joshua fleetwood

Joshua Fleetwood Charged In Lakevia Jackson Murder

Joshua Fleetwood has been charged with the murder of Lakevia Jackson which took place at a bowling alley in Atlanta Georgia. According to police reports Joshua Fleetwood and Lakevia Jackson were involved in an argument over a bowling ball. Joshua Fleetwood would leave the bowling alley and wait for Lakevia Jackson to leave the building….

Lucas Noble Dingman

Lucas Noble Dingman Guilty Of Infants Murder

Lucas Noble Dingman has been found guilty in a fatal arson that took place in 2011 that claimed the life of a eleven month old infant. The fatal fire took place in an apartment in Apple Valley California. When firefighters arrived they would find Lucas Noble Dingman and the infants mother outside of the home…

Todd Lofton Shaw

Todd Lofton Shaw Arrested After Child Dies

Todd Lofton Shaw has been charged after his girlfriends 7 year old son died with serious injuries. According to police reports 911 was called about a child being in medical distress and when ambulance attendants arrived they found a severely injured seven year old boy. The child was rushed to the hospital however it was…

Byron Ellison

Byron Ellison Gets Life For Killing 2 Month Old Baby

Byron Ellison has been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his 2 month old son. According to court documents ambulance attendants arrived at the Mississippi home to find a two month old boy unresponsive. The little boy was rushed to hospital but do to his severe injuries he would be flown out…

sharena nancy

Sharena Nancy Guilty In Nalani Johnson Murder

Sharena Nancy has pleaded guilty to the kidnapping and murder of two year old Nalani Johnson. According to court documents Sharena Nancy had been dating Nalani Johnson father and when he attempted to break up with her she would grab the two year old and take off. Sharena Nancy would then murder Nalani Johnson before…

Brandon Walker Stephanie Jones

Brandon Walker And Stephanie Jones Charged In Childs Murder

Brandon Walker and Stephanie Jones have been charged with murder after their eight year old son died weighing just 30 pounds. The eight year old boy, Navin Jones, was found unresponsive and not breathing when he was rushed to the hospital. Unfortunately the little boy was unable to be revived. When police searched the family…