zephaniah trevino

Zephaniah Trevino Teen Killer Or Victim

Zephaniah Trevino a Texas teenager who has been charged with capital murder is either a teen killer or a sex trafficking victim. According to police Zephaniah Trevino was present when the victim, Carlos Arajeni-Arriaza Morillo was fatally shot during a robbery. However Zephaniah Trevino family is saying the teenager was controlled by an older man….

erin caffey photos

Erin Caffey

Erin Caffey was fifteen years old when she planned the murders of her father, mother and two brothers. In the end her father would be the only one to survive. Erin Caffey was sentenced to life in prison Make Sure To Check Out Erin Caffey Main Page Erin Caffey – Teen Plans Family Murder On…