omar blanco

Omar Blanco Florida Death Row

omar blanco

Omar Blanco was sentenced to death by the State of Florida for the robbery and murder of John Ryan. According to court documents Omar Blanco broke into the home of John Ryan and in the process of robbing it would shoot and kill the victim. Omar Blanco would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death

Florida Death Row Inmate List

Omar Blanco 2021 Information

DC Number:084582
Birth Date:07/04/1950
Initial Receipt Date:06/23/1982
Current Facility:UNION C.I.
Current Custody:MAXIMUM
Current Release Date:DEATH SENTENCE

Omar Blanco More News

 Omar Blanco broke into John Ryan’s home at 11 p.m., January 14, 1982, struggled with Ryan, and shot him.   As Ryan fell onto a bed, Blanco shot him six more times.   Blanco was arrested a few minutes later and was identified at the scene by a neighbor.   Blanco’s wallet, driver’s license, and keys were found at the scene.   The next day, he was identified by Ryan’s niece, Thalia, who had confronted him in her lighted bedroom for several minutes just before the shooting.  (It was Thalia’s bed that Ryan fell onto when he was first shot, and she was lying underneath him when he was shot six more times.)

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