jimmy davis alabama

Jimmy Davis Alabama Death Row

jimmy davis alabama

Jimmy Davis was sentenced to death by the State of Alabama for the murder of a store clerk during a robbery. According to court documents Jimmy Davis would shoot and kill a gas station clerk during a robbery. Jimmy Davis and a juvenile were arrested. The juvenile was sentenced to ten years in prison and Jimmy Davis was sentenced to death.

Jimmy Davis 2021 Information

AIS: 0000Z557
Institution: HOLMAN PRISON

Jimmy Davis More News

Terrance Phillips, a 16-year-old black male, was charged in connection with the robbery and killing of Johnny Hazel.   He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit robbery of the Direct Oil and received a ten-year sentence.   At the time of this trial, he testified he had been released on bond and had applied for probation. On March 17, 1993, Phillips attended high school and around 5:00 p.m., met the defendant, Jimmy Davis, and his cousin, Alphonso Phillips, at the Carver Recreation Center.   The three males left Carver Center and walked to the Direct Oil Station at 20th and Noble Streets.   He testified that Jimmy Davis possessed a chrome .25 caliber Raven [brand] pistol with a white handle.   Davis stated ‘We’re going to hit Direct Gas Station’ or ‘We’re going to rob Direct Gas Station.’   Plans were discussed in the alley west of Gurnee Avenue.   Phillips testified that Davis stated that ‘he had the gun and he was going to draw down on the man.’   Davis would point the gun at the station operator while Alphonso Phillips was to get the cash money.   Terrance Phillips was to serve as a look-out.   Terrance crossed the intersection of 20th and Noble Street to the North and proceeded up Noble Street as Alphonso Phillips and Jimmy Davis turned South on to the Direct Oil property.   Terrance Phillips testified that he abandoned the criminal enterprise and continued walking north toward his house.   After about a block’s walk he stated that he heard two or three gunshots;  he continued walking to his house at 2307 Moore Avenue.   He later left and walked to his grandmother’s home at 1711 Moore Avenue.   There he encountered Jimmy Davis and Alphonso Phillips.

“Terrance Phillips stated [that] he asked Davis what had happened and that Davis said he told the attendant (Hazel) ‘Give it up, fuck-n@gger’ and that the attendant smiled or laughed.   He (Davis) shot him at least twice and then he (Davis) took off.   Terrance Phillips testified that on that night he wore a black coat with a Los Angles Kings emblem on the back;  that Alphonso Phillips wore a blue jeans jacket and that Jimmy Davis wore a pair of black cut-off jean shorts and a dark green shirt with a hood on it.” 1


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