Jason Osborn Alabama Death Row

Jason Osborn Alabama

Jason Osborn was sentenced to death by the State of Alabama for a murder following a robbery. According to court documents Jason Osborn would rob the victim Ricardo Dwayne Brown of money and drugs. Jason Osborn would then runover Ricardo Dwayne Brown with his vehicle and left him to die. Someone would find Ricardo Dwayne Brown unconscious on the street and he would be rushed to the hospital however he would die from his injuries. Jason Osborn would be arrested and charged with capital murder and robbery. Jason Osborn would be convicted and sentenced to death.

Jason Osborn More News

A man was convicted of capital murder on Tuesday in connection with a hit-and-run death during a robbery in 2018.

Jason Michael Osborn, 44, was found guilty of killing Ricardo Dwayne Brown during a hit-and-run robbery on October 28, 2018. Osborn was arrested on December 19, 2020, following a Morgan County grand jury indictment.

On Wednesday, a jury deliberated for about an hour before returning a verdict for the death penalty. Judge Waters imposed the sentence that afternoon.

In 2018, Decatur Police found Brown lying unconscious on 12th Avenue. He was rushed to the hospital but later died from his injuries. It was investigators who determined that Brown had been a victim of a hit-and-run.

Osborn was identified as the driver of the vehicle that struck Brown after detectives said they interviewed several witnesses. Detectives also found Osborn had robbed Brown of money and drugs before allegedly hitting him with the vehicle and driving away.

The trial began Monday, February 6, and concluded on Tuesday. The District Attorney’s Office confirmed the jury had the case for less than an hour before rendering the verdict

The trial now enters the sentencing phase, where the jury will decide if Osborn will receive the death penalty or a life sentence without the possibility of parole.


Jason Osborn Other News

A Decatur man has been sentenced to death for a 2018 hit-and-run murder.

Jason Michael Osborn, 44, received the sentence from Judge Shelly Slate Water this afternoon following his conviction for capital murder. The jury earlier recommended the death penalty.

Osborn was arrested in September 2019 for the murder of Ricardo Brown, which occurred on Oct. 28, 2018.

Brown was found by Decatur police in a roadway at 407 12th Ave. N.W., unresponsive and bleeding from the head. He later died at Decatur Morgan Hospital.

Police months later arrested Osborn, saying multiple witnesses tied him to the killing. Police and prosecutors said Osborn robbed Brown for money and drugs prior to striking him with his vehicle and fleeing.

“We are pleased that Mr. Brown’s family was able to receive justice in this case, and get closure after several years,” Assistant District Attorney Joe Lewis said


Hunter Chase Nance Charged With Kidnapping

Hunter Chase Nance

Hunter Chase Nance is a man from North Carolina who has been charged with kidnapping and would make some odd comments to police. According to police reports Hunter Chase Nance would meet the victim earlier in the day and the two would set up a date later that day. When the woman showed up at Hunter Chase Nance residence she would be attacked with a knife and he refused to let her go. The woman would thankfully be able to eventually get free and called 911.

Hunter Chase Nance would be picked up police and admitted to officers that his intention was to murder the woman, eat parts of her body and put the remains on display. Hunter Chase Nance would tell police that her escaping had ruined his plans. As for the victim Hunter Chase Nance would admit he just picked a random person for his thrill kill.

Hunter Chase Nance More News

North Carolina man allegedly kidnapped a woman and told her he wanted to murder and mutilate her “for the thrill” – as he eerily expressed an interest in cannibalism.

Hunter Chase Nance, 24, allegedly exchanged numbers with a woman at a gas station and later picked her up and took her to his home in China Grove – about 35 miles northeast of Charlotte, according to local WBTV.

But when they got to his house, he allegedly locked the door and attacked her with a knife, the Rowan County Sheriff’s Office said. Nance allegedly said he was interested in cannibalism and threatened to mutilate the woman’s dead body and display it to people driving by.

Neighbors reportedly called 911 when they saw the woman staggering down the street after she escaped from Nance’s house, according to police.

The incident left residents of the small town shocked.

“It’s unbelievable,” Paula Fullbright, Nance’s next-door neighbor, told the local outlet.

“I mean obviously it could have ended up worse,” Fullbright said. “Thank God the girl was strong enough to fight him off and get away.”

“Honestly, I’ve had thoughts go across my mind, ‘What if he tried to break in my house and get one of my daughters?’ That’s terrible that I even have that thought,” the neighbor added. “I wish I hadn’t, but that is the reality of it right now.”

Richard Dawson, another neighbor, told the outlet that the incident sparked fear in the community. 

“You don’t know who you’re living next to anymore,” he said.

Nance is facing charges of false imprisonment, assault with a deadly weapon and first-degree kidnapping, 


Hunter Chase Nance Other News

North Carolina man locked a woman in his house and attacked her with a knife with intention of killing her, deputies said.

On Wednesday, a person contacted deputies and reported seeing a woman who had been attacked by a man she met earlier that day.

Hunter Chase Nance, 24, had approached the woman at a gas station and the two exchanged phone numbers.

Later that day, he offered to pick the woman up and bring her to his home. She agreed.

When they were at Nance’s home, he locked the door and attacked her with a knife.

The woman fought back and was able to get the knife away from Nance, suffering cuts on her hands before she was able to escape.

Concerned citizens called authorities to report seeing the injured woman walking on the roadway.

Deputies and paramedics responded to assist her.

During an investigation, Nance was identified as the suspect and found at this home on Peaceful Lane outside of China Grove.

Nance was arrested for false imprisonment and assault with a deadly weapon.

During an interview, Nance revealed that he had intended to ultimately kill the woman.

He admitted that he chose the woman at random and wanted to kill her ‘for the thrill.’

He described gory details of his plan, including mutilating her and leaving her body for passing cars to see. Nance also expressed interest in cannibalism and the desire to kill others.

He was also charged with first-degree kidnapping.

Nance was issued a $600,000 bond.


Standoff At Moonlite Bunny Ranch Brothel

Moonlite Bunny Ranch Brothel

There was a standoff at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch Brothel in Nevada last night. According to police reports a female employee was involved in an argument with another female employee when a gun was pulled and shots were fired. The female employee would then hide in one of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch rooms and refused to come out when police showed up. After a couple of hours of negotiations the female employee would surrender to police. The Moonlite Bunny Ranch Brothel is one of twenty legal brothels in the United States where it is legal to purchase sex and was made famous thanks to the HBO show Cathouse.

The woman was later identified as Savannah Henderson

Savannah Henderson,

Moonlite Bunny Ranch Brothel More News

A standoff at Moonlite Bunny Ranch ended with a female employee in custody following a reported dispute with another co-worker at the Mound House establishment, said Lyon County Sheriff Brad Pope. No one was injured in the incident.

At approximately 9:37 p.m. the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Communications Division received a 911 call from the Moonlight Bunny Ranch for a reported dispute between two co-workers at the establishment. During the 911 call, the reporting party advised they heard apparent gunshots.

Upon arrival of Lyon County Sheriff’s Office personnel, several more gunshots were heard. LCSO personnel immediately began an evacuation of the business and determined that a single employee of the Moonlight Bunny Ranch had discharged a firearm, said Sheriff Pope in a news release. That employee then retreated into a room within the business.

The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Crisis Negotiations Team (CNT), Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT), and Technology Team responded to the scene. Additionally, resources from the Carson City Sheriff’s Office; Douglas County Sheriff’s Office; Nevada State Police, Highway Patrol Division; Washoe Tribal Police Department; Central Lyon County Fire Department; Carson City Fire Department; and East Fork Fire Department all responded to the scene to assist.

At approximately 12:33 a.m. the Moonlight Bunny Ranch employee surrendered to LCSO personnel and was taken into custody without further incident, said Sheriff Pope.

Anyone who has any information regarding this case is urged to contact the Lyon County Sheriff’s Office, Investigations Division at (775) 577-5206 or by email at detective@lyon- county.org. Callers may also remain anonymous by contacting Secret Witness: at https://secretwitness.com/ or by text or phone at (775) 322-4900.
UPDATE: 12:40AM: A woman is in Lyon County Sheriff’s Office custody in connection to multiple shots fired late Monday night at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel off Highway 50 in Mound House.

Law officers on scene detained the woman just after 12:30 a.m. and were doing a security sweep of the building, according to Lyon County deputies via dispatch. No injuries were reported.

The incident began shortly before 10 p.m. with reports of multiple shots fired and an active shooter situation at the brothel.

This prompted a large response from multiple law enforcement agencies and emergency fire department personnel, who staged at the brothel as Lyon County deputies attempted to make contact with the suspect.

UPDATE 12:22AM: Lyon County Sheriff’s Office deputies have made contact inside the brothel and there are no injuries reported. LCSO is working with the person or persons involved to resolve the situation, according to Carson City Sheriff Ken Furlong.
Lyon County Sheriff’s Office responded Monday night to multiple gunshots fired and an active shooting situation at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel off Highway 50 in Mound House. It is unknown at this time if there are any injuries.

Shortly before 10 p.m. Lyon County dispatch contacted Carson City Sheriff’s Office dispatch regarding gunshots coming from the brothel. Carson City Sheriff’s Office has also responded with patrol units to 69 Moonlite Road where the situation has developed.

According to dispatch, medical personnel ambulances and law enforcement are staging in the area where there is an active shooting situation.

At least five law enforcement agencies have also responded and are staging.

LCSO deputies are attempting to make contact via loud speaker asking the shooter to come out with their hands up. It is unknown how many people were inside the brothel at the time of the shooting.

People are advised to stay clear of the area.


Tye Braxton Stiger Faces Federal Sex Crime Charges

Tye Braxton Stiger

Tye Braxton Stiger is a man from Michigan who was facing a host of sex crimes when he fled the country and headed to the Philippines. Finally after some time Tye Braxton Stiger would be extradited from the Philippines and sent back to the USA to face a number of serious charges. According to police reports when Tye Braxton Stiger was a Sunday School teacher he would take advantage of a child over a six year period. On top of those charges Tye Braxton Stiger is also facing a number of child pornography charges. Tye Braxton Stiger has been charged with  two counts of sexual exploitation of a child, two counts of attempted sexual exploitation of a minor and one count of possession of child pornography.

Tye Braxton Stiger More News

A Jonesville man who fled to the Philippines to avoid prosecution on dozens of child sex abuse charges last summer is back in custody in Michigan after being extradited back to the United States.

Tye Braxton Stiger, 36, made his initial appearance in the United States District Court for the Western District of Michigan in Grand Rapids on Tuesday, Feb. 14, after a federal grand jury indicted him on charges of two counts of sexual exploitation of a child, two counts of attempted sexual exploitation of a minor and one count of possession of child pornography.

“These sexual exploitation and child pornography allegations are extremely disturbing and serious,” said U.S. Attorney Mark Totten. “My office is committed to protecting our youngest and most vulnerable citizens – our children.”

The Hillsdale County Prosecutor’s Office referred the matters to the U.S. Attorney’s Office last summer after issuing a 34-count warrant for his arrest with several accusations stemming from Stiger’s volunteer work at local churches where he allegedly sexually assaulted several minors.

“Given the nature and severity of the offenses Tye Braxton Stiger is accused of, we believe it would be in the best interests of the community and the best use of our resources for the child sexually abusive material charges to be handled by the United States Attorney’s Office at this time,” Chief Assistant Prosecutor Jamie Wisniewski said.

Local charges are still pending but will be amended, Wisniewski added.

Wisniewski issued a press release July 19, 2022, seeking information leading to Stiger’s arrest after a lengthy investigation culminated in an arrest warrant being issued.

Tye Braxton Stiger was then arrested in early August by the Bureau of Immigration in Diego Cera Avenue, Las Pinas City near the Philippine capital of Manila. Filippino authorities worked in conjunction with the U.S. Marshals.

Stiger — a former church volunteer linked to at least two local churches over the past decade — came under investigation of the Michigan State Police in February 2022 when a former victim of his came forward.

The victim alleged that Stiger sexually abused her as a child between 2009 and 2015 while Stiger acted as a Sunday school teacher.

The incidents occurred at several homes where he resided and during a church camping trip.

As a result of the police investigation, a search warrant was executed at Stiger’s home on Feb. 23, 2022, where a number of devices were seized from the home including cell phones and computers.

An analysis of the devices by the MSP Crime Lab determined the devices contained images and video of suspected child sexually abusive material.

There were over a dozen videos of Stiger placing a hidden camera at various locations to secretly record minor children changing and many of the children in the videos remain unidentified.

The prosecutor’s office charged Stiger with one count of child sexually abusive activity, 10 counts of possession of child sexually abusive material, four counts of a video depicting child sexually abusive material, 15 counts of using a computer to commit a felony, three counts of eavesdropping and two counts of second-degree criminal sexual conduct.

The prosecutor’s office said that Stiger was known to volunteer with the Hillsdale Assembly of God and Hillsdale United Brethren Church communities.


Tye Braxton Stiger DOJ Press Release

 U.S. Attorney Mark Totten announced that Tye Braxton Stiger, age 35, of Jonesville, made his initial appearance in the Western District of Michigan on February 14, 2023.  A federal grand jury previously returned an indictment charging him with two counts of sexual exploitation and attempted sexual exploitation of a child, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 2251(a) and (e); and one count of possession of child pornography, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2252A(a)(5)(B), (b)(2) and 2256(8)(A).  After indictment, law enforcement found and arrested Stiger in the Philippines, then extradited him to the United States for federal prosecution.

          “These sexual exploitation and child pornography allegations are extremely disturbing and serious,” said U.S. Attorney Mark Totten. “My office is committed to protecting our youngest and most vulnerable citizens – our children.”

          This matter was referred to the U.S. Attorney’s Office by the Hillsdale County Prosecutor. There is also a related, outstanding 34-count warrant out of Hillsdale County against Stiger charging second degree criminal sexual conduct, aggravated sexually abusive activity, aggravated possession of sexually abusive material, using a computer to commit a crime, and installing/using an eavesdropping device. 

          Jamie Wisniewski, a Hillsdale County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, advised, “Given the nature and severity of the offenses Mr. Stiger is accused of, we believe it would be in the best interests of the community and the best use of our resources for the child sexually abusive material charges to be handled by the United States Attorney’s Office at this time.”

          The charges in an indictment are merely accusations, and a defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty in a court of law.


Mansour Mbodj Charged In New Orleans Parade Murder

Mansour Mbodj

Mansour Mbodj is a man from New Orleans who has been charged with a murder that took place during the annual Bacchus festival. According to police reports Mansour Mbodj would allegedly open fire killing a teenager and injuring four others. Among the four shot and injured are a four-year-old girl, an 18-year-old man, a 22-year-old woman and a 24-year-old woman. Police believe that Mansour Mbodj was involved in an altercation with another person and gunfire would follow. Mansour Mbodj would be arrested at the scene with the gun in his hand.

Mansour Mbodj More News

A shooting on a carnival parade route in New Orleans on Sunday night killed one man and wounded four other people, including a four-year-old girl, according to officials.

Authorities said they had arrested a man at the scene on a weapons charge, but they stopped short of calling him the shooter.

The shooting occurred about 9.30pm local time near St Charles Avenue and Terpsichore Street, in front of an eatery and “just steps” from revellers who had congregated to watch the annual parade staged by the Krewe of Bacchus, the New Orleans CBS affiliate WWL-TV reported.

Bacchus rolls annually on the Sunday before Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, which in Christian cultures marks the last day before Lent.

A male thought to be between the ages of 15 and 18 was killed, the New Orleans police chief, Michelle Woodfork, said during a press briefing Monday. A four-year-old girl, an 18-year-old man, a 22-year-old woman and a 24-year-old woman were injured.

Woodfork called the shooting that marred the Bacchus parade “an isolated incident” that resulted from people having a conflict and at least one of them deciding that “the resolution … would be gunfire”.

Police officers arrested Mansour Mbodj, 21, at the scene of the shooting on a count of illegal carrying of a gun. But Woodfork said investigators had not immediately been able to determine exactly who fired and whether there was more than one shooter.

In court documents obtained by the Guardian, police said officers heard a dozen gunshots erupt at the corner of St Charles and Terpsichore before seeing Mansour Mbodj fleeing. Mbodj was looking back, they said, holding “an unknown object in his right hand”, when an officer successfully ordered him to get on the ground.

Officers said they saw Mansour Mbodj lying next to a black pistol and handcuffed him. He allegedly claimed that strangers were shooting at him and did not understand his constitutional rights before he was brought to jail to be booked, officers wrote in the records.

In Louisiana, illegal carrying of a gun is often a misdemeanor calling for up to six months in prison and a maximum fine of $500. But there are cases involving violence or prior convictions where those penalties can be enhanced.

In addition to the pistol spotted near Mansour Mbodj when he was detained, officers also recovered a second gun at the scene, Woodfork said.

One witness told WWL-TV that he heard at least a dozen shots ring out as attendees scrambled to flee the gunfire. Before the shooting, the witness said there were several confrontations around this same area that police intervened in.

“Everyone ran – everyone took cover,” Andrew Crawford told WWL-TV. “My whole family ducked. I kind of just hovered over my family, like the small children.”

New Orleans has seen gun violence at or near carnival festivities in prior years.

A 15-year-old girl died last year after being struck by a stray bullet several blocks from the Krewe of Endymion’s parade route on the Saturday before Mardi Gras, according to authorities.

Meanwhile, a man was shot dead during a parade on St Charles on Mardi Gras in 2018, less than a mile away from the spot where Sunday’s shooting occurred.

There was another mass shooting in Tennessee earlier on Sunday. One person was killed, and 10 others wounded early on Sunday morning, in two Memphis shootings that might be connected, according to CNN.

It’s unclear whether there were multiple shooters. Authorities said the motive is not yet known, USA Today reported.

On Friday, a man shot and killed six people – including his former wife and stepfather – in Arkabutla, Mississippi. The suspected shooter, identified by authorities as Richard Dale Crum, opened fire across several locations in the rural community of less than 300 people.

The New Orleans, Memphis, and Arkabutla mass shootings are among at least 82 mass shootings recorded in the US so far this year as Monday morning, averaging more than one daily, according to the Gun Violence Archive. The non-profit defines a mass shooting as four or more persons injured or killed, not including the shooter.

Joe Biden renewed calls for more substantial gun control legislation after the Mississippi shootings, saying in a statement: “Enough.”

“Thoughts and prayers aren’t enough,” the president said, employing the phrase often used by gun rights advocates in the wake of mass shootings. “Gun violence is an epidemic and Congress must act now. We need – need – commonsense gun law reforms.”
