Reed Gelinskey

Reed Gelinskey Murders Mother In Wisconsin

Reed Gelinskey is a fifteen year old alleged teen killer who has been charged with the murder of his mother Suzanne Gelinskey in Franksville Wisconsin According to police reports officers were called to the Gelinskey household where fifteen year old Reed Gelinskey approached them covered in blood and holding a large knife Reed Gelinskey allegedly…

Christian Gasca Martinez

Christian Gasca Martinez Murders Osvaldo Casas

Christian Gasca Martinez is a teen killer from Texas who has been charged with the murder of Osvaldo Casas According to police reports Christian Gasca Martinez had been stalking Osvaldo Casas sixteen year old stepdaughter who had rebuffed the seventeen year olds advances earlier Christian Gasca Martinez would allegedly fatally shoot Osvaldo Casas after he…

Sophia Koval

Sophia Koval Murders Grandmother In Florida

Sophia Koval is an alleged teen killer from Florida who has been charged with the murder of her Grandmother According to police reports fourteen year old Sophia Koval would beat to death her eighty year old Grandmother Yevheniia Kova with the woman’s walker and a belt Sophia Koval reportedly told her father that Yevheniia Kova…

Demeria Hollingsworth

12 Yr Old Girl Murders 8 Yr Old Demeria Hollingsworth

A twelve year old girl in Tennessee is accused of killing her eight year old cousin Demeria Hollingsworth According to police reports the twelve year old girl, who has not been named publicly due to her age, and her eight year old cousin Demeria Hollingsworth were involved in an argument over an IPhone The twelve…