moonlite bunny ranch

Standoff At Moonlite Bunny Ranch Brothel

Moonlite Bunny Ranch Brothel

There was a standoff at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch Brothel in Nevada last night. According to police reports a female employee was involved in an argument with another female employee when a gun was pulled and shots were fired. The female employee would then hide in one of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch rooms and refused to come out when police showed up. After a couple of hours of negotiations the female employee would surrender to police. The Moonlite Bunny Ranch Brothel is one of twenty legal brothels in the United States where it is legal to purchase sex and was made famous thanks to the HBO show Cathouse.

The woman was later identified as Savannah Henderson

Savannah Henderson,

Moonlite Bunny Ranch Brothel More News

A standoff at Moonlite Bunny Ranch ended with a female employee in custody following a reported dispute with another co-worker at the Mound House establishment, said Lyon County Sheriff Brad Pope. No one was injured in the incident.

At approximately 9:37 p.m. the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Communications Division received a 911 call from the Moonlight Bunny Ranch for a reported dispute between two co-workers at the establishment. During the 911 call, the reporting party advised they heard apparent gunshots.

Upon arrival of Lyon County Sheriff’s Office personnel, several more gunshots were heard. LCSO personnel immediately began an evacuation of the business and determined that a single employee of the Moonlight Bunny Ranch had discharged a firearm, said Sheriff Pope in a news release. That employee then retreated into a room within the business.

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Crisis Negotiations Team (CNT), Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT), and Technology Team responded to the scene. Additionally, resources from the Carson City Sheriff’s Office; Douglas County Sheriff’s Office; Nevada State Police, Highway Patrol Division; Washoe Tribal Police Department; Central Lyon County Fire Department; Carson City Fire Department; and East Fork Fire Department all responded to the scene to assist.

At approximately 12:33 a.m. the Moonlight Bunny Ranch employee surrendered to LCSO personnel and was taken into custody without further incident, said Sheriff Pope.

Anyone who has any information regarding this case is urged to contact the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office, Investigations Division at (775) 577-5206 or by email at detective@lyon- Callers may also remain anonymous by contacting Secret Witness: at or by text or phone at (775) 322-4900.
UPDATE: 12:40AM: A woman is in Lyon County Sheriff’s Office custody in connection to multiple shots fired late Monday night at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel off Highway 50 in Mound House.

Law officers on scene detained the woman just after 12:30 a.m. and were doing a security sweep of the building, according to Lyon County deputies via dispatch. No injuries were reported.

The incident began shortly before 10 p.m. with reports of multiple shots fired and an active shooter situation at the brothel.

This prompted a large response from multiple law enforcement agencies and emergency fire department personnel, who staged at the brothel as Lyon County deputies attempted to make contact with the suspect.

UPDATE 12:22AM: Lyon County Sheriff’s Office deputies have made contact inside the brothel and there are no injuries reported. LCSO is working with the person or persons involved to resolve the situation, according to Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong.
Lyon County Sheriff’s Office responded Monday night to multiple gunshots fired and an active shooting situation at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel off Highway 50 in Mound House. It is unknown at this time if there are any injuries.

Shortly before 10 p.m. Lyon County dispatch contacted Carson City Sheriff’s Office dispatch regarding gunshots coming from the brothel. Carson City Sheriff’s Office has also responded with patrol units to 69 Moonlite Road where the situation has developed.

According to dispatch, medical personnel ambulances and law enforcement are staging in the area where there is an active shooting situation.

At least five law enforcement agencies have also responded and are staging.

LCSO deputies are attempting to make contact via loud speaker asking the shooter to come out with their hands up. It is unknown how many people were inside the brothel at the time of the shooting.

People are advised to stay clear of the area.

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