and car.   He also told a fellow inmate that he killed Landis but expected to “get second degree,” despite his confession, by claiming self-defense.

Paul Brown Florida Death Row

paul brown

Paul Brown was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the murder of Pauline Cowell on 03/19/86. According to court documents Paul Brown would break into a home where he would shoot and kill Pauline Cowell as well as another teenage girl who thankfully survived her injuries. Apparently Paul Brown believed that Pauline Cowell was spreading lies about him. Paul Brown would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Florida Death Row Inmate List

Paul Brown 2021 Information

DC Number:019762
Birth Date:02/26/1950
Initial Receipt Date:03/05/1987
Current Facility:UNION C.I.
Current Custody:MAXIMUM
Current Release Date:DEATH SENTENCE

Paul Brown More News

Around 1:30 a.m., March 20, 1986 two gunshots woke Barry and Gail Barlow. Upon entering the Florida room of their home they found Gail’s seventeen-year-old sister, Pauline Cowell, dead in her bed. Pauline’s friend, Tammy Bird, had also been shot, but was still alive. The room’s outside door stood open, missing the padlock with which it had been secured. Pursuant to information indicating Brown might be  a suspect, sheriff’s deputies began searching for him in places he was known to frequent and found him hiding behind a shed in a trailer park where Brown’s brother lived. They arrested Brown and seized a handgun, later linked to the shootings, [FN2] from his pants pocket.

[FN2] Tests showed that bullets found at the murder scene had been fired from the handgun seized from Brown.

Brown lived with the murder victim’s mother, and the victim had only recently moved into her sister’s home. Brown confessed after being arrested and, at the sheriff’s office, stated that he had broken into the victim’s room to talk with her about some “lies” she had been telling. Although he entered the room armed, Brown claimed that he had not intended to kill the girl, but that he planned to shoot her if she started “hollering.”

The jury convicted Brown of armed burglary, first-degree murder, and attempted first-degree murder and recommended the death sentence. The trial court found that the mitigating evidence did not outweigh the aggravating circumstances and sentenced Brown to death.

Michael Rivera Florida Death Row

michael rivera

Michael Rivera was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the kidnapping and murder of eleven year old Staci Lynn Jazvac. According to court documents Michael Rivera would kidnap Staci Lynn Jazvac as she was riding her bike to the store and she was not seen alive again. Michael Rivera who would later admit to another attack on a young child would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Florida Death Row Inmate List

Michael Rivera 2021 Information

DC Number:640779
Birth Date:06/25/1962
Initial Receipt Date:05/08/1987
Current Facility:UNION C.I.
Current Custody:MAXIMUM
Current Release Date:DEATH SENTENCE

Michael Rivera More News

Eleven-year-old Staci Lynn Jazvac left her Lauderdale Lakes home on bicycle at about 5:30 p.m. on January 30, 1986, to purchase poster board at a nearby shopping center. A cashier recalled having sold her a poster board between 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. When Staci failed to return by dusk, her mother began to search. At about 7:30 p.m. the mother encountered a Broward County Deputy Sheriff, who had Staci’s bicycle in the trunk of his car. The deputy found the bicycle abandoned in a field alongside the shopping center. A police investigation ensued.

Police first connected Michael Rivera to Staci’s murder through a complaint filed by Starr Peck, a Pompano Beach resident. She testified that she had received approximately thirty telephone calls during September 1985 from a man who identified himself as “Tony.” He would discuss his sexual fantasies and describe the women’s clothing he wore, such as pantyhose and [a] one-piece body suit. She received the last telephone call from “Tony” after Staci’s murder. Ms. Peck testified that he said he had “done something very terrible․ I’m sure you’ve heard about the girl Staci․ I killed her and I didn’t mean to․ I had a notion to go out and expose myself. I saw this girl getting off her bike and I went up behind her.” She testified that he had admitted putting ether over Staci and dragging her into the back of the van where he sexually assaulted her. Rivera had been employed by Starr Peck, and she identified him as “Tony.”

On February 13, Detectives Richard Scheff and Phillip Amabile of the Broward County Sheriff’s Department took Rivera into custody on unrelated outstanding warrants and transported him to headquarters where they told him that they wanted to speak to him. Detective Scheff testified that Rivera responded, “If I talk to you guys, I’ll spend the next 20 years in jail.” After reading Rivera his Miranda rights, [n.2] Detective Scheff told Rivera that someone had advised them that Rivera had information about the disappearance of Staci Jazvac. The detective testified that Rivera admitted making the obscene phone calls to Starr Peck but denied having abducted or murdered Staci.