tracy hampton arizona death row

Tracy Hampton Arizona Death Row

tracy hampton arizona death row

Tracy Hampton was sentenced to death by the State of Arizona for a double murder. According to court documents Tracy Hampton was upset with one of the victims, Charles Findley for identifying him to a Public Safety Officer. Tracy Hampton would fatally shoot Charles Findley and then his girlfriend Tanya Ramsdell. Charles Findley was arrested, convicted and sentenced to death.

Arizona Death Row Inmate List

Tracy Hampton 2021 Information

ASPC Eyman, Browning Unit
PO Box 3400
Florence, AZ 85132
United States

Tracy Hampton More News

On January 24, 2003 Tracy Hampton was sentenced to the following: MARICOPA COUNTY CR2001-008991, Count 1, Murder First Degree of Charles Findley committed on May 18, 2001, sentenced to Death. Count 2 Murder First Degree of Tanya Ramsdell, committed on May 18, 2001, sentenced to Death. According to the Phoenix Police Department on May 18, 2001 the defendant shot and killed Charles Findley and Tanya Ramsdell at 802 East Roberts Road in Phoenix. It was also noted that Tanya Ramsdell was five months pregnant at the time of the shooting. No other case information is available. Inmate Hampton is also charged with the following: Maricopa County CR2001-008991 Count 3, Manslaughter, committed on May 17, 2001. Sentencing set for January 27, 2003. Inmate Hampton is to submit to DNA testing and it is recommended that Counts 1, II, and III run concurrently.

Tracy Hampton Other News

On May 16, 2001, Department of Public Safety officers attempted to serve a traffic ticket on Tracy Hampton.1  The officers went to a house on East Roberts Road in Phoenix, where Hampton had been staying with Charles Findley and Findley’s girlfriend, Tanya Ramsdell, who was five months pregnant.   Hampton was not there, but Findley and Ramsdell were.   To prove that he was not the man the officers were looking for, Findley showed them a photograph of Hampton, and the officers left.

¶ 2 Early the next day, Misty Ross and Shaun Geeslin went to the house on East Roberts Road. Hampton let them in;  he told them of the police visit and his intention to confront Findley about the incident.   When Findley awoke, Hampton argued with him.

¶ 3 Later during the morning of May 17, Tracy Hampton, Findley, Ross, Geeslin and several others smoked methamphetamine.   Sometime after 10:30 a.m., Hampton and Geeslin left.   The two returned near noon and entered a back room where Findley was kneeling on the floor working on a lighter.   Hampton turned on a CD player to a loud volume, walked in front of Findley, and called out his name.   As Findley looked up, Hampton shot him in the forehead, killing him.   Geeslin and Ross then walked to the front door.

¶ 4 Tracy Hampton began following Ross and Geeslin, but stopped and said something like, “Wait, we have one more.”   He then went to a bedroom where Ramsdell was sleeping and opened the door.   Ramsdell told Hampton to get out, and Hampton shot her in the head.   Ramsdell and her unborn child died as a result.

¶ 5 Hampton then joined Ross and Geeslin in Geeslin’s truck.   After asking whether he had any blood on his face, Hampton asked to be taken to get some food.   A few hours later, Hampton asked Ross whether she wanted to play a game of darts and commented, “What, I killed two people, and we can’t kick it?”

¶ 6 Hampton was arrested on May 31, 2001.   While awaiting trial in the Maricopa County jail in August 2001, Hampton shared a cell with George Ridley.   Ridley testified at trial that Hampton admitted to committing the murders and told him the story of the murders every night for two weeks.   Hampton told Ridley that he killed Findley because “he was a rat” and he killed Ramsdell because Hampton was affiliated with the Aryan Brotherhood and thought that Ramsdell was a “n@gger lover” who was pregnant with a Black man’s child.   Hampton also told Ridley that he “thought it was funny” that Ramsdell had slept through the shooting of her boyfriend, and “bragged about the fact he was able to shoot [Ramsdell] in pretty much the same place he shot her old man.”   Ridley also said that before leaving the house, Hampton knelt down next to Findley’s body and whispered in his ear, “I want to let you know I took care of your n@gger loving old lady and her little c@on baby, too.   Don’t worry, they didn’t feel a thing.”

¶ 7 The State originally charged Hampton by complaint with two counts of first degree murder for the deaths of Findley and Ramsdell, and one count of manslaughter for the death of Ramsdell’s unborn child.   The State later filed an information and a Notice of Intention to Seek the Death Penalty, stating that it intended to prove “one or more of the enumerated factors” in Arizona Revised Statutes (“A.R.S.”) § 13-703(F) (2001).

¶ 8 On May 2, 2002, a jury found Hampton guilty on all counts.   The State filed a Notice of Aggravating Factors on May 7, 2002, alleging two aggravating circumstances:  (1) A.R.S. § 13-703(F)(8) (multiple homicides);  and (2) A.R.S. § 13-703(F)(6) (especially heinous or depraved;  “whereby defendant knew victim Tanya Ramsdell was pregnant, and/or murdered her because he believed the baby’s father was Black, creating and resulting in a racist murder, thereby murdering Tanya Ramsdell in order to murder her unborn baby”).

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