hunter chase nance

Hunter Chase Nance Charged With Kidnapping

Hunter Chase Nance

Hunter Chase Nance is a man from North Carolina who has been charged with kidnapping and would make some odd comments to police. According to police reports Hunter Chase Nance would meet the victim earlier in the day and the two would set up a date later that day. When the woman showed up at Hunter Chase Nance residence she would be attacked with a knife and he refused to let her go. The woman would thankfully be able to eventually get free and called 911.

Hunter Chase Nance would be picked up police and admitted to officers that his intention was to murder the woman, eat parts of her body and put the remains on display. Hunter Chase Nance would tell police that her escaping had ruined his plans. As for the victim Hunter Chase Nance would admit he just picked a random person for his thrill kill.

Hunter Chase Nance More News

North Carolina man allegedly kidnapped a woman and told her he wanted to murder and mutilate her “for the thrill” – as he eerily expressed an interest in cannibalism.

Hunter Chase Nance, 24, allegedly exchanged numbers with a woman at a gas station and later picked her up and took her to his home in China Grove – about 35 miles northeast of Charlotte, according to local WBTV.

But when they got to his house, he allegedly locked the door and attacked her with a knife, the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office said. Nance allegedly said he was interested in cannibalism and threatened to mutilate the woman’s dead body and display it to people driving by.

Neighbors reportedly called 911 when they saw the woman staggering down the street after she escaped from Nance’s house, according to police.

The incident left residents of the small town shocked.

“It’s unbelievable,” Paula Fullbright, Nance’s next-door neighbor, told the local outlet.

“I mean obviously it could have ended up worse,” Fullbright said. “Thank God the girl was strong enough to fight him off and get away.”

“Honestly, I’ve had thoughts go across my mind, ‘What if he tried to break in my house and get one of my daughters?’ That’s terrible that I even have that thought,” the neighbor added. “I wish I hadn’t, but that is the reality of it right now.”

Richard Dawson, another neighbor, told the outlet that the incident sparked fear in the community. 

“You don’t know who you’re living next to anymore,” he said.

Nance is facing charges of false imprisonment, assault with a deadly weapon and first-degree kidnapping,

Hunter Chase Nance Other News

North Carolina man locked a woman in his house and attacked her with a knife with intention of killing her, deputies said.

On Wednesday, a person contacted deputies and reported seeing a woman who had been attacked by a man she met earlier that day.

Hunter Chase Nance, 24, had approached the woman at a gas station and the two exchanged phone numbers.

Later that day, he offered to pick the woman up and bring her to his home. She agreed.

When they were at Nance’s home, he locked the door and attacked her with a knife.

The woman fought back and was able to get the knife away from Nance, suffering cuts on her hands before she was able to escape.

Concerned citizens called authorities to report seeing the injured woman walking on the roadway.

Deputies and paramedics responded to assist her.

During an investigation, Nance was identified as the suspect and found at this home on Peaceful Lane outside of China Grove.

Nance was arrested for false imprisonment and assault with a deadly weapon.

During an interview, Nance revealed that he had intended to ultimately kill the woman.

He admitted that he chose the woman at random and wanted to kill her ‘for the thrill.’

He described gory details of his plan, including mutilating her and leaving her body for passing cars to see. Nance also expressed interest in cannibalism and the desire to kill others.

He was also charged with first-degree kidnapping.

Nance was issued a $600,000 bond.

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