Morgan Lund

Morgan Lund Stabs Sleeping Boyfriend 19 Times

Morgan Lund

Morgan Lund is a woman from Oshkosh Wisconsin who would stab her sleeping boyfriend nineteen times. According to police reports Morgan Lund would be arrested after stabbing her boyfriend repeatedly while he slept. Now the reason behind why Morgan Lund would stab him continues to change.

Initially Morgan Lund would tell police that she would stab her boyfriend repeatedly while she slept however that story would soon change. Now Morgan Lund is telling authorities that she woke up and saw a shadowy figure over her boyfriend and grabbed a knife trying to save her boyfriend.

Morgan Lund who has been charged with attempted murder has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.

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A woman, who allegedly stabbed her ex-boyfriend 19 times with scissors in front of their baby daughter, claimed she was having a dream and saw a “dark, shadowy figure.”

Morgan Lund, a 21-year-old city of Oshkosh, Wisconsin woman, pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity for the attempted murder of the father of her child stemming from an early morning incident on Feb. 18.

Responding officers found a crying woman – later identified as Lund – with blood covering both of her legs, feet, forearms and both sides of her hand and applying pressure to a man’s upper chest or right shoulder, according to the probable cause affidavit.

The victim yelled, “What the f–k is wrong with you? Why in my sleep, bro?” according to the affidavit.

She responded, “I thought I saw something,” the affidavit says.

Lund told the responding officer that “there was something wrong with my head” and she kept seeing a “dark figure” for about six months before the assault, according to the affidavit.

She claimed she had no memory of waking up or attacking the father of her child.

“She had a muddled memory of something that might have been a dream, or her imagination, but she thought (victim) was yelling at their daughter,” the affidavit says.

“She remembers then being in the living room area and seeing this dark, scary figure on top of the (victim), attacking him.

“She went over to the couch area and picked up a pair of scissors laying there and began ‘trying to kill the dark ominous figure,” according to the affidavit.

His screams snapped her back into reality, Lund told the responding officer, according to the affidavit.

The two were living together in the same apartment in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and victim is the father of Lund’s daughter, but they broke up about a month earlier, according to police.

Lund was allegedly “abusive” and hit him “on several occasions” while they were dating, the victim told police, according to the affidavit.

But he said she never tried to kill him or threaten to kill him.

Police found “copious amounts of blood” on the floor and couch in the living room and blood-soaked scissors on the floor by the couch, according to the affidavit.

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