Lorraine Thorpe Teen Killer Murders 2 People

Lorraine Thorpe Teen Killer

Lorraine Thorpe was just fifteen years old when she murdered her father and another woman. The would be serial killer was finally arrested and shocked England. According to court documents the deranged couple would then abduct a woman and would torture her for two days before actually killing her. When Lorraine caregiver made a threat that he was going to call the police the pair attacked him beating the man to death.

At first police did not think that Thorpe could be responsible due to the level of violence in the two murders however Lorraine would make a full confession detailing the two barbaric attacks. This teen killer would be sentenced to a minimum of fourteen years in prison meaning she could be released before she turns thirty.

Lorraine Thorpe More News

Britain’s youngest female double killer boasted to the police about her brutal murders and even told officers: ‘You’ll find my footprint on my dad.’

Lorraine Thorpe was 15 when, along with her ‘role model’ Paul Clarke, she tortured and beat Rosalyn Hunt and smothered her father Desmond to death.

Ms Hunt, 41, was beaten to death in Ipswich in 2009 following a row over a dog, with Thorpe responsible for kicking, punching and stamping on her head.

Lorraine Thorpe became Britain’s youngest female double murderer at the age of 15 after the brutal killings of her father Desmond and Rosalyn Hunt

Lorraine Thorpe and Clarke carried out two days of torture on Ms Hunt including grating her face with a cheese grater and rubbing salt in the wounds.

Mr Thorpe, 43, a ‘vulnerable’ alcoholic, was smothered amid fears that he would tell the police about the first murder.

In a new documentary series, it is revealed how Thorpe was initially disregarded by police because of the horrific violence involved in the double murders. 

The teenage killer then started boasting to her friends about how she tortured her victims and told police she had stamped her father’s head so hard it had left a trainer print, saying: ‘You’ll find my footprint on my dad.’

The show Britain’s Deadliest Kids, which airs tomorrow, reveals how Thorpe laughed uncontrollably throughout her trial after the savage killings.

Paul Clarke carried out the brutal killings alongside Lorraine Thorpe in 2009

Speaking in the documentary, DCI Rick Munns, the investigating officer who worked on the case, said of Thorpe during her initial police interview: ‘She didn’t show any particular remorse around the death of Rosie Hunt, and completely denied any involvement in her father’s death.’  

As more evidence came to light, it became apparent that Desmond Thorpe was subjected to a similar level of violence to Rosalyn Hunt.  

Consultant forensic psychologist Dr Keri Nixon said: ‘She laughed about the level of violence they used again Rosalyn Hunt.

‘In my experience, I have never seen this level of violence, these types of injuries, enacted by a 15-year-old girl.

‘Usually, in cases like this, they will partake in some violence. But to be actively involved in such torturous activity, is incredibly rare.’

She said Lorraine Thorpe didn’t passively watch her father die but rather ‘actively engaged in the violence’ towards him.

Thorpe, who was diagnosed with ADHD, showed no remorse during her trial, and even giggled throughout the court proceedings. 

Rosalyn Hunt was tortured over days by the pair with psychologists saying they had never seen such a level of violence from a young girl

‘No one stopped her. I felt disgusted, I felt like I wanted to jump over and just rip her head off.’

Both Lorraine Thorpe and Paul Clarke were found guilty of murder, making Thorpe Britain’s youngest female double murderer.

Clarke was sentenced to 27 years but was found dead in his cell four years later. 

She was sentenced to a minimum term of 14 years in prison, making her eligible for release by the time she turns 29. 

The judge ruled she had been brought up ‘with no real understanding of what is right and what is wrong’.

Mr Justice Saunders said she could be ‘manipulative’ and was not acting entirely under Clarke’s control, adding: ‘She found violence funny and entertaining.’

The judge said Clarke, also an alcoholic, was the ‘instigator’ in the murder of Ms Hunt, although Thorpe ‘played a full part’.

‘Far from being sorry, Lorraine Thorpe appears to have gloried in it, describing to her friends at one stage how she stamped on Rosalyn’s head,’ he said.

Dr Keri Nixon, a consultant forensic psychologist, said Thorpe’s crimes could have been avoided if she had never met Clarke.

She said: ‘I start to feel complete empathy for the girl that was let down by society and professionals. No girl should be living with her alcoholic father at the age of 12.

‘She was lost. She went from her mother to foster care, and then she ran away to be with her father and eventually social services lost her and she was living on the streets drinking with alcoholic men. That shouldn’t happen in our society.

‘I believe she was groomed by Paul Clarke and living a life that no teenager should be living.

‘But then we look at the level of violence she enacted on Rosalyn Hunt. It was so extreme, so vicious, and that’s where it’s difficult to look at the vulnerable girl.

‘Would those murders have taken place if she wasn’t part of that drinking community, and if she hadn’t met Paul Clark? No, I don’t believe they would have done.’

Lorraine Thorpe Videos

Lorraine Thorpe More News

A girl thought to be Britain’s youngest female double murderer has been jailed for life.

Lorraine Thorpe, now 16, of Clapgate Lane in Ipswich, was found guilty in August of murdering her father Desmond Thorpe and a woman called Rosalyn Hunt.

Thorpe, 15 when the murders took place in 2009, was told at the Old Bailey she would serve at least 14 years.

Paul Clarke, 41, also convicted of two murders at Ipswich Crown Court, was sentenced at an earlier hearing.

Clarke, of Mountbatten Court, was also jailed for life and told he must serve a minimum of 27 years.

Mr Justice Saunders said Thorpe could be “manipulative” and was not acting entirely under Clarke’s control, adding: “She found violence funny and entertaining.”

The bodies of Ms Hunt and Mr Thorpe were found at separate addresses in Ipswich in August 2009.

Both Clarke and Thorpe had denied the charges and gave no evidence during their trial.

They had repeatedly beaten and tortured Ms Hunt and then smothered Mr Thorpe to death.

The judge said: “Far from being sorry, Lorraine appears to have gloried in it, describing to her friends at one stage how she stamped on Rosalyn’s head.”

He said the only “possible explanation” for her father’s murder was “the fear that he would go and tell the police what happened to Rosalyn Hunt”.

Mr Justice Saunders described the case as “exceptional” and the story of Thorpe “appalling”.

The court heard Thorpe and her father lived in “squalid” flats and sometimes even in tents.

“She was spending all her time with middle-aged alcoholics to whom violence had become normal,” the judge said.

“It had become part of their way of life. The alcoholics fought with each other.

“They stole in order to get the drink they craved.”

Social services could not keep track of her and when she was placed in a school she went back to her father, the judge told the court.

Through drinking the Thorpes met Clarke and lived at his flat for a time.

“She has been left with no real understanding of what is right and what is wrong,” Mr Justice Saunders said.

“To describe her upbringing as not being a proper upbringing would be an understatement but it has left her as a violent young woman and a highly manipulative young woman as well.”

Graham Parkins QC, defending, said: “It was highly inappropriate for this young girl to be playing a role of carer to her drunken and indeed very frail father.

“She never really had much of a chance in life.”

Britain’s youngest female killer, Mary Bell, was held at the age of 11 in 1968 for the manslaughter of two boys aged three and four.


Melissa Todorovic Teen Killer Murders Love Rival

Melissa Todorovic Teen Killer

Melissa Todorovic was fifteen years old when she manipulated her boyfriend to murder a perceived romantic rival. According to court documents Melissa Todorovic would withhold sex from her boyfriend until he murdered his ex girlfriend Stefanie Rengal. The boyfriend, David Bragshaw would wait for Rengal to leave her home then fatally stabbed the teenager to death.

This teen killer would receive a youth life sentence meaning she would serve no more than seven years.

Melissa Todorovic Other News

The puppet master has finally met her match.

And so killer Melissa Todorovic has had her day parole revoked and she’ll remain behind bars for orchestrating the senseless murder of 14-year-old Stefanie Rengel.

Melissa Todorovic, 27, had tried to convince the Parole Board of Canada that she had learned her lesson, that she now realizes she should have abided by her day parole conditions and disclosed that she was in the midst of an “unhealthy” love triangle with two ex-cons.

You think?

But Melissa Todorovic kept it a secret, starting a dalliance with a high-risk offender named “Kirk” who she’d met at a group for reintegrating former inmates, signing herself out of her Brampton halfway house and lying about where she was going.

And then, unsatisfied with the sexual prowess of her first paramour, she set her sights on his best friend “Dennis” and started an affair with him, as well.

All the while, playing them against each other as only a cunning puppet master can do.

We’ve all heard this story before, of course. The jealous Melissa Todorovic was 15 when she blackmailed her boyfriend David Bagshaw into killing Rengel — whose parents were both Toronto cops at the time but her mom is now a grief counsellor.

Melissa Todorovic became strangely obsessed with Rengel, who had briefly — and platonically — dated Bagshaw, two years before. After her unrelenting eight-month campaign of phone calls, 50,000 MSN messages and thousands of texts rife with sexual blackmail — “Ur getting blocked until u kill her” — her lovesick boyfriend finally agreed to carry out the plan.

On New Year’s Day, 2008, just days shy of his 18th birthday, Bagshaw lured Stefanie from her East York home and stabbed her six times in the abdomen, ripping through the black sweater her mother had given her for Christmas just days earlier.

He then left her to bleed to death in a snowbank.

All this time later, released after serving only about 11 years of her life sentence for first degree murder, Melissa Todorovic is falling back into her old pattern: Playing with people’s lives.

Parole board hearing officer Shannon Stewart wasn’t falling for any of it: not her mea culpa or Melissa Todorovic’s insistence that she should be given another chance, this time at a halfway house in Kingston.

“It’s calculated deception,” Stewart told her, in revoking her day parole. “Within two months, you’re back to your offence cycle (of manipulating men). It’s very, very, very concerning.”

Rengel’s mother, Patricia Hung, said she was relieved by the revocation of Melissa Todorovic’s day parole.

“Getting the news that Melissa Todorovic reoffended badly enough to be taken into custody was shocking,” she said in her victim impact statement. “The fact that Melissa, in just a few short months, was unable to abide by her very limited conditions, raises red flags that are, frankly, terrifying.”

Melissa Todorovic was awarded day parole last November under pretty lenient conditions: All she had to do was continue counselling and report any relationships to her parole officer.

Yet almost immediately, she was secretly looking for love in all the wrong places. “I knew it was wrong,” Melissa Todorovic admitted. “I didn’t have people to talk to. I liked people complimenting me and giving me attention and didn’t want that to end.”

She even tried to deflect the blame. “Nobody asked me if I was in a relationship,” she said.

That didn’t fly with the hearing officer, who accused her of downplaying her web of lies to everyone from her family to her team of support workers.

“You chose to deceive,” Stewart said.

It was only by happenstance that her clandestine hook-ups were uncovered. Her community parole officer Angela Law told the hearing she was informed by Kirk’s probation officer, who had recognized Melissa Todorovic from past media coverage of the gruesome killing.

A search of her room found a Valentine’s Day card from Kirk in which he apologized for not satisfying her and for not treating her well.

Melissa Todorovic’s bail was suspended in March and she was returned to the Grand Valley Institution for Women for violating her conditions. Friday’s hearing was to determine whether her day parole should be permanently revoked — she can reapply in a year — or reinstated under new conditions.

Her parole officer recommended she remain in prison because her failure to disclose that she was involved in not one, but two, relationships and her “manipulating them against one another” show she still presents an undue risk to the public.

The hearing officer agreed — and so in prison she’ll remain.

Melissa Todorovic who has gained weight and cut her hair since her 2009 trial, wiped away tears throughout the hearing but simply stared coldly at Stewart when told she’d be losing her freedom.

Somebody had finally cut her strings.

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Melissa Todorovic More News

A woman who pressured her boyfriend into murdering his teenage ex more than a decade ago has lost her bid to overt urn the revocation of her parole.

In a decision released Friday, the appeal division of the Parole Board of Canada rejected Melissa Todorovic‘s argument that the board was unreasonable and overly strict in cancelling her day parole last year.

The parole board moved to send Todorovic back to prison after finding she had become entangled in a secret love triangle, contravening a condition of her release that required she disclose any new relationships.

READ MORE: Woman convicted in Stefanie Rengel’s murder has day parole revoked

The one-person panel found at the time that Todorovic’s “purposeful and calculated” deception meant she posed an undue risk to the public.

She had been granted six months of day parole in a halfway house in late 2018, after the board found she had improved in understanding what led her to orchestrate the 2008 killing of 14-year-old Stefanie Rengel.

But the board required that she report any new romantic or platonic relationships because of the role unhealthy romance played in her crime.

The love triangle was discovered in March of last year, causing the board to suspend Todorovic’s parole, and a hearing was held in August to decide whether to uphold the suspension.

READ MORE: Melissa Todorovic, mastermind behind killing of Stefanie Rengel, granted day parole

At that hearing, Todorovic’s parole officer said the woman had become romantically involved with two men on probation who were friends, and appeared to be turning them against each other.

Todorovic, meanwhile, said she knew it was wrong to hide the relationships, but insisted there was no manipulation.

In challenging the revocation, Todorovic argued the board should have been more lenient in assessing whether she posed a risk to the community, given she has spent the last 12 years in prison without the opportunity to understand how to function in the community.

The appeal division rejected that argument, saying Todorovic had participated in numerous programs and been granted temporary absences and work releases to prepare her to reintegrate into society.

The reality is that you have been given every opportunity to improve your understanding of your risk and needs, to develop effective and meaningful strategies to recognize and manage your risks, and to prepare yourself for a graduated return to society,” the decision read.

“Your own choices resulted in your suspension of day parole; your own decisions to be evasive and manipulative precipitated the revocation of your parole,” it said.

READ MORE: Ontario woman convicted in Stefanie Rengel murder not committed to rehabilitation: parole board

“The board was not unreasonable in determining that, by engaging in romantic relationship with two friends, by psychologically manipulating one against the other, and by consciously choosing to not report these relationships to your (parole officer), you had become re-engaged in your offence cycle.”

The appeal ruling also dismissed her arguments that a victim impact statement read at the hearing went beyond what is permitted, and that there was a reasonable apprehension of bias because the panel member who heard her case had previously interacted with her in a professional capacity.

“The board member conducted a thorough hearing, was respectful and collegial with you and did not act in a manner that would suggest bias; nor did the decision appear to suggest that the board member relied upon her past knowledge of you to influence the decision,” the document said.

Todorovic was convicted of first-degree murder in 2009 for ordering her then-boyfriend, David Bagshaw, to kill Rengel. Both were sentenced to life in prison, with Todorovic eligible for parole after seven years.

The plot was fuelled by Todorovic’s jealous obsession with Rengel, a girl she had never met but who Bagshaw had briefly dated years earlier. Todorovic, who was 15 at the time, continuously threatened to break up with Bagshaw or withhold sex unless he killed Rengel.

He eventually lured Rengel out of her family’s Toronto home and stabbed her to death on New Year’s Day 2008.

Sharron Townsend Teen Killer Murders At 12

Sharron Townsend Teen Killer

Sharron Townsend was twelve years old when he fatally shot a man in Florida. According to officials the twelve year old teen killer and a friend would harass the homeless man weeks before the actual murder took place. On the day of the crime Sharron Townsend would fatally shoot the victim in the head. There was some outrage as the twelve year old was interrogated without his parents or a lawyer being present. However in the end Sharron Townsend would plead guilty to murder and would be sentenced to thirty years in prison with a review after fifteen years.

Sharron Townsend 2023 Information

sharron townsend 2020 photos
ID Photo
DC Number:J57676
Birth Date:10/08/2001
Initial Receipt Date:05/03/2017
Current Facility:DEPT OF JUV. JUSTICE
Current Custody:CLOSE
Current Release Date:07/22/2044

Sharron Townsend More News

Sharron Townsend, 15, was sentenced Monday to 30 years in the 2014 death of Thomas Trent.

Townsend has 30 days to appeal the sentence. Townsend was given nearly 1,000 days credited for time already served. His sentence will be reviewed after he serves 15 years, and he will be on probation for 10 years after his release

Trent, a homeless man, was shot in the head on June 28, 2014 by Townsend, making Townsend one of the youngest murder suspects in Florida history.

Townsend pled guilty to the murder in June 2016.

Townsend was reportedly part of a group of two boys who argued with Trent for weeks.

“I’ve watched it go on and on and on,” said another homeless man, who didn’t give his real name, in 2014. “He would drink and they’d come around and throw stuff on him when he was passed out.

“He would cuss them and throw stuff at them. Then they started urinating on him and would pour Cokes on him, so he got mad and threw rocks at them and I think he hit one of them.”

Police say Townsend is one of boys seen in surveillance video that was released days after the killing. The video was captured by ASAP Dental Care, a business in a nearby strip mall.

“Yeah, he was homeless, yeah he had a problem [with] drinking, but that didn’t make a reason for him to be killed,” Trent’s sister, Dawn McNabb, said in 2014. That didn’t make a reason for him to be a target.”

Townsend was arrested and interrogated. The video of the interrogation was released in 2016.

His mother was upset, saying he should have not said anything without a lawyer present, and that his life is ruined.

“You only 12 years old. You not even understanding. You just threw your whole life away,” she said.

The families of Townsend and Trent were each in the court Monday. Neither made any comment.

Sharron Townsend Other News

A teenager who was 12 years old in June 2014 when he was accused in the shooting death of a 54-year-old homeless man pleaded guilty Tuesday morning to second-degree murder.

Sharron Townsend, now 14, was charged as an adult after he shot Thomas Trent in a parking lot on 103rd Street. Trent’s body was found June 28, 2014.

Police said Townsend shot Trent once in the head. The arrest report said the boy admitted to shooting him with a .22-caliber gun. Police said the murder weapon was never found.

Investigators said Townsend and Trent (pictured below) did not know one another. Police said the killing appeared to be random, because Trent was not robbed. Townsend was identified as one of two boys seen running from the scene in security video from a nearby business.

Police said the second boy implicated Townsend, who they said later confessed. Townsend was on probation at the time on a previous arrest for burglary.

Assistant State Attorney Alan Mizrahi said not taking the case to trial was in the best interest of the state.

“We had discussions with the victim’s family, and not having to go to trial and the appeal and to do right by the defendant — all those things combined to make the plea appropriate,” Mizrahi said.

Townsend faces 10 to 40 years in prison. He will be sentenced on Aug. 22. Because Townsend is a juvenile, if he is sentenced to more than 25 years, the sentence will be reviewed.

Townsend’s attorney said Tuesday that he will present arguments at the sentencing hearing explaining why Townsend should not serve 40 years.

Townsend’s family was in the courtroom Tuesday and was visibly upset about the plea deal.

Judge Jack Schemer asked Townsend during the hearing if he had discussed his intention to plead guilty with his mother. He said he had. When Schemer asked if she approved of the deal, she responded from the gallery, “No, your honor.”

Townsend said he decided to plead guilty despite his family’s objections.

“The State Attorney’s Office did not have contact with the defendant’s family, only on the night he was interviewed by the Sheriff’s Office,” Mizrahi said. “That is something you will have to ask the defense attorney. However, I think they were just upset that their son was going to prison.”

Townsend’s family declined to comment after the hearing.

The Department of Corrections has a special prison for juveniles, where Sharron Townsend will be housed with other minors until he turns 18. At that point, he will go into the adult population.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Sharron Townsend Now

Sharron Townsend is currently incarcerated in the Florida Department Of Juvenile Justice

Sharron Townsend Release Date

Sharron Townsend is not scheduled for release until 2044

Ashley Toye Teen Killer Cash Feenz Murders

Ashley Toye Teen Killer

Ashley Toye was sixteen years old when she took part in a double murder in Florida. According to court documents Ashley Toye was dating an older man named Kemar Johnston who was part of a gang known as the Cash Feenz who would kidnap two teenagers. The two teenagers would be tortured for quite sometime before they were murdered. Ashley Toye would say that her boyfriend forced her to stab the two victims and she did so for she feared for her life.

This teen killer would be sentenced to life without parole. Ashley Toye had her sentence thrown out in 2019 and is currently awaiting a new sentence in 2020

Ashley Toye 2023 Information

ashley toye
ID Photo

DC Number:Y33438




Birth Date:10/31/1988

Initial Receipt Date:04/12/2007

Current Facility:LOWELL ANNEX

Current Custody:CLOSE

Current Release Date:SENTENCED TO LIFE

Ashley Toye Other News

Cape Coral woman who was convicted for her part in the brutal murders of two cape coral teenagers more than a decade ago could be out of prison within the next 10 years. We’ve been following this case since the beginning, and we looked at what led to this point and what could be ahead for a convicted killer.

Ashley Toye was 17 years old when 18-year-old Jeffrey Sosa and 14-year old Alex Sosa were murdered in Cape Coral in 2006. Toye was sentenced to life in prison without parole after she was found guilty of her involvement in their deaths.

However, Toye’s life sentence has been overturned for a second time and she could walk free in the future.

For years, Toye has claimed she was coerced into her participation in the crimes.

In 2009, she told WINK News Anchor Lois Thome her abusive ex-boyfriend, alleged ringleader Kemar Johnston, forced her to take part in the murders of Jeffrey and Alex.

But a U.S Supreme Court ruling in 2012 bans mandatory life sentences for juveniles without a secondary hearing, giving Toye a chance for freedom.

In 2014, the appeals court overturned her life sentence, and Toye took the stand to convince Judge Bruce Kyle to reduce her punishment.

“The knife was handed to me,” Toye said in court back in 2014. “I didn’t know what to do at the time. There was guns in my face. I was wanting to save face, I guess you could say, and I felt like, ‘I’m going to do this too to be cool, to fit in.”

But Kyle wasn’t buying it. He, once again, sentenced Toye to life in prison.

Then, this past December, the Florida district court of appeals overturned Toye’s life sentence again and removed Kyle from the case.

Attorney Stu Pepper handled Toye’s first appeal and still keeps in touch with her. A Christmas card she sent him this year shows Toye, now 31 years old, with her child, a son she’s never really known because she went to jail when she was pregnant.

It’s up to the state attorney’s office to propose a new sentence and set a date, but the office has not commented. Meanwhile, Pepper believes that could happen in the next six months.

If everything goes in Toye’s favor, she could be out of prison within the next decade.

Ashley Toye More News

Two convicted killers will go back to serving life in prison, after a fight to get a lesser sentence.

Ashley Toye and Roderick Washington, members of the Cashe Feenz gang, were re-sentenced to life this morning for their roles in the violent torture, and murders, of two Cape Coral teens.

The two had a chance to have their previous life sentences overturned, because a 2012 United States Supreme Court ruling decided juveniles can’t be given life sentences without parole.

The two were only 17 when they were originally put away, for their part in the murders of Jeffrey and Alexis Sosa.

Two weeks ago, Toye’s attorney, argued that his client did not shoot the teens and should not be behind bars forever.

The state agreed.

“I thought that was good enough for me, I thought it was good enough for the judge. Instead he went his own way,” said Toye’s attorney, Stuart Pepper.

At that re-sentencing hearing, Toye took the stand telling the judge she had been in an abusive relationship with Kemar Johnston, the ringleader of the Cash Feenz, and could not stop the murders from happening.

“Dead words. judge did not pick that up. I think his mind was made up beforehand. That’s my opinion,” said Pepper.

Roderick Washington’s lawyer also argued that although his client had a gun pointed on the victims at the time, he never actually hurt them.

The judge said he found it hard to believe these two didn’t know what was happening.

“I don’t understand how you could watch those boys be tortured, put into the trunk of a car to go to a second location, and not know that death was intended,” said Judge Bruce Kyle.

Once they have served 25 years, their sentence is eligible for a review. The time they have already served will count toward that.

Ashley Toye’s attorney says he plans to appeal.

Convicted Cash Feenz killers get re-sentenced to life in prison


Ashley Toye Videos

Frequently Asked Questions

Ashley Toye Now

Ashley Toye is currently incarcerated at the Lowell Annex in Florida

Ashley Toye Release Date

Ashley Toye is currently serving a life without parole sentence however she is up for resentencing

Ashley Toye Appeal

The life sentence of Ashley Toye has been reversed and a new sentence will be determined for the Cash Feenz member convicted of murder.

The reversal doesn’t mean Toye, 31, will be retried, only that a new sentence will be imposed. She will remain in prison while that is decided.

Toye was convicted in the murders of 14-year-old Jeffrey Sosa, 14, and his 18-year-old uncle, Alexis Sosa that took place at a Cape Coral home in October 2006.

According to police reports, the Cash Feenz, the name a group of teen rappers gave themselves, tortured the Sosas for hours on end by binding them, beating them, carving the initials of the rap group — “CF” — into their backs, pouring bleach into the fresh wounds, dragging them outside into the trunk of a car, where they were shot. The car was then set ablaze.

All but two of the 10 Cash Feenz members convicted remain in prison. Cody Roux, 32, was released in 2018, and Michael Balint, 32, was freed in December.

Serving life sentences are Roderick Washington, 30, and Kemar Johnston, 33. Others serving various non-life sentences include Melissa Rivera, 33, Paul Nunes, 31, Kenneth Lopez, 31, Alexis Fernandez, 31, and Iriana Santos, 29.

Toye was sentenced to life in 2007 and also given two 25-year sentences for kidnapping that are not affected by the reversal.

But a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 2012 declared that the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibited a mandatory life sentence without the possibility of parole for defendants under 18. Toye was 17 at the time of the crimes.

Her appeal was denied and she was sentenced to life again in 2015.

The denial to her appeal was reversed in December. The reversal was officially filed Jan. 23 and entitles her to a special hearing to determine the new length of her sentence.   

That hearing could come as early as Feb. 17.

The state attorney’s office confirmed the reversal but declined to comment, citing the active case status.

In court documents on the reversal, the state’s recommendation was to give Toye something less than a life sentence.

According to the filing: “The state explained that while Toye was ‘an active participant,’ her culpability was different from her three co-defendants in her case who got the longest sentences … . Finally, the state pointed to Toye’s immaturity at the time of the offense and the fact that she had ‘actively sought to rehabilitate herself while she has been incarcerated.'”

The court’s decision also took into account what it and the state, agreed to, that there was no “clear jury finding” that Toye intended to kill the Sosas, a fact the court said made the verdict a violation of legality.

Toye will be represented by attorneys Mariko Outman and Chris Altenbernd, of Tampa. Fort Myers attorney Stuart Pepper has withdrawn from the case.

Toye would have been eligible for a sentence review in 25 years, at age 51.


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Aaron Trejo Teen Killer Murders Pregnant Girlfriend

Aaron Trejo Teen Killer

Aaron Trejo was sixteen when he murdered his pregnant girlfriend. According to court documents Aaron Trejo learned that his girlfriend was pregnant and was not ready to be a father so the best way to get out of it was murder her and the unborn child. Aaron Trejo agreed to meet Breana Rouhselang outside of her home and would fatally stab her.

Aaron Trejo was slated to go to trial in the new year however he decided to plead guilty to murder and feticide. This teen killer was sentenced to sixty five years in prison

Aaron Trejo 2023 Information

DOC Number279380
First NameAARON
Middle NameR
Last NameTREJO
Date of Birth01/04/2002
Facility/LocationWabash Valley Level 3 Facility
Earliest Possible Release Date *
*Offenders scheduled for release on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday are released on Monday. Offenders scheduled for release on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday are released on Thursday. Offenders whose release date falls on a Holiday are released on the first working day prior to the Holiday.

Aaron Trejo Other News

A local teen says he killed his pregnant girlfriend and their unborn baby.

The heartbreaking case unfolded with surprise Wednesday morning inside a St. Joseph County courthouse. Aaron Trejo told a judge he killed Breana Rouhselang and their baby.

Aaron Trejo entered a guilty plea of murder and feticide. He and his lawyer made the surprise announcement at what was scheduled as a status hearing.

The courtroom was packed with people who knew the victim and the accused. The mood in there was somber, just like the weather outside.

People sat quietly on-edge, watching as Aaron Trejo walked with shackles to take his seat in front of the judge.

The judge read aloud the agreement Aaron Trejo signed, pleading guilty to murder and feticide. Under the agreement, the state won’t file any other charges.

Trejo also agreed to waving his right to appeal a conviction and sentence.

During questioning by Trejo’s attorney, Trejo admitted that he knowingly killed another person and terminated a pregnancy.

He also said he had multiple conversations with Rouhselang before the night of her death that she was pregnant. Aaron Trejo said when he met her outside of her house that December night they didn’t talk much, and when he stabbed her, she fell to the ground.

He said he knew she died, and he later determined the baby also died.

While it was not discussed in court today, in the days after Rouhselang’s death, Trejo told police that he put her body in a dumpster behind a restaurant.

Aaron Trejo and Rouhselang were classmates at Mishawaka High School. Reacting to today’s guilty plea, District Superintendent Wayne Barker said,

Inside the courtroom today, there were no outbursts, but we did some people crying, including Rouhselang’s parents.

After court adjourned today, we asked family members if they wanted to share their thoughts about Trejo’s guilty plea and they said not at this time. Trejo’s lawyer also told us “no comment” when we asked.

Trejo’s sentencing is in January. 80 years is his maximum sentence.

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Aaron Trejo is currently incarcerated at the Wabash Valley Level 3 Facility

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Aaron Trejo is not eligible for parole until 2067

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A Mishawaka teen who pleaded guilty to killing his pregnant classmate and her unborn child was sentenced Tuesday.

Aaron Trejo learned his sentence Tuesday for the murder of Breana Rouhselang and their unborn child after pleading guilty in October.

He will serve 65 years in prison for murder and feticide.

Age and lack of psychological maturity were brought up as considerations in the sentencing, since Trejo was 16 when he stabbed and strangled Rouhselang, then left her body and unborn child for dead in a dumpster.

t’s his capacity for extreme violence and planning that violence that led to harsher sentence.

“All I just want to say is I’m glad we got justice for Bre, but no amount of time will ever replace what he took from me,” said Melissa Wallace, Rouhselang’s mother.

It was an emotional day in court. Trejo stood before Judge Elizabeth Hurley as she handed down 55 years in prison for the murder of Rouhselang

“It’s like living a nightmare every day,” Wallace said.

He was sentenced to another 10 years for the death of their unborn child, Aurora. Police say Rouhselang was six months pregnant with Trejo’s child.

“The goal of the defendant in this case was to kill the child, and Breana was in the way of that, so he killed her in order to accomplish that,” Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Chris Fronk said.

The defense called forensic psychologist Dr. Anthony Berardi to the stand, focusing on age as a mitigating factor and poor psychological maturity, but one word was front and center in court Tuesday to describe the acts of Trejo: horrific.

“I thought it was very important for there to be consecutive sentences, one after the other, because there were two lives lost and two lives intentionally taken,” Fronk said.

Trejo’s family spoke on his behalf at sentencing but declined to comment after court adjourned.

Rouhselang’s family and friends continue to try and heal, fighting back tears outside the courtroom.

“My hate isn’t towards the family, it’s towards him, it was his actions that took my girls,” Wallace said. “But we did get justice.”

“Justice was served,” said Rouhselang’s grandfather Robert Wallace. “She was a good girl, she shouldn’t deserve any of this, and she had two colleges wanting her.”

Rouhselang and her unborn daughter, Aurora, were two souls taken too soon at the hands of a young man who felt extreme violence was his only means to escape becoming a father.

“She was like the sun and she just projected onto everyone; and her rays, they were so bright. I mean, it’s a darker place without her,” said Hailey Buchner, a friend and classmate of Rouhselang.

According to Hurley, Trejo will likely have to serve at least 75% of the 65-year sentence. That would put his age at release around 66 years old.

Rouhselang’s family reported her missing just hours before her body was discovered behind a Mishawaka restaurant in December 2018.


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