Jacob Matt Morgan Released From Prison

Jacob Matthew Morgan

Jacob Matt Morgan was convicted of setting a fire in his home that would kill his baby brother in South Carolina. When he was convicted in 2016 Jacob Matt Morgan was sentenced to fifteen years in prison. Today Jacob Morgan was released from prison after serving a little more than seven years. Even though Jacob Morgan pleaded guilty to the crime he has never admitted that he was responsible for his brother’s death. Many people have mixed feelings when it comes to the teen killer as some believe that the fire was an accident and others believing the opposite. Jacob Matt Morgan who is on the autistic spectrum was denied parole earlier this year. After seven years in prison it will be interesting to see how he responds to his new freedom

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Jacob Matt Morgan was 17 years old when he was convicted and sent to prison for a 2015 York County, S.C., fire that killed his baby brother. The scene of Morgan weeping in court captured worldwide attention. Morgan, now 24, was released Thursday from a South Carolina prison after serving about half of the 15-year sentence. Chrysti Shain, spokesperson for the S.C. Department of Corrections, confirmed to The Herald that Morgan had been released around 10 a.m. from the MacDougall prison in Berkeley County, S.C.

Controversy remains. Over the past seven years, Morgan’s case has continued to capture internet interest on TikTok, Facebook and other social media as people debate whether he is guilty, if a person of his age and state of mind should have been jailed, and the 2015 death of the 14-month-old child. Morgan pleaded guilty in 2016 but has never admitted guilt in the fire near Rock Hill where Joshua Hill died.

In the type of plea Jacob Matt Morgan accepted in 2016, called an Alford plea, he was not required to admit guilt, but he accepted the punishment a guilty plea would carry. Morgan still has another 15-year prison sentence hanging over his head if he does not successfully complete five years of probation, according to officials and court documents. He faces five years probation from his 2016 conviction where the 15-year sentence for arson was suspended, according to Anita Dantzler, spokesperson for the S.C. Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services.

There were concerns bout Morgan’s state of mind and past actions discussed in court during his trial.

Prosecutors said in court that officials had several files on Jacob Matt Morgan dating back a decade before the fire. The files included referrals for outpatient psychiatric treatment, which resulted in diagnoses of bipolar disorder, oppositional defiance disorder, and anti-social personality disorder. Prosecutors also said in court they had police records from multiple calls to law enforcement after Morgan allegedly threatened and, in some cases attacked, family members.

For years, Morgan’s supporters have said he should not have been imprisoned and had no malice toward his brother. Family members claimed at the time and after Morgan pleaded guilty that he did not intend to harm his baby brother.

His family did interviews, including a 2016 national show with Dr. Drew on Headline News. Some even started a change.org petition that claimed community support for Morgan.

Morgan’s lawyer for the criminal charges, York County Public Defender B.J Barrowclough, told The Herald he is pleased Jacob Matt Morgan is finally being released

“I was happy to hear that Jacob Morgan’s release from prison is imminent,” Barrowclough said. “He was a soft-hearted, kind young man when I knew him seven years ago and he has endured a terrible tragedy. He loved his brother and always maintained his innocence. “It is important to note that even the State in reducing the murder charge to involuntary manslaughter did not take the position that he killed his brother on purpose. Whatever one believes about the case, he has done his time and I look forward to him becoming a productive member of our community. I wish him well.”

Prosecutors and law enforcement officials stated in court that Jacob Matt Morgan lied to cover up the crime and knew his brother would die in the fire.

Jacob Matt Morgan was babysitting at the time. Police and prosecutors said Morgan set fires in the family mobile home, and did not call 911 for help. Prosecutors also said Morgan had set a fire at the home two weeks earlier. Morgan admitted during a police interview that he dropped a tea candle in a blanket in the master bedroom the morning of the fatal fire, and set fire to a string on one of the sofa pillows in the living room, prosecutors have said in court.

He was barefoot and couldn’t stomp the fire out once it started getting out of control, officials said. Morgan never went to the bedroom where his brother was after setting the fire. He went outside and observed the blaze before going to a neighbor’s home to call for help, prosecutors said in court. Sixteenth Circuit Solicitor Kevin Brackett, York County’s top prosecutor, told The Herald this year there is no question the fire was intentionally set.

Brackett said Jacob Matt Morgan should serve his sentences as prescribed by law and judicial order. “The legal aspect of this terrible crime may have concluded but the consequences will continue to be felt by those involved for the rest of their lives,” Brackett said Thursday.

Jacob Matt Morgan initially was charged with murder and first-degree arson and faced the possibility of life in prison.

Under the 2016 deal, he pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter, third-degree arson, and unlawful conduct toward a child. He was sentenced to 10 years for the unlawful conduct, and five years for the involuntary manslaughter, court records show. A 15-year sentence for the arson was suspended upon service of five years probation after release from prison, documents state. Barrowclough said in court in 2016 that he agreed with the decision for Morgan to plead guilty using the Alford plea.

Jacob Matt Morgan was denied parole in hearings in 2021 and May of this year. At the May 2022, Morgan said he would change places with his brother who died. “Not a day goes by that I don’t regret my brother’s death,” Morgan told the parole board. “I would gladly change places with him.” When parole officials asked Morgan why he became involved in the deadly incident, Morgan replied that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but did not elaborate.

Morgan served about half his active sentence. He also received credit for a year in jail without bail while waiting for trial. Morgan told parole officials he has received a General Equivalency Diploma. He earned at least six educational credits from SCDC, SCDC documents show. Morgan now has to report to probation officials to fulfill his probation sentence, officials said. The 15 years arson sentence by Judge Dan Hall in 2016 stays active until he completes probation. Under South Carolina law, failure to comply with probation conditions means law enforcement officials could ask a judge to reinstate the 15-year sentence from the arson conviction. Morgan will be assigned a York County probation agent, Dantzler of the South Carolina probation department said. Persons on probation are not allowed to leave South Carolina without approval and cannot possess firearms, according to a standard list of probation conditions provided by Dantzler to The Herald. He will have to have periodic meetings with his probation officer.


Warrant For Antonio Brown Issued Stand Off Ensued

antonio brown

NFL player Antonio Brown has had an arrest warrant issued for domestic violence however when police attempted to serve the warrant Antonio has refused to answer the door at his Tampa Bay Florida home. Now the Tampa Bay police are outside of the home and in the words of one of the officers , We are not going anywhere. Unfortunately what is complicating the issue is that Antonio Brown has access to at least 2 firearms. The domestic violence issue is believed to be between Antonio Brown and the mother of several of his children. Needless to say this is a breaking story.

Antonio Brown More News

 A warrant for former Tampa Bay Buccaneers wide receiver Antonio Brown has been issued, and Tampa Police spent at least an hour trying to get him to come out of the house.

WFTS had a crew at the scene where police used a megaphone to call out to Brown to come out of the house. Police told Brown they’d already spoken with his attorney. After using the megaphone, they continued to call out to Brown with their voices while knocking on the door

At one point, Tampa Police yelled at Brown, “we’re not going anywhere.”

The arrest warrant comes after Tampa Police were denied a temporary ex parte risk protection order for Brown. In the protection order request, Tampa Police alleged Brown “poses a significant danger of causing personal injury to him or herself or others in the near future and beyond by having a firearm or any ammunition in their custody or control or by purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm or any ammunition.”

Tampa Police said in the protection order request that Brown had access to two guns, including one handgun he carries.

According to the affidavit attached to the protection order request, TPD said Brown,

“Was involved in a recent act or threat of violence against themselves or other others; was engaged in an act or threat of violence, including but not limited to acts or threats of violence against themselves, within the past 12 months; may be seriously mentally ill or may have recurring mental health issues; has used or threatened to use, against themselves or others, any weapons; and has been arrested for, convicted or, had adjudication withheld, or pled nolo contendere to a crime involving violence or a threat of violence in Florida or in any other state.”

The protection order request, and arrest warrant, came after an incident between Brown and the mother of several of his children on Wednesday.

During the incident, Tampa Police said Brown began throwing the woman’s belongings out of the house. At some point before police arrived, Brown allegedly came out of the home and “threw a shoe at the victim striking her in the ponytail.”

By the time police arrived, Brown had allegedly locked all of the doors and windows to the home and refused to come out.

TPD said Brown offered to let the children go inside the home, “but the kids did not want to go inside because they were afraid of their dad when he gets in these destructive moods.”

Police said they made multiple attempts to get Brown to open the home but were never successful. According to TPD, Brown had placed an informal eviction notice on the door and repeatedly said the woman had no right to be at or enter the home.

The woman eventually left with her children and was told by Tampa Police to “spend the night at a hotel or friends (sic) house and just let suspect cool down and not try to have any contact with him for a few weeks as not to instigate the situation any further while law enforcement action is taken.”


George Wagner IV Guilty Of 8 Murders

George Wagner IV

George Wagner IV has been convicted of eight murders that took place in Ohio in 2016. According to court documents George Wagner IV along with other family members planned the murders of the Rhoden family, the motive is believed to be over the custody of a child. Hanna May Rhoden, 19; Kenneth Rhoden, 44; his brother Christopher Rhoden Sr., 40; and Christopher’s ex-wife, Dana Rhoden, 37. Also killed were two of the Rhodens’ other children, Clarence “Frankie” Rhoden, 20, Christopher Rhoden Jr., 16, and Gary Rhoden, 38, a cousin. The eighth victim was Hannah Gilley, who was engaged to Clarence Rhoden. Needless to say the death penalty is on the table for this case.

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An Ohio man accused along with his family members of the 2016 massacre of another family was found guilty of multiple murder charges Wednesday.

A jury convicted George Wagner IV in the murders of eight people, seven of whom were members of the Rhoden family, who were all shot to death in April 2016 at four crime scenes in around the small town of Piketon, Ohio.

In addition to eight counts of aggravated murder, George Wagner IV was also convicted of tampering with evidence and conspiracy, Judge Randy Deering announced.

The verdict “brings us one step closer to achieving justice,” Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said Wednesday. DeWine was the state’s attorney general at the time of the killings.

The victims were Hanna May Rhoden, 19; Kenneth Rhoden, 44; his brother Christopher Rhoden Sr., 40; and Christopher’s ex-wife, Dana Rhoden, 37. Also killed were two of the Rhodens’ other children, Clarence “Frankie” Rhoden, 20, Christopher Rhoden Jr., 16, and Gary Rhoden, 38, a cousin.

The eighth victim was Hannah Gilley, who was engaged to Clarence Rhoden.

George Wagner IV is one of six members of the Wagner family who have faced charges related to the case.

In 2018, a grand jury in Pike County also indicted his father George “Billy” Wagner III, his mother Angela Wagner and his brother Edward “Jake” Wagner, on several offenses, including eight counts each of aggravated murder with death penalty specifications. Two grandmothers of the Wagner family were also charged in an alleged cover-up of the crime, DeWine said at the time.

“We believe that the Wagners conspired together to develop an elaborate plan to kill the eight victims under the cover of darkness and then carefully cover up their tracks,” DeWine said in 2018.

Jake Wagner struck a plea deal last year when he agreed to life in prison without parole, CNN affiliate WKRC reported. The plea was entered on the fifth anniversary of the killings, according to the outlet.

Additionally, Jake Wagner was charged with unlawful sexual conduct with a minor over sexual contact with one of the victims, Hanna May Rhoden, when she was 15 and he was 20, prosecutors said at the time. Jake Wagner is the father of her older daughter, who was staying with the Wagners on the night of the killings, prosecutors said.

Angela Wagner pleaded guilty last year to lesser charges and at least 30 years in prison, according to WKRC.

“Our society reveres mothers for taking care of their children and teaching them to do the right thing, even when it’s hard. But by actively plotting the murder of an entire family and encouraging her own kids to carry out the violence, Angela Wagner abjectly failed in her responsibilities,” current Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost said in a September 2021 statement on her plea agreement.

“Today, the Rhoden and the Gilley families could take some comfort knowing that George Wagner has been convicted, and he will be punished as well his brother Jake and his mother Angela,” Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said Wednesday during a news conference.

Billy Wagner has pleaded not guilty and is set to go on trial later this year, per WKRC.

“Billy Wagner’s fate will also be determined, and I will remain steadfast in my belief that everyone who was involved in these murders will get what they deserve,” DeWine said.

The massacre rattled the small community of Piketon, home to about 2,000 residents and located roughly 80 miles east of Cincinnati. The Wagners are from South Webster, about a 30-mile drive southeast of Piketon.

At one of the four crime scenes, police found a 4-day-old baby next to his slain mother. That child, along with a 6-month-old and a 3-year-old, survived.

Authorities at the time said the suspects spent months planning the killings and left traces behind.

Prosecutors hadn’t disclosed a motive at the time but alluded to the custody of a child that may have played “a role in this case.” The Wagners were also accused of forging custody documents, prosecutors previously said.

“They left a trail: The parts to build a silencer, the forged documents, the cameras, cell phones – all that they tampered with, and the lies,” Pike County Sheriff Charles S. Reader said at the time of their arrests.

The governor on Wednesday thanked law enforcement involved in “this very difficult and complicated case.”

“They helped uncover nearly 5,000 pieces of evidence. They put this case together. They figured out what at the time seemed like such an implausible motive – the custody of a child – for the murder of eight innocent people, but they did it,” DeWine said.


Florida QB Jalen Kitna Nailed For Child Porn

Jalen Kitna

University of Florida quarterback Jalen Kitna has been arrested and child for possessing child pornography. According to police reports officers received a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and a search warrant was issued. Police would find child pornography on Jalen Kitna devices and learned that he had uploaded the images to Discord. Jalen Kitna who is the son of former NFL quarterback Jon Kitna who played for 14 seasons. Needless to say the University of Florida has suspended him from playing.

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Florida backup quarterback Jalen Kitna was arrested Wednesday on two counts of distribution of child exploitation material and three counts of possession of child pornography.

Kitna, the 19-year-old son of former NFL quarterback Jon Kitna, was arrested by the Gainesville Police Department and booked into the Alachua County jail at 3:20 p.m. ET. He is expected to appear in court on Thursday morning to hear the charges against him, the GPD said.

The five charges, which need to be formalized by the state attorney’s office, are second-degree felonies that could result in a prison term of up to 15 years and a fine of up to $10,000.

Kitna has been suspended indefinitely from the football program.

“We are shocked and saddened to hear of the news involving Jalen Kitna,” the University of Florida Athletic Association said in a statement. “These are extremely serious charges and the University of Florida and the UAA have zero tolerance for such behavior.”

According to a news release from the Gainesville Police Department, police received a tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that a user had distributed an image of child sexual abuse material on Discord, a social media platform.

Police allege that an investigation revealed Kitna was the probable owner of the Discord account.

The Gainesville Police Department said Kitna was interviewed by officers and that he told them he thought the images he shared were “legal” because he found them online. Police say they searched Kitna’s electronic devices and found three more images of child sexual abuse material.

A redshirt freshman, Kitna appeared in four games this season, completing 10 of 14 passes for 181 yards and a touchdown.


Jason Chen Charged In Jasmine Pace Murder

jason chen

Jason Chen has been charged in the murder of missing woman Jasmine Pace. According to police reports Jasmine Pace was reported missing a week ago. Investigators in Chattanooga Tennessee have said their investigation has turned from a missing person to a homicide investigation and Jasmine Pace boyfriend Jason Chen has been arrested and charged with murder. Police have yet to locate the body of Jasmine Pace. Police would search the home of Jason Chen and evidence found pointed to murder.

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A man taken into custody in Williamson County Tuesday is now facing criminal homicide charges following a woman’s recent disappearance in Hamilton County.

Nolensville Police Chief Roddy Parker confirmed his agency arrested Jason Chen on Tuesday, Nov. 29 and took him to jail in Franklin after Hamilton County authorities reached out over the weekend about a missing woman.

Then, on Wednesday, Nov. 30, the Hamilton County District Attorney’s Office and the Chattanooga Police Department held a joint news conference about the arrest.

According to Hamilton County District Attorney Coty Wamp, the missing persons case for Jasmine Pace transitioned into a homicide investigation on Sunday, Nov. 27 based on evidence that came to the Chattanooga Police Department’s attention.

Since then, Chattanooga authorities have reportedly worked around the clock to gather information leading to Pace’s location, which Wamp described as a priority going forward.

Wamp said evidence was discovered at Chen’s apartment while executing a search warrant that led to police deeming him a legitimate suspect in the investigation. Since then, new evidence surfaced that allowed law enforcement to develop probable cause in the case of a homicide

Jason Chen was found at his home — described by authorities as his family residence — in Williamson County Tuesday night and taken into custody.

Wamp announced Hamilton County has taken out charges for criminal homicide against Chen while the state of Tennessee is pursuing first-degree murder charges. Meanwhile, Chen is set to be transported to Hamilton County by Thursday, Dec. 1 to face charges in court.

A detective at Wednesday’s news conference said Pace and Chen had a relationship for a few months, adding that Pace’s last known location was at Chen’s apartment — his primary residence — in the Northshore area of Chattanooga.

The Dade County Sheriff’s Office shared a flyer on social media that said 22-year-old Pace was last seen by her family on Tuesday, Nov. 22 and her vehicle was tracked to 900 Mountain Creek Road in Chattanooga.

ccording to officials, the investigation into Pace’s disappearance is still ongoing, so community members are urged to reach out to the Chattanooga Police Department if you have any information about her whereabouts
