Emmanuel Littlejohn

Emmanuel Littlejohn Execution Scheduled For Today

Emmanuel Littlejohn is scheduled to be executed by the State of Oklahoma today, September 26 2024, unless the Governor steps in According to court documents Emmanuel Littlejohn and Glenn Bethany would enter a convenience store where the manager Kenneth Meers was shot and killed. Both Glenn Bethany and Emmanuel Littlejohn would be arrested for the…

Phillip Hancock oklahoma

Phillip Hancock Execution Scheduled 11/30/23

Phillip Hancock is scheduled to be executed tomorrow, November 30 2023, by the State of Oklahoma for a double murder that took place in 2001 According to court reports officers would respond to a call of gunfire. When officers arrived they would find Robert Lee Jett, Jr, dying in his backyard from gunshot wounds. Robert…

Anthony Sanchez Execution Scheduled 9/21/23

Anthony Sanchez Execution Scheduled 9/21/23

The State Of Oklahoma is set to execute Anthony Sanchez for the kidnapping, sexual assault and murder of Jewell Jean “Juli” Busken According to court documents Anthony Sanchez would kidnap Jewell Jean “Juli” Busken who was a student at the University Of Oklahoma. The young woman would be sexually assaulted and murdered. The brutal crime…

michael hooper oklahoma

Michael Hooper Oklahoma Execution

Michael Hooper was executed by the State of Oklahoma for a triple murder. According to court documents Michael Hooper would go to his ex girlfriends home and kill her and her two children. Michael Hooper would be arrested, convicted and sentenced to death. Michael Hooper was executed by lethal injection on August 14, 2012 Michael…